Question for all the "Four Eyes" on the Forum....

Mama Cita

New Member
I have a questions for those ladies who wear hair is constantly getting caught on the part of the frame that goes over your ear...more on my right side than my left...doesnt matter how I wear my hair it always seems to get caught and rip some hair out, no matter how careful I am to try to avoid this. I've tried situating them differently, slicking my sides down...nothing's equally bad when I have my hair in braids and when wear my natural hair out. :perplexed I have my hair in braids and I am trying the Crown and Glory/ LHCF Bootcamp until next Christmas/New Years but I am afraid that I will have all this new growth with no doggon hairline near my ears...Does anyone else experience this? How did you overcome it...Before anyone says it, I have tried different glasses and they all do the same thing with the exception of a few which are still at the store bc they cost waaaaaaay to much... Thank all of you in advance...
Don't know what to tell you unless you want to buy some better frames...the frames I have are plastic by jlo and don't have that connecting metal part where hair gets caught so unless u put some tape or a rubberband around that part I guess you have to deal with it.
i just have to be very careful. I slick down my hair before putting my glasses on and make sure my glasses are over the hair if that makes sense