Question for 4a/4b....


New Member
Is there anyone who has 4a/4b and waits longer than 6 weeks to relax (esp. those that wait 3-6 Months)? If so can you tell me your hair routine? Like what products you use and your hair style. In the past I relax my hair every six weeks but now I want to wait longer. Can anyone tell me how to take care of the two different texture?
I wait 9 weeks can't go any longer than that. I use sta sof fro and I start do wear my hair in braidouts, bantu knots and flexi rod curls I also conditioner wash like every 3 days.
Conditioner washes help me survive. I went 13 weeks once, but I think that was too long. Now, I aim for 10 weeks. Be very careful, don't handle your hair too much and keep it moist.
Hi Sassy!
Ive gone 5 months before but that was a little much!(my hair started to Now I think I can go 3 months fairly easily. Im at week 7 right now and planned to go to 12 but will relax at week 10 bc Im visiting family and want to look nice.

Basically like the ladies above said, handle your hair as little as possible. COMB it as little as possible too. Moisturize and deep condition like crazy. Coconut oil is great for new growth...As is co-washing. I notice my hair doesnt break when I do the co washes now(I used to get a lot of wet breakage)...the key is to detangle in the shower, then apply leave in and let it dry a little before trying to do anything to it. Once u get used to not having that fresh relaxer look all the time, its really not that bad....

The best styles are buns and braidouts for me.
Can anyone explain to me what is braidouts and bantu knots and how I can do it?
Leslie_C said:
Basically like the ladies above said, handle your hair as little as possible. COMB it as little as possible too. Moisturize and deep condition like crazy. Coconut oil is great for new growth...As is co-washing. I notice my hair doesnt break when I do the co washes now(I used to get a lot of wet breakage)...the key is to detangle in the shower, then apply leave in and let it dry a little before trying to do anything to it.

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HEY! These are the SAME tactics that help me stretch out relaxers.
-minimal combing (Remington Tangle Tamer combs dry hair eaasily)
-after conditioner washes, comb hair while damp and NOT while soaking wet to reduce breakage
-wash hair in 6-8 braided sections
-coconut oil lubricates and shines
-braided buns are ideal when there's a lot of new growth
-But I have sinned and slacked off deep conditioning. Even my CO washes are less frequent.