Question: BSL and longer (with no growth aids). Please give advise


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.

I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
4. What was your starting length
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. :look: :grin:
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1. What were your basic maintenance practices
My hair regimen is basically:

- eat healthy, get regular exercise, avoid stress and get adequate sleep
- moisturize once per day and avoid direct heat
- co-wash once per week, detangle then rollerset
- if there is buildup, shampoo, add leave-in(s), detangle then rollerset
- comb/detangle only when hair is damp; fingercomb when dry
- wear hair in an updo or curly/textured style (personally preferred over straight styles)
- self-texlax every 13/14 weeks (4 times a year); protein treatment, DC and color rinse at that time
- protect hair from rough surfaces and at bedtime
- trim hair after a major goal is surpassed or as needed/desired
- leave hair alone as much as possible (low manipulation)

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
I get about 3/4" per month, sometimes 1".

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
I do not trim until after I have PASSED a major goal, or if I absolutely need it.

4. What was your starting length
I started my journey at a little past neck length in July 2006.

5. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
My tips are to maintain a healthy lifestyle, no direct heat, maintain moisture/protein balance, low manipulation and protecting my ends. In addition, if you really want to boost your growth rate, get lots of cardio exercise (3-4 times a week), which is my only "growth aid." :grin:

6. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
My current length is MBL, officially reached on 12/2008. So, I guess it took 2-1/2 years for me to go from NL to MBL.
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1. What were your basic maintenance practices - frequent washing, moisturizing
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year - not sure, went from TWA to BSL in 2 years and then cut to almost APL, went from APL in march 08 to BSL december 08
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule - no. when i went from TWA to BSL i didn't trim at all for the first year. Now I'm trying to get trowth while keeping my ends fabulous so as of january, i'm trimming every other month and using growth aids
4. What was your starting length - the first time it was a TWA and the second time it was APL
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL) APL in March 08 after a cut, then made BSL in December 08
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success. - not stressing over my hair, drinking a lot of water, not using heat very often. I think that was the real key. I use heat mostly in the winter, from may - november i was rocking wash n gos and braidouts.
1. What were your basic maintenance practices

- Prepoo with oil or condish. I stopped this for a few months, and recently picked it back up again, and I see a difference.
- Shampoo in sections. (Crown and Glory Method)

- Deep Condition (alternating with moisture and protein treatments) Sometimes I prepoo with a protein, and then DC with a moisture, to have a nice balanced treatment.

- The further I am into my stretch, the more I concentrate on the demarcation line, w/proteins.

- Moisturize at least once a day, and seal with an oil (coconut is my fave). I stopped moisturizing on a daily basis, and I saw a difference.

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
Average. Although, now that I am postpartum, I noticed a decrease in growth. Summers, I see spurts in growth.

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
I was on a no-trim personal challenge for about a year in '08. However, I have chopped off close to 4 inches in the passed 2 months, to get rid of bone straight thinning ends. I will continue to trim aggressively if necessary. And then, I'll go back to the no-trim when I feel that the ends are behaving again. From there I'll just dust periodically.
4. What was your starting length
TWA about an inch or two, in the fall of '05
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL) I was passed BSL, summer of '08, then cut it off to above BSL recently to keep ends healthy. With one or two setbacks, it took about 2 and a half years to get from TWA to BSL.

6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
Keep up the moisture and protein balance. Keep the ends healthy. Moisturize daily. Also track porosity. Be gentle. Stay consistent, AND find a reliable rotation of products.
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I like this thread too, I'm getting tired of putting growth aids on my hair......I mean they are working, but I so more effort to do it everyday......I guess i'm in that lazy mode with school and a baby and everything when I reach bsl I'm going to stop with the growth aids.....I do agree with working out though......

Thanks ladies for the responses... I'm sure there should be other BSL/MBL/WL ladies that can chime in. I only ask the question w/o growth aids to determine if people are getting great results without them. I'm beginning to get discouraged because I don't want to have to use MTG again to get from SL to APL. That was a great help the last time, but it was messy and smelly. :ohwell:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
My hair regimen is basically:

- eat healthy, get regular exercise, avoid stress and get adequate sleep
- moisturize once per day and avoid direct heat
- co-wash once per week, detangle then rollerset
- if there is buildup, shampoo, add leave-in(s), detangle then rollerset
- comb/detangle only when hair is damp; fingercomb when dry
- wear hair in an updo or curly/textured style (personally preferred over straight styles)
- self-texlax every 13/14 weeks (4 times a year); protein treatment, DC and color rinse at that time
- protect hair from rough surfaces and at bedtime
- trim hair after a major goal is surpassed or as needed/desired
- leave hair alone as much as possible (low manipulation)

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
I get about 3/4" per month, sometimes 1".

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
I do not trim until after I have PASSED a major goal, or if I absolutely need it.

4. What was your starting length
I started my journey at a little past neck length in July 2006.

5. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
My tips are to maintain a healthy lifestyle, no direct heat, maintain moisture/protein balance, low manipulation and protecting my ends. In addition, if you really want to boost your growth rate, get lots of cardio exercise (3-4 times a week), which is my only "growth aid." :grin:

6. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
My current length is MBL, officially reached on 12/2008. So, I guess it took 2-1/2 years for me to go from NL to MBL.

Thank you for this!!
Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.

I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
Wash and DC (w/ heat) once a week. During weeks 1-8 I rollerset weekly, after that I normally air dry in 1 braid. I usually use a moisturizing leave-in on top of a protein leave in (Infusium 23 Repairology/NTM) Moisturize and seal nightly, if my hair is straigh I'll pin curl at night, if it's in a braid I leave it in that braid, only taking it down to moisturize, until my next wash
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
I usually average .5 inches per month
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
No, I trim when needed, usually twice a year
4. What was your starting length
Very damages sl
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
1 1/2 years
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
What is really helpful for me is just leaving my hair alone during the week and only combing during my weekly washes.

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. :look: :grin:

See above :yep:

ETA - Relaxing every 4 months has also helped tremendously w/ retaining length
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Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.

I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
Drinking lots of water, keep my scalp clean and clog-free, protect my ends and keep them moisturized.
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
From 9/1/08 - 1/1/09 I retained 3.5 inches of growth by braiding my hair up and doing almost absolutely nothing to it. My retention varies depending on how focused I am on my hair goals. When I want to be sure to retain maximum growth, I cornrow my hair and leave it alone for a few months.
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
I trim as needed, usually twice per year.
4. What was your starting length
Raggedy, almost BSL (ends were a chewed up mess).
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
I joined this site in 2007 I was nearly BSL; I reached WL in January 2009.
But that included a couple of set-backs.
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
Eat as healthy as you can, drink lots of water, keep the scalp clean, (i personally do not believe in rubbing so-called "growth aids" onto my scalp.) Massage your head when you are sitting around the house relaxing, and protect your ends as much as possible when you're aiming for 100% growth retention.

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. :look: :grin:
Hey FAM, my answers are in purple.
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Hey FAM, my answers are in purple.

Thanks so much Pink! You're one of my main inspirations for going natural. :yep: I look forward to having beautiful, long, natural hair that I can feel comfortable with heat straightening responsibly :). I will certainly look forward to having my hair corn rowed this Spring/Summer with hopes of seeing some retention/growth :)

Thanks Kami, Beans, LadyE, Whimsy, and prospurr4 :). You laides give me hope! And it's interesting to see the suggestions that are similar. I'm going to start by working on upping the water intake since I'm already doing plenty of cardio.

Keep 'em coming long haired ladies :)
I'm interested to know:

1. What were your basic maintenance practices: Low maintenance and next to no heat. Wash almost daily, DC 2-3x wk.

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever): um not sure

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule: no just dusting from time to time

4. What was your starting length: half was shoulder half almost apl lol see the sig

5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL) about 2 yrs

6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success. keep it simple, low to no heat!

Sounds great! I'm guessing you're relaxed? So, you rarely use direct heat, huh?

Yep, I relax w/ Mizani BB... I rarely use direct heat, maybe once every 2 months or so if that. Sometimes I'll flat iron my roots after 4 weeks post but I don't do that a lot either
Yep, I relax w/ Mizani BB... I rarely use direct heat, maybe once every 2 months or so if that. Sometimes I'll flat iron my roots after 4 weeks post but I don't do that a lot either

Kami...your hair is simply beautiful. My ultimate goal is also healthy, blunt BSL. I'm hoping to be there by December 2009....we'll see....
Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.

I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices. Mine are still washing biweekly. Using my oil mix to moisturize my hair. I tried cowashing for about a week it still is no go for me.
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever) I don't know never look at how much.
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule. Nope which is why i had to cut a lot last month.
4. What was your starting length. My shoulder length.
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL) I have been this length once before. But this time it took about 6 months.
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success. Stretching relaxers and no to little direct heat are key to me. Heat is why i had to cut lol.

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. :look: :grin:

Hope I helped.
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
Wash hair once per week.
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
1/2" - 1" per month.

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
No. I trimmed twice last year.

4. What was your starting length
Just slightly above APL.

5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
1 1/2 years.
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
Drinking excess water, MOISTURIZE (at least once a day-usually before bedtime), taking multi-vits/biotin/MSM/flaxseed/Cayenne.
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So, are the majority of you ladies relaxed or natural? I know Pinkskates in natural. I'm just wondering with the "no heat" stuff... I'm not an abuser of heat, but since I'm transitioning, I do use heat monthly if not bimonthly.
1. What were your basic maintenance practices--Weekly wash DC..Protein, rollerset ect and blow out my roots or hair....not toooo hot. and i dont flat iron
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)--I never paid attention until i joined but i am going with a little less than 1/2 inch in winter months
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule-every 4 months or so. before LHCF i was getting a trim and loosing lots of inches because i never paid attention.
4. What was your starting length- full apl when i started paying attention in sept hair has never been shorter than that....except for my 15th bday i had it cut to shoulder length
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)- i would say a year..with 2 trims in between
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success....Don't relax unless you are 12 weeks or more. DC EVERY WEEK...and most importantly dont be afraid of protein is important...find one that works for you! but is a must.

Oh and i started using beemine in jan to see what the hype was!
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I didn't even think about my cardio! I mainly do cardio in the late spring thru early fall while wearing my hair curly. It's a few times a week, in winter it gets sporadic, like once a week maybe. So that could also be a viable contributing factor to my growth. My general multivitamin may be one also.
Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.

I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
I found that co-washing and deep conditioning weekly helped my hair grow bc it helps keep the scalp clean.
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
I gain about 1 inch in a month on average...sometimes .5 an inch.
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
I only trim when needed...however i dust like every 3 months.
4. What was your starting length
I was APL
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
It took me 9 months to get from APL to MBL
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
Not using heat everyday and only relaxing my hair no less than 8 weeks and no more than 10 weeks. I don't use growth aides but i do take Biotin, MSM, and a womens multivitamin...which are all vitamins. Also...treating my hair like its glass has sleeping with a silk scarf or bonnet on everynight is a must.:yep:

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. You're highly welcome!:yep: :look: :grin:

You have to treat your hair like a baby....or else it will throw tantrums...get sick...and fall out.
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
DC 2x a week with heat, wear in PS most of the time, moisturise 2x a day and seal with oil. Recently though I've started dcing 1x every 2 weeks and wet bunning because of less time available. Growth has still been consistent.
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
1/2" a month
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
No, at the beginning I didn't trim for a whole year, then I trimmed as needed
4. What was your starting length
Just above SL
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
2 years to get to full BSL
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
Practise low manipulation as much as possible if your hair can handle it. That really helped my hair:yep:
Hi Ladies,

I'd like to say, no I did NOT do a search, so if this is a duplicate question, I apologize, but I want insight :)

I'd love to get general information from ladies who are BSL or longer that didn't use growth aids to acheive their length.
Although I use MT, I made it to bsl without anything so here goes
I'm interested to know:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices I wore mainly twists, twist outs, braids, and braid outs. I washed or co-washed at least 2 times a week and sealed my ends at night. I did a protein dc followed by a moisturizing dc once a month
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever) I honestly don't know because I didn't measure
3. Did you trim on a regular scheduleYes every 6 months
4. What was your starting lengthI had a 2-3 inch twa
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)2 years
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.Find what works and stick to it. Use quality tools on your hair. Baby your ends and enjoy playing with new styles.

And THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for answering... even if this is the 50-11th time you've heard the questions. :look: :grin:

My answers are above. Q
I've never used growth aids, but my hair tends to grow very quickly. To maintain my length i do the following:

1. low manipulation styles (wraps, buns, twists)
2. use Kemi Oyl and or shea butter
3. trim/dust as needed
4. Dominican blowouts when i want straight hair. It takes too much heat and manipulation for me to do it on my own.
5. extra, extra oil on my ends

I went from the old "Halle" cut to bra strap in about 4 years. I would be WL had i not cut 5 inches off in 07.