question about newgrowth & inches


Well-Known Member
Looking at a few of our beautiful naturals who are a certain length when "stretched" just dawned on me that the inches of new growth doesn't necessarily translate into the same inches when relaxed.

Is there a general rule of thumb to measuring new growth to relaxed? if i have 1inch of NG, will that be like 1.5 when relaxed?

sorry if its a silly question
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that's an interesting question. personally, i only judge the length of my new growth by stretching it out. so if i said i had 1/2 inch of new growth, i mean that when I stretch out a piece of new growth, it measures to 1/2 inch.
HighlyFavored1 said:
that's an interesting question. personally, i only judge the length of my new growth by stretching it out. so if i said i had 1/2 inch of new growth, i mean that when I stretch out a piece of new growth, it measures to 1/2 inch.

cosigning. Depends on how you measure your hair. If you measured it stretched then it would be the same length when relaxed.
another silly does one "stretch" less than half an inch of new growth (not trying to be sarcastic at all)?

Would it be like kinda smoothing it out?