New Growth Length vs. Relaxed Length Calculation


New Member
Hi all,

If you gain three inches of new growth for example in between touch ups, what does that three inches translate to in terms of relaxed hair length?

I am not sure but here is a tip. When you shed a hair with a bulb attached, stretch it and measure it. I think I have about 2.5 inches of new growth now. About 1 month ago I was bad and had a blowout and my hair was straight. My hair measured 22 inches then. I measured it about a week ago and it is about 20 to 21 inches. This is without any heat or any attempt to straighten the hair. Due to my estimate of my new growth it appears that holding your hair tight and measuring the new growth with a ruler methodolgy may work. Good luck. Just pay attention to where the new growth ends it can be difficult to tell the difference between the relaxed and natural hair when you pull it tight.
Thank you. The reason I was asking was because my hairdresser (ex hairdresser) says that the length that you grow in between a relaxer is not the length that you end up with once that new growth is relaxed. My roots grown in pretty straight so I was trying to figure this out.