Question about Family/Generational Curses


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm sure most of us are familiar with generational/family curses (i.e. generational poverty, alcoholism, out of wedlock births, etc.). Generational curses are numerous.

My question is kind of a hypothetical one. For example (I'll use myself). Let's say I "started" a generational curse by the way I lived. However, what if I don't have children? Could this generational curse still be passed down to my nieces/nephews (right now, I only have one niece:yep:), or will it die with me?

The reason I ask is because in the bible whenever God is talking about generational curses, He always says cursed are your children and their children's children, etc. I can't recall reading where it says that other family members are cursed too. So, for example, if Uncle Leroy started the generational curse of alcoholism or poverty, most likely his children and their descendants will have to break that curse. However, if Uncle Leroy never had children, could his nephew Joe (example) "catch the curse?" even if Joe's father John was able to not ever start a curse?

I hope this makes sense. This question just kind of popped into my head!
If your start a curse, that curse can only be passed down through your children. Your children, only those that have your direct DNA can be affected by the curse. So your niece, cant catch it, even if you are close as mother and daughter.
Now, if one or both of your parents had a curse, it would be automatically passed down to you, your sister, and ultimately your niece, since she is your sisters child. Generational curses can only get passed down through DNA. I also want to say, you can be holding a curse from as far back as 7 generations . Remember, you inherit your eye color, body build, and looks from your ancestors.....but you also get a lot of their junk too :ohwell:
If your start a curse, that curse can only be passed down through your children. Your children, only those that have your direct DNA can be affected by the curse. So your niece, cant catch it, even if you are close as mother and daughter.
Now, if one or both of your parents had a curse, it would be automatically passed down to you, your sister, and ultimately your niece, since she is your sisters child. Generational curses can only get passed down through DNA. I also want to say, you can be holding a curse from as far back as 7 generations . Remember, you inherit your eye color, body build, and looks from your ancestors.....but you also get a lot of their junk too :ohwell:

Thanks, this makes a lot of sense. Does anyone else have anything to add (I think your answer was thorough Lnacen:yep:)
If your start a curse, that curse can only be passed down through your children. Your children, only those that have your direct DNA can be affected by the curse. So your niece, cant catch it, even if you are close as mother and daughter.
Now, if one or both of your parents had a curse, it would be automatically passed down to you, your sister, and ultimately your niece, since she is your sisters child. Generational curses can only get passed down through DNA. I also want to say, you can be holding a curse from as far back as 7 generations . Remember, you inherit your eye color, body build, and looks from your ancestors.....but you also get a lot of their junk too :ohwell:

This is very interesting. I never visit this forum, but I really am trying to open up and explore my spirituality.

My mother and Aunt were just talking about generational curses yesterday. My Aunt lost her husband who was in his 30's last year. Their daughter was just a couple of weeks old when he passed away. His mother says that their family is cursed and that no one in their family will ever have their father.

Being the very logical person that I am, I shrugged off the topic, but I still find myself very curious.

Many say that blacks are cursed and so are women. I guess that makes me double cursed...however, I find this contradictory because isn't the basis of Christianity focused on how Christ died for everyone's sins? So why would one be cursed for a wrong doing that they didn't commit? What is the point of forgiveness?

Also, I would like to know about where the bible talks about generational curses. Is it in the old or new testament?

Thanks for your comments in advance.
This is very interesting. I never visit this forum, but I really am trying to open up and explore my spirituality.

My mother and Aunt were just talking about generational curses yesterday. My Aunt lost her husband who was in his 30's last year. Their daughter was just a couple of weeks old when he passed away. His mother says that their family is cursed and that no one in their family will ever have their father.

Being the very logical person that I am, I shrugged off the topic, but I still find myself very curious.

Many say that blacks are cursed and so are women. I guess that makes me double cursed...however, I find this contradictory because isn't the basis of Christianity focused on how Christ died for everyone's sins? So why would one be cursed for a wrong doing that they didn't commit? What is the point of forgiveness?

Also, I would like to know about where the bible talks about generational curses. Is it in the old or new testament?

Thanks for your comments in advance.

This is a long read it in sections if its too much at once....but it may help to answer your questions . hint ..ask the Holy Spirit to you full understand.
God's best
I didn't believe this was true until I came across a prayer written from a priest and another website where this was discussed in my faith. Nothing to play with. I've heard people say they felt something was wrong with their family, didn't know what but felt that there was a curse on the family. God forbid and God remove!