Question about damaged hair


New Member
i just read Andre walker's book (oprah's hair stylist) and he states that if your hair is damaged, you have to completely cut off your hair and start over. that's scary and i am wondering if that's true or there are other ways of making it healthy again. please any suggestion is welcome, i don't want to cut my hair:lol:
I think some people choose to do that because it is just easier.

You can just cut you hair into a nice healthy cute short style and startover or you can give your damaged hair TLC, deep conditioning, trims regularly and over time it will transition to all healthy hair.
Thank you for your fast response. i think i am going to spend my time nursing my hair back to the way it's meant to be.:)
HoneyDew said:
I think some people choose to do that because it is just easier.

You can just cut you hair into a nice healthy cute short style and startover or you can give your damaged hair TLC, deep conditioning, trims regularly and over time it will transition to all healthy hair.

The second part of this quote is what I did(TLC) and it works!!!
You don't have to completely cut all of your hair off, but if it's damaged then it just is. It can't be reversed into healthy hair. You have to just trim gradually and wait until it's all healthy again.