Question about Castor Oil...


Darkside of the moon
Yesterday, I used Castor Oil in both my DC mix and leave in mix and found that it made my scalp itch and tingle, particularly the edges and crown areas where I've suffered loss due to post-partum shedding and bunning...

Is this my imagination or is this an allergic reaction, :lol:! Does Castor Oil have some sort of stimulation effect?

Your thoughts and thanks, Ladies!
I am not a fan of castor oil, because of this very reason. It makes me itch like crazy!! I don't know why, but I dont use it much on my scalp. I just added some to my njoy sulfur mix, but only because I was almost out of oils. I added very little though.
Thanks, ya'll! I wondered if it may be an allergic reaction because my nose started to run, too!

Welp, guess I won't be using Castor Oil in the future! It made my hair feel great after rinsing out my DC but my scalp itched something turrible, LOL!

Thanks again!
I've used Castor Oil for a long time and i still get the itches but not as bad as when I first started using it. Shortly after application sometimes, not all the time, it itches but it dies down after a short while. My scalp is not sore or red and I have seen a great improvement in my edges.

Before you ditch it I would dilute it 50/50 with another oil you like and apply. This is what I did when I first started using it. Now I can use it straight without much tingling.
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I don't get the itchies when I use Tropic Isle JBCO but I recently tried B's Organic JBCO (which stinks to high heaven btw) for the first time and experienced itching that eventually goes away.

What do you think causes the itchies?


I think it's highly stimulating as it's a well known growth aid. I had to cut it with Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oil.

Another poster mentioned JBCO doesn't make them itch. That is true when I think about it. I was sent two bottles of it recently and I applied direct to my scalp. I remember wondering when my scalp was going to explode but it didn't.

Historically I have a bad scalp - ie easily builds up and in the past I have had huge nasty scales. Castor Oil is the only oil that has banished it. My intial itching and sometimes headaches MAY have been due to it going through a healing process since the oil is also antibacterial and antifungal. I don't know, just my thoughts.

Here is what I found on the web.....

Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. The Castor Oil website attributes its healing benefits to its unusual chemical composition, which consists of a triglyceride of fatty acids with ricinoleic acid of up to 90 percent. In addition to healing benefits, castor oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties, all of which are related to healthy hair growth.

Improves Circulation

Target Woman, an online health and beauty magazine, lists good circulation as an important factor for hair growth. Sufficient circulation in the scalp area helps stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles. When the roots of your hair are properly nourished, your hair strands will be stronger and more resilient, allowing them to grow longer without breaking. Castor oil on your scalp can help to increase circulation. In addition, castor oil has a strengthening effect on hair follicles and can stimulate hair growth in cases of alopecia, or hair loss, according to Live and Feel, a health and beauty website

Controls Split Ends

Castor oil as a conditioning treatment can help reduce split ends, which in turn prevents hair loss and breakage. Omega 6 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, proteins and other nutrients in castor oil can penetrate dry and damaged hair, smoothing rough cuticles and helping the hair shaft retain moisture. Castor oil has a viscous consistency, so mixing it with lighter oils -- such as olive and jojoba -- makes it easier to evenly and sufficiently distribute it throughout your hair.
Moisturizes Scalp

Omega 6 fatty acids in castor oil help keep your scalp from drying out, while regular use of castor oil may encourage thicker hair growth, according to the Black Women Beauty Central website. Unrefined castor oil is preferred over refined types, because it contains more nutrients and healing properties. Use castor oil for hot oil treatments and scalp massages to stimulate hair growth and keep your hair soft and manageable. Leave the oil in your hair overnight, covered with a plastic cap to trap heat and enhance penetration. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo to remove all traces of castor oil, then style as usual.

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My scalp, particularly the areas with significant hair loss, felt itchy and warm, like blood was flowing to these areas.

Now I'm going to sound like Romney with all the flip-flopping but I think I'm going to give Castor Oil a chance, LOL! I'll only use it twice a week (once in my DC and I only apply my leave-in once a week, too) so I should be ok (keeps fingers crossed!). The itchies don't last and once this bottle of Castor Oil is empty, I'll purchase JBCO and see if this stops those itchies!

Thanks again!
^^^ I also forgot to add that our scalps could be detoxing. It has been said that our scalps our in 'crisis'. With all the chemicals that we put on it, especially those of us who previously used relaxers or still do. The shampoos, the greases, the conditioners, serums, sprays etc etc.
The Castor Oil could be drawing all the crap out...and IF it is then I don't expect it to happen without us feeling a little something.
@Bublin Very nice post & Great info! Thanks!:grin:

@JulietWhiskey No itching here and I have a Super-Sensitive Scalp. I use JBCO or JBCO Extra Dark.

I have tried a few things tho' that have set my Scalp On Fire!:heated:
(Mostly Citrus type things and stuff with Rosemary high up on the list)

It's good to learn your Poisons.
If it itches, DO NOT USE IT. Itching is usually an allergic reaction...and that can get dangerous. It's not worth all of that. Don't dilute it...just don't use it.
This Egyptian black castor oil has my scalp itching upon application. I knew it was because its highly potent. Any other castor oil or blends Ive used never did that and the hair closest to my scalp feels super thicken.