Question about a few oils: Amla, Coconut, & Castor...

I finally had a moment to whip up a treatment using coconut, amla, neem, and brahmi. Its currently sitting on my head and I'll shampoo it out in a few hours.

The amla oil is nearly scentless. I mixed in a few drops of lavendar e/o cause the neem is pretty strong. This is not a mixture I'll be wearing to bed.

FNWL's Amla oil is very different from Dabur's. FNWL's Amla has a very strong herbal scent; imo, Dabur's Amla smells more floral/perfumy. Dabur's oil is also green and thicker, whereas FNWL's oil is brownish in color and thinner (it's Amla in a sesame oil base). In fact, I find that Dabur Vatika and FNWL's Amla smell similar...

VWVixxen said:
I too found the Castor Oil to be too heavy to use on wet hair.

Never had any problem with the Coconut oil! :up:

And that's the Amla I use as well. I think FNWL has a different oil, I've never purchased from them so I can't verify. One thing I have noticed with Indian products is that you do have to check the expiration date.
bklynwildheart said:
FNWL's Amla oil is very different from Dabur's. FNWL's Amla has a very strong herbal scent; imo, Dabur's Amla smells more floral/perfumy. Dabur's oil is also green and thicker, whereas FNWL's oil is brownish in color and thinner (it's Amla in a sesame oil base). In fact, I find that Dabur Vatika and FNWL's Amla smell similar...

Thanks for the review! FNWL's oil is lighter than Dabur's? Wow!...I will not shop...I will not! Nope, can't make me do it...leaving the credit card home today!
Yes, it's lighter. Probably cuz as someone mentioned, Dabur is a mineral oil base (:eek: ), and FNWL's is a sesame oil base...

Dabur makes my hair feel so good after I wash, but I wonder if I should stop using it since it has mineral oil? :ohwell:

VWVixxen said:
Thanks for the review! FNWL's oil is lighter than Dabur's? Wow!...I will not shop...I will not! Nope, can't make me do it...leaving the credit card home today!
I love castor oil! i use unrefined black castor oil straight on my scalp 1x weekly.

I'm out of WGO and have been too lazy to get to the BSS, so i've been using a castor/jojoba mix. The jojoba "cuts" it and adds incredible strength to my har. I know oils dont technically moisturize, but my hair always feels moist and smooth afterwards.
I did try the castor oil mixed with jojoba oil and ended up with some massive flakes:eek: Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Anyway last nights oil was ok. I washed it out and did a light conditioner. I do think that next time I'll not do it on dry hair because it felt really hard and crunchy...or should I wash my hair first then put it on? I think sometimes my hair is just bass ackwards :lol:

My hair felt ok this morning and still a little wet. I'm starting to shed more(i've got a ridiculous amount of new growth already:perplexed ) and wanting to hold off from doing anything at least until end of may/early june I'm hoping that this will help with the stretch. though my hair felt drier then it usually does, it wasn't super dry feeling, which is why I'm thinking of not ever doing that again on dry hair.

Just a question, does the smell of neem come out over time? I can still faintly smell it even though I washed and conditioned yesterday. Maybe I used too much? (1/8th teaspoon to the mix..but I used 1/8 teaspoon of everything)

Arcadian said:
I did try the castor oil mixed with jojoba oil and ended up with some massive flakes:eek: Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Hi arcadian,

As we all know on this board, everything doesn't work well for everyone. I'm 4a relaxed and I apply the castor/jojoba oil mix to my dry hair prior to styling. I dont use it on wet hair, so I cannot vouch for any results using it that way. Maybe this will help, i use the unrefined TropicalIsle brand and pour maybe a dime sized amount into my palm and 2-4 drops of jojoba oil, rub it between hands to mix and apply... My hair instantly softens and feels so rich and moisturized, yet strong. This mix has also helped me manage my newgrowth without breakage
beana said:
Hi arcadian,

As we all know on this board, everything doesn't work well for everyone. I'm 4a relaxed and I apply the castor/jojoba oil mix to my dry hair prior to styling. I dont use it on wet hair, so I cannot vouch for any results using it that way. Maybe this will help, i use the unrefined TropicalIsle brand and pour maybe a dime sized amount into my palm and 2-4 drops of jojoba oil, rub it between hands to mix and apply... My hair instantly softens and feels so rich and moisturized, yet strong. This mix has also helped me manage my newgrowth without breakage

Thanks beana, it does help. I usually apply care free curl before I apply any oils, this seems to have worked wonders in my case (that is, except for the case of caster oil)

Commercial hot oil treatments made my hair extremely crunchy and dry, so I was hoping for something a bit different (can only say i'm glad the bottles are so small!!)

I did indeed feel a difference in how it applied to my hair when I mixed the caster in the jojoba oil. My hair really seemed to like it a lot, but wow, my scalp rebelled. I'm going to try it one more time and see if adjust the ratio of caster to jojoba. Jojoba straight dosen't cause issues at all.

do you know anything about neem by chance? I have a recipe that I'll be using to keep the mosquitos away but I also understand it does some pretty nice things for the hair/scalp too.

Thanks again :rosebud:

MizaniMami said:
I saw that!! They kill me with the no detail ingredients though. But I looks VERY interesting.

OT: Do you use the Phyto relaxer too?

Ingredients (from side of box): Corn Germ Oil, Lemon Peel Oil, Sage Oil, Rosemary Leaf Oil, Cypres Oil, Cajeput Oil. (The rest is in French.)
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CreoleInDC said:
Ingredients (from side of box): Corn Germ Oil, Lemon Peel Oil, Sage Oil, Rosemary Leaf Oil, Cypres Oil, Cajeput Oil. (The rest is in French.)

ahhhh, I usually go to to look at the ingredients. Now I see, sound like some good stuff...
Instead of using those individual oils, I simply use KeraCare Essential Oils For the Hair. This is a wonderful, light oil that includes Sunflower Seed Oil, Peanut Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Almond Oil, and Olive Oil. There is no itching, and it isnt excessively oily.

The downfall is that it is on the pricey side.... but well worth it, for I am really happy with it!
I love Castor oil... Just started using it about a month ago with my MTG and so far no complaints. I use it on wet or dry hair and I also warm it in the microwave before applying.

Also using it on my 2yr old as well, she has extremely dry hair and it has done wonders. It is the only thing I can use on her hair that actually gives her hair some kind of shine.
I use the Hollywood Beauty Castor oil. It's only been a week but the oil isn't too thick at all.
Does anyone know if this is a good brand to use? The first ingredient is Sesame oil or something like that and then comes the castor oil. Maybe thats what makes it not thick and sticky? Will I still get good results with this:look:
Arcadian said:
I did indeed feel a difference in how it applied to my hair when I mixed the caster in the jojoba oil. My hair really seemed to like it a lot, but wow, my scalp rebelled. I'm going to try it one more time and see if adjust the ratio of caster to jojoba. Jojoba straight dosen't cause issues at all.

do you know anything about neem by chance?

Hi arcadian, I'm not familiar with neem unfortunately. I use straight castor oil on my scalp and use the castor/jojoba on my hair. You should test a small area with straight castor oil on your scalp and see how it reacts to that. I love jojoba oils by itself too, i use it on my hair when i wera it out, its very light and adds a nice shien to me hair.