Question about ApHOGEE Treatment!!!

With the Aphogee the keys are:

  • Rinsing for a good amount of time, rinse until your hair feels noticiably softer...up to five minutes.
  • Use a creamy deep conditioner afterwards * I did one about a week ago and I used Tropical Milk Protein, which is a creamy cholesterol type product*
Poohbear said:
Would deep conditioning with LeKair's Cholesterol Plus w/ Hot Six Oil be sufficient enough after using Aphogee??? :confused:

Yeah, you can use that, or since you seem to like th QP Elasta line (like me;-), I use the DPR-11 Conditioner, a very thick, rich, deep conditioning conditioner, comparable to the LeKair.

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IMO I don't really see how you can do an Aphogee treatment just read the directions.. has directions on how to do it even on her site if that helps also... It's very easy.. but afterwards, you HAVE to use a moisturizing conditioner!! I actually used CD's Tui Shea Butter Hair Smoothie..this time around.. I let that sit on my hair for 20 mins/w heat and then another 15 minutes w/o heat. The times before that I did this treatment I used that Nature's Therapy Mega Moisture... usually let that sit on my hair for an hour...