Putting Money at the Pastor's Feet During the Sermon....


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts about this?

This past weekend, I visited a mega church. While the pastor was preaching, there were a bunch of different women walking down to the front to put money on the stage at the Pastor's feet. This was not during offering time.

So I asked my friend about it (he's a member of the church) and he said that they were sowing a seed.
I mentioned that it would be better, imo, if people felt the need to get up and sow a seed right then and there in the middle of the sermon...why couldn't they put it in an offering plate that's off to the side or in the back of the church. Besides it being a distraction, there are other reasons that I don't feel right about the whole act.

He felt that it was a form of praise and praise doesn't have to be done in secret.

What are your thoughts?
Some do it for show and some out of stuff they've been taught. They are going off of the Book of Acts, where the people laid all things at the apostles feet and everything was distributed, so that everyone had what they needed. Most of these pastors do not use that money to distribute towards the needs of those lacking. It goes right into their pockets. Today it's man-worship/pastor-worship, which I just cannot stand. :nono:
Some do it for show and some out of stuff they've been taught. They are going off of the Book of Acts, where the people laid all things at the apostles feet and everything was distributed, so that everyone had what they needed. Most of these pastors do not use that money to distribute towards the needs of those lacking. It goes right into their pockets. Today it's man-worship/pastor-worship, which I just cannot stand. :nono:
I thought it looked a bit cult-like as well. Also, I felt uncomfortable for the Pastor's wife. Some of the women that sashayed to the front just looked like they wanted the pastor to see them.
I thought it looked a bit cult-like as well. Also, I felt uncomfortable for the Pastor's wife. Some of the women that sashayed to the front just looked like they wanted the pastor to see them.

I was just about to ask why only women went. Do the pastor keep that money or does it go toward collection?
Don't let it bother you. Personally, I don't agree with it because I'm weary of the 'spirit' which behind it. However, I leave it alone because it distracts me from receiving the peace that God has for me. I don't watch the TV Ministers and I don't (purposely) attend the Churches that do this.

We're in a season where we have to move away from what distracts and annoys us. I'm learning this in so many ways. There's so much that the enemy is doing to distract us; things like this are among them.

I'm called to pray and to minister peace to broken hearts. I realize when the enemy uses things like this to try and get me off track. I thank God for the people that God has placed in my life here on this forum and outside of it, who love me enough to pull me 'back' and keep me focused on what I need to focus upon.

So... let it go. God has something for us far better. satan knows what distracts us from receiving it.

This isn't a lecture ... I promise. I'm talking to 'me'... Shimmie as much as anyone else. All of you know how I can 'cut a topic into shreds' with a criss cross cut and back through the shredder again. :brucelee:

I did good with this one... :look: Aren't you proud of me?

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When I first saw it being done I was perplexed, but now I ignore it. My father's church never did that and I never saw it at churches he guest preached at. Now that I joined a mega church on my own (I got tired of being viewed as a PK), I see some questionable things. I talk to my dad or all the 50-11 preacher relatives I have about things I see & they explain it.
When I first saw it being done I was perplexed, but now I ignore it. My father's church never did that and I never saw it at churches he guest preached at. Now that I joined a mega church on my own (I got tired of being viewed as a PK), I see some questionable things. I talk to my dad or all the 50-11 preacher relatives I have about things I see & they explain it.

You're in a good place with the Lord. You're branched out on your own to discover what's beyond your immediate family. It took a great stretch of faith for you to do this and you are still close to your Father and other family members.... all 50-11 of them. :yep:

Learn all that God is teaching you, the good with the not so good. With the Holy Spirit leading you, you will always be on path. You never left Jesus, your first Love and you never will. :Rose:
What I may say may offended my apologizes in advance. In my viewpoint I feel like they are doing it for show. Show off how much money you have,show of oh look at Sis such and such,or like in the bible God spoke about those who would fast or pray out loud to get recognition but as the word says they have already gotten their reward.

I'm going to be real blunt. It looks like they tipping the pastor and well the only person I have tipped is a waiter and a stripper just saying. And if my eyes are good the pastor ain't no stripper or waiter and I see no poles so I have mad issue about that. That money if you are really lead to do it you could give it to the pastor on your way out of the church or like you said op in the offering tray. It's mad distracting and disrespectful to this day and age worship extravaganza that last 3 hours. I have seen this in big and oh my gosh small churches. I was more than perplexed it put me on hyper alert.
GoddessMaker said:
What I may say may offended my apologizes in advance. In my viewpoint I feel like they are doing it for show. Show off how much money you have,show of oh look at Sis such and such,or like in the bible God spoke about those who would fast or pray out loud to get recognition but as the word says they have already gotten their reward.

I'm going to be real blunt. It looks like they tipping the pastor and well the only person I have tipped is a waiter and a stripper just saying. And if my eyes are good the pastor ain't no stripper or waiter and I see no poles so I have mad issue about that. That money if you are really lead to do it you could give it to the pastor on your way out of the church or like you said op in the offering tray. It's mad distracting and disrespectful to this day and age worship extravaganza that last 3 hours. I have seen this in big and oh my gosh small churches. I was more than perplexed it put me on hyper alert.

Your right, it's very distracting. It reminds me of something that happens at a strip club. I think people do it to show off their flesh and their so call wallet. The money is suppose to go the poor, but it doesn't. The members aren't sowing a seed like they think they are. My church is on TBN and they never show it happening on camera and that's very telling. They discourage walking around during service, but dont stop you if you are sowing a seed at the alter. Chile please! I could go on and on, but I'm trying to be respectful.
I just started attending a large Church where this is going on. I was very confused at first. I have been trying to ignore a lot of things that just doesn't seem right.
I just started attending a large Church where this is going on. I was very confused at first. I have been trying to ignore a lot of things that just doesn't seem right.

Just pray Loved One. Just pray. satan uses things like this to distract from receiving God's Word.

Don't be robbed ...

My church doesn't do this but I recently went to a revival where folks, of their own accord, came down during the sermon and placed money on the steps. The Prophet said they were sowing seeds of faith.

I must say that I dont believe that (all) the people were doing it for show (and it was men and women)...but Im really not sure how I feel about this. I would not do it...but is it wrong in and of itself ("no tipping allowed") or is it wrong because of the way its being done (distracting)? Would it be more acceptable to take up a special offering later? Have a basket off to the side? Wait until the "Pastors anniversary" ? LOL (only Black churches-in my experience-have this celebration and some think it honorable and others think its rediculous).

Sidenote: I do think that we should refrain from making negative assumptions about what Pastors do with the money. All pastors are not selfish crooks, not even the majority are. And if its given to them it is their business what they do with it (whether its keeping it or giving it away). Pastors are the only people that we seem to put this heavy burden on to take a vow of visible poverty. And of course I am not condoning flamboyance or an abuse of money or power etc.
I don't know whose pockets get lined, but I will say I've seen some "shows" and I don't like it, either. Nothing done for the Glory of God will every even appear wrong....

Some do it for show and some out of stuff they've been taught. They are going off of the Book of Acts, where the people laid all things at the apostles feet and everything was distributed, so that everyone had what they needed. Most of these pastors do not use that money to distribute towards the needs of those lacking. It goes right into their pockets. Today it's man-worship/pastor-worship, which I just cannot stand. :nono:
My church doesn't do this but I recently went to a revival where folks, of their own accord, came down during the sermon and placed money on the steps. The Prophet said they were sowing seeds of faith.

I must say that I dont believe that (all) the people were doing it for show (and it was men and women)...but Im really not sure how I feel about this. I would not do it...but is it wrong in and of itself ("no tipping allowed") or is it wrong because of the way its being done (distracting)? Would it be more acceptable to take up a special offering later? Have a basket off to the side? Wait until the "Pastors anniversary" ? LOL (only Black churches-in my experience-have this celebration and some think it honorable and others think its rediculous).

Sidenote: I do think that we should refrain from making negative assumptions about what Pastors do with the money. All pastors are not selfish crooks, not even the majority are. And if its given to them it is their business what they do with it (whether its keeping it or giving it away). Pastors are the only people that we seem to put this heavy burden on to take a vow of visible poverty. And of course I am not condoning flamboyance or an abuse of money or power etc.

No one said pastors had to take a vow of poverty but if they are using Acts to condone or teach this act then in the book of Acts the money was distributed so that all had what they needed. In my experience they take the money and it is never distributed. And these pastors were not poor, they had more money than most of the congregation.
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Well my church does not do this, but I have seen it done before. I can't speak on the individuals in this situation because they really could have been sincere, really expecting to recieve from God. But I dont agree on the whole "sow a seed" theology that being taught today either , but thats a different thread :look:.

I am not against blessing the pastor, I believe the man that labors in the Gospel, should receive blessings, but it's the whole "showiness" of it all. I dont like that it has to be this big scene. The bible says to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. We give because the bible says its better to give than to recieve, not to get the praises of men, and to be seen of men.

It reminds me of this

kweenameena, what was being preached on when the people decided to do this...?
No one said pastors had to take a vow of poverty but if they are using Acts to condone or teach this act then in the book of Acts the money was distributed so that all had what they needed. In my experience they take the money and it is never distributed. And these pastors were not poor, they had more money than most of the congregation.

I wasn't referring to using Acts to justify it. I have actually never heard acts used to explain why it is done. IF that were the reason given then I would expect the money to be disseminated accordingly.

The explanation I was given, and some others also said in the thread was to sow a seed in gratefulness and/or faith. With the money being given to the Pastor (not necessarily to the church). In those cases then it is the Pastors business what he or she chooses to do with it.
Well my church does not do this, but I have seen it done before. I can't speak on the individuals in this situation because they really could have been sincere, really expecting to recieve from God. But I dont agree on the whole "sow a seed" theology that being taught today either , but thats a different thread :look:.

I am not against blessing the pastor, I believe the man that labors in the Gospel, should receive blessings, but it's the whole "showiness" of it all. I dont like that it has to be this big scene. The bible says to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. We give because the bible says its better to give than to recieve, not to get the praises of men, and to be seen of men.

It reminds me of this

@kweenameena, what was being preached on when the people decided to do this...?

So your objection is to the "showiness" of it, not necessarily with the idea of giving the Pastor money for whatever reason?

I know your question wasnt directed at me but when the folks did this at the revival, the prophet had just said something really profound...I mean it for real had light bulbs going on in heads (lol) and it had nothing to do with money...but a guy just walked up and put some money on the steps where He was Preaching.

I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it...and I really dont like when they have offering lines for certain amounts ($50 line etc.). I think if there were perhaps a basket in a corner somewhere held by the usher (if offering time was already done when he preached) then maybe that would be acceptable...I guess
I wasn't referring to using Acts to justify it. I have actually never heard acts used to explain why it is done. IF that were the reason given then I would expect the money to be disseminated accordingly.

The explanation I was given, and some others also said in the thread was to sow a seed in gratefulness and/or faith. With the money being given to the Pastor (not necessarily to the church). In those cases then it is the Pastors business what he or she chooses to do with it.

Gotcha, The laying it at the feet thing is found in the book of Acts, which is where I've heard this particular thing be taught from. I'm not against blessing the pastor but it should be for God's glory and not man. I'm not directing this statement at you, just saying.

Why not just put it in the offering or give it to the pastor personally? God will see it regardless.

They have received their reward, the praise and acceptance of man.
Great question OP. This question recently came up for me. I just left my church for this reason (and many others). They practiced this (money at the feet of the pastors) at my church too. This wasn't being done at this church when I first joined. This was a newly adopted practice and I don't know why. When I asked about it, I got many of the same answers as above: sowing a seed, blessing the word or blessing the pastor, yada, yada, yada. It still never seemed right. I also thought it had a strip club feeling (not that I've ever been to one. I just heard about it. Lolololo:lachen:)
I don't think pastors should be poor and do believe in blessing the pastor (when warranted) but I just don't agree at all with this practice, especially when there is a giant imbalance between pastors and their flocks. There is a huge problem when the pastors are driving around in a Lexxus and a Mercedes, living in a big new house with a pool and paid landscapers and half the flock is struggling, taking 3 buses to get to church or driving around with duct tape on their car to hold it together. It is a churchy practice done for show a lot (not always) and it is extremely distracting. Lots of times I had to force myself to focus on the message than on the people taking the money to the pulpit. At this church, there was always a birthday or an anniversary for either of the pastors where money was always requested and this was above and beyond tithing and offering. SMH

I know God knows the hearts of His people way more than I do. He knows who has the right motives and who doesn't. I pray constantly for those He has placed to lead His people. It's easy for our leaders to veer off the path but I pray they remain on the narrow road, follow God's commands and stay in His will for our sakes. We need good godly leaders who truly care for our souls.
Yes, I don't see anything wrong with blessing your Pastor. If he is sacrificing his time and life for the flock, then I don't see the problem..but the whole laying it at his feet while he is preaching :ohwell:...ummm...to each its own I guess, I wouldnt do it.

I dont like when they ask for certain amounts of money either :nono:, or when they have like 2-3 different offering times...

So your objection is to the "showiness" of it, not necessarily with the idea of giving the Pastor money for whatever reason?

I know your question wasnt directed at me but when the folks did this at the revival, the prophet had just said something really profound...I mean it for real had light bulbs going on in heads (lol) and it had nothing to do with money...but a guy just walked up and put some money on the steps where He was Preaching.

I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it...and I really dont like when they have offering lines for certain amounts ($50 line etc.). I think if there were perhaps a basket in a corner somewhere held by the usher (if offering time was already done when he preached) then maybe that would be acceptable...I guess
. There is a huge problem when the pastors are driving around in a Lexxus and a Mercedes, living in a big new house with a pool and paid landscapers and half the flock is struggling, taking 3 buses to get to church or driving around with duct tape on their car to hold it together. .



I don't like this, when the Pastor got 3 rolex watches and a mink pulpit chair :look:,and some gator shoes but the church roof is leaking, and the pews are broken...come on now.....:nono:. Now if the pastor has his own job and is providing for himself, well can't say too much about that, I can but I wont :look:. But when he is taking money from the congregation and from the church and there is an obvious need in other areas, that does make me side-eye them..or when they see Bro. Dante needs some new suits because he is too small or tore up, but the Pastor got a new suit every week...makes me wonder...

Alot of time the pastors say "sow a seed, sow a seed to be blessed" to the congregation, why dont someone say "Pastor why dont you sow us a seed so you can be blessed, we want you to be blessed just like us...so come on, and sow a seed to us"...I bet you all that sowing a seed preaching gone stop...


I don't like this, when the Pastor got 3 rolex watches and a mink pulpit chair :look:,and some gator shoes but the church roof is leaking, and the pews are broken...come on now.....:nono:. Now if the pastor has his own job and is providing for himself, well can't say too much about that, I can but I wont :look:. But when he is taking money from the congregation and from the church and there is an obvious need in other areas, that does make me side-eye them..or when they see Bro. Dante needs some new suits because he is too small or tore up, but the Pastor got a new suit every week...makes me wonder...

Alot of time the pastors say "sow a seed, sow a seed to be blessed" to the congregation, why dont someone say "Pastor why dont you sow us a seed so you can be blessed, we want you to be blessed just like us...so come on, and sow a seed to us"...I bet you all that sowing a seed preaching gone stop...

Stop it---You are speaking the truth! I do not post in here often. However, this is a great discussion.

I will say this in my church- the word or anointing was powerful that a husband and wife walked up to the Pastor while he was preaching and laid money right at his feet...

What you said in the bold is truth... The thing I will say is that we have to know the Lord and the Word- Bible for ourselves.

I have a friend who is a member of Donnie Mccurlkins church in NYC and she tithed and gave over and beyond. My friend almost lost her home when she lost her job. She went to the church and asked for help and she only recieved half of the help :nono:

I have another friend who has the same thinking like you LucieLoo12... It is all about a relationship with the Father and a real one at that...So, that we as a body will be able to discern from these pulpit pimps.

I meditate daily on Romans 16:17-20..


I don't like this, when the Pastor got 3 rolex watches and a mink pulpit chair :look:,and some gator shoes but the church roof is leaking, and the pews are broken...come on now.....:nono:. Now if the pastor has his own job and is providing for himself, well can't say too much about that, I can but I wont :look:. But when he is taking money from the congregation and from the church and there is an obvious need in other areas, that does make me side-eye them..or when they see Bro. Dante needs some new suits because he is too small or tore up, but the Pastor got a new suit every week...makes me wonder...

Alot of time the pastors say "sow a seed, sow a seed to be blessed" to the congregation, why dont someone say "Pastor why dont you sow us a seed so you can be blessed, we want you to be blessed just like us...so come on, and sow a seed to us"...I bet you all that sowing a seed preaching gone stop...

See...this is where it gets tricky. This is a general rant...not directed at you Lucie...

My pastor has a huge house, drives a lexus truck, nice clothes etc. but he worked till he retired and at business meetings I have personally seen him forgoe a salary when the church needed something (He's 83 and has pastored this church for 40 years). So someone who may not attend business meetings or was not there when he and his family of 10 barely had food to eat could easily think the very same thing about him having all of that and the church or members having some money issues (which the church does at this current time due to diminishing membership).

But even if these little-known sacrifices were not the case...just practically spealking...if the Pastor has a Lexus (that he baught with money they either earned from other work or used from the salary from the Church) and a church member has no car...what should happen? Is the Pastor supposed to trade in the Lex and buy the member a car with the difference? Should the money come out of the Pastors pockets or the Church's account? (Or are folks viewing these accounts as one and the same?)

Because when the Pastor is not the founder of the Church he usually does not have any power over the tithes and offerings collected. They dont go straight from the basket to his pocket. There is a board who has hired him to do the ministry/spiritual stuff and they do the financial and practical stuff. In those cases the Pastor and what he has or does not have may not have anything to do with what the Church/members has or doesn't. And He may not have a say in how much the "Church" gives to the members who are in need (because He does not deal with the money). My Pastor has requested that the church help certain folks but it is ultimately the Boards decision (usually they honor his requests).

Now I DO believe that the Pastor should lead by example and so by default they should be HUGE givers to the Church and the ministry! But if they are sowing seeds and meeting needs...shouldn't they also be able to reap at some point without criticism? Or should they hide their harvest because others have either NOT sown at all or just have not come into their season? Is there no middle ground? Either take a vow of poverty or be labled a user/swindler of the people?

I know no one said any of this here in this thread but the slander against Pastors as a whole really saddens me. I am aware that there are swindlers in the pulpit. Folks who want to raise themselves up on the necks of others or that believe simply because they are the Pastor that they should have the best. Or even folks who do take the money straight from the offering baskets to their pockets. And Those people are wrong!!!!!! But I also feel like we often times see with the lense of the world...applying the characteristics of a few to the whole group-unless they have taken an unspoken vow of poverty. Unfortunately, more often then not on this board and IRL, when the title Pastor comes up it is accompanied by assumptions of greed etc. just like when the word Christian comes up it is accompanied by the word hypocrite, when this is just not the case for the majority! Those of us who have been under the leadership of good Pastors should stand up for the integrity of the position, not assuming the worst when money is involved...like the world does.

I am getting off of my pulpit and exiting stage left...
Showing off by throwing a seed in the middle of a sermon....hmmm...(yes some people are showy...but all aren't)

Soooo, isn't wearing and dressing in a way to show you have money at church any different?

Why does an offering have to be private?

(I'm just throwing out some questions)

When I see it, it doesn't bother me because either 1) they are being showy, and why do I even care WHY people do what they do? I tend to mind my own business. 2) Really recieved a word and want to sow a seed on THAT WORD...not necessarily the PERSON. 3) They just LOVE that Pastor and wanna show respect. 4) okay they worship the Pastor...and they need to be delivered....Being that I don't know who is doing it for what reason...thus, I mind my own business and KIM.

I've done it before because the Pastor confirmed a word God gave me so I sowed a seed on that word....and then I KIM. Haven't been pulled or led to do it since then so....*shrug* <-----Mature Christian!
See...this is where it gets tricky. This is a general rant...not directed at you Lucie...

My pastor has a huge house, drives a lexus truck, nice clothes etc. but he worked till he retired and at business meetings I have personally seen him forgoe a salary when the church needed something (He's 83 and has pastored this church for 40 years). So someone who may not attend business meetings or was not there when he and his family of 10 barely had food to eat could easily think the very same thing about him having all of that and the church or members having some money issues (which the church does at this current time due to diminishing membership).

But even if these little-known sacrifices were not the case...just practically spealking...if the Pastor has a Lexus (that he baught with money they either earned from other work or used from the salary from the Church) and a church member has no car...what should happen? Is the Pastor supposed to trade in the Lex and buy the member a car with the difference? Should the money come out of the Pastors pockets or the Church's account? (Or are folks viewing these accounts as one and the same?)

Because when the Pastor is not the founder of the Church he usually does not have any power over the tithes and offerings collected. They dont go straight from the basket to his pocket. There is a board who has hired him to do the ministry/spiritual stuff and they do the financial and practical stuff. In those cases the Pastor and what he has or does not have may not have anything to do with what the Church/members has or doesn't. And He may not have a say in how much the "Church" gives to the members who are in need (because He does not deal with the money). My Pastor has requested that the church help certain folks but it is ultimately the Boards decision (usually they honor his requests).

Now I DO believe that the Pastor should lead by example and so by default they should be HUGE givers to the Church and the ministry! But if they are sowing seeds and meeting needs...shouldn't they also be able to reap at some point without criticism? Or should they hide their harvest because others have either NOT sown at all or just have not come into their season? Is there no middle ground? Either take a vow of poverty or be labled a user/swindler of the people?

I know no one said any of this here in this thread but the slander against Pastors as a whole really saddens me. I am aware that there are swindlers in the pulpit. Folks who want to raise themselves up on the necks of others or that believe simply because they are the Pastor that they should have the best. Or even folks who do take the money straight from the offering baskets to their pockets. And Those people are wrong!!!!!! But I also feel like we often times see with the lense of the world...applying the characteristics of a few to the whole group-unless they have taken an unspoken vow of poverty. Unfortunately, more often then not on this board and IRL, when the title Pastor comes up it is accompanied by assumptions of greed etc. just like when the word Christian comes up it is accompanied by the word hypocrite, when this is just not the case for the majority! Those of us who have been under the leadership of good Pastors should stand up for the integrity of the position, not assuming the worst when money is involved...like the world does.

I am getting off of my pulpit and exiting stage left...

I agree. If you read my other posts, I said its nothing wrong with a Pastor receiving blessings. my issue is when he is reaping and reaping and reaping and reaping and getting richer and richer and richer, but there is a alot of lacking going on in the church. Does he have to pay every member bill and take care of them, no...but maybe he could sacrifice a couple of his offering to go to the needy....if he is able to. Can I tell a Pastor how to spend his money that he has worked for? of course no, but I pray that if he seen someone in need he would what he could to help, even if that means selling fish dinners or getting together with the other members for a donation...This does not only go for the pastors, but all sisters and brothers in Christ..Sometimes "I am praying for u", is not enough when you have the means to help.....

As far as the board members and things, my church dont have that, so I dont know how that works...
Well my church does not do this, but I have seen it done before. I can't speak on the individuals in this situation because they really could have been sincere, really expecting to recieve from God. But I dont agree on the whole "sow a seed" theology that being taught today either , but thats a different thread :look:.

I am not against blessing the pastor, I believe the man that labors in the Gospel, should receive blessings, but it's the whole "showiness" of it all. I dont like that it has to be this big scene. The bible says to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. We give because the bible says its better to give than to recieve, not to get the praises of men, and to be seen of men.

It reminds me of this

@kweenameena, what was being preached on when the people decided to do this...?
To be honest, it wasn't a soul stirring sermon or anything:look:
And they do this every Sunday, apparently.
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Showing off by throwing a seed in the middle of a sermon....hmmm...(yes some people are showy...but all aren't)

Soooo, isn't wearing and dressing in a way to show you have money at church any different?

Why does an offering have to be private?

(I'm just throwing out some questions)

When I see it, it doesn't bother me because either 1) they are being showy, and why do I even care WHY people do what they do? I tend to mind my own business. 2) Really recieved a word and want to sow a seed on THAT WORD...not necessarily the PERSON. 3) They just LOVE that Pastor and wanna show respect. 4) okay they worship the Pastor...and they need to be delivered....Being that I don't know who is doing it for what reason...thus, I mind my own business and KIM.

I've done it before because the Pastor confirmed a word God gave me so I sowed a seed on that word....and then I KIM. Haven't been pulled or led to do it since then so....*shrug* <-----Mature Christian!

Yep, we should mind our own business, but we should be able to discuss stuff like this. It is wise for a person to know the culture of a church before they commit to it. Why do they do what they do?

Why get up and possibly be a distraction to others during the sermon? For real though....

I've never read in the bible where we are to sow a seed on the Word of God. Where is that from? I really want to know cause the Word and the Annointing don't cost money.

It's learned behavior in my imho.

If we are going to take only part of this act from the book of Acts, then do the whole thing...distribute it. This is where people are getting this from. When this was done, the early Church was being established and it was to make sure everyone had all that they needed. It was not to just give to the Apostles, they were actually making sure the whole church was taken care of. That's all.