Pursue and Obtain the Promise - Dr. Creflo A. Dollar


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Pursue and Obtain the Promise - Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

God’s promises are eternal, and what He has said in His Word cannot be altered in any way (Psalm 119:89). The issue is, are we pursuing the promises of God so they can materialize in our lives? There is no such thing as microwave results in the kingdom of God. If we want to experience the manifestation of God’s promises, we must do our part. By diligently doing the following steps, everything God promised us will become a reality.

1. Locate the promise in the Word of God.
Whatever God says is the final authority. Whether it deals with healing, finances, or deliverance, if God said it, you can bank on it. The first step to obtaining the promise is to find as many scriptures as you can in the Bible that deal with that particular issue. When you find them, begin sowing them in your heart, just as a farmer sows seed (Mark 4:14).

2. Believe.
When it comes to faith, doubt is an enemy to your manifestation. You must believe what God says, understanding that it is a settled issue (Psalm 119:89). If you believe and refuse to let doubt in your heart, the promise will be yours.

3. Settle that the promise is the will of God for you.
Sometimes we believe God can and will do things, just not for us! It is God’s will for all people to obtain His promises.

4. Ask God according to John 14:13, 14.
The Lord says if we ask the Father for anything, in the name of Jesus, He will answer our prayers. We know that anything that is found in the Bible is the will of God, so when we ask for these things, with the right motives in our hearts, God is faithful to answer us.

5. Meditate on the promise daily.
Joshua 1:8 says that we are to meditate on the Word of God day and night. Daily and nightly meditation, through studying, pondering, and speaking God’s Word aloud will build faith into our hearts.

6. Cultivate faith, love, and patience.
Nothing in the kingdom of God operates without faith. Faith works by love—and patience—which is remaining the same in the face of challenges, and must be employed in order to see the final outcome.

7. Confess the Word of God.
Don’t let a day go by without declaring the promise several times.

8. Employ your angels.
Angels are sent to minister to the heirs of salvation. They hearken to the voice of the Word, so keep speaking the Scriptures and put your angels to work!

9. Call those things that are not as though they were.

10. Don’t speak anything contrary to the Word concerning the matter (Proverbs 18:21).
If your mouth doesn’t change, your fruit won’t change!

11. Forgive.
You will not see manifestation if you are in unforgiveness (Mark 11:24).

12. Believe you’ve received the promise.

13. Live in the fear of the Lord.
A lifestyle of purity, holiness, and absolute obedience is the key to the blessing flowing in your life (Proverbs 19:23; Psalm 37:7-9).

14. Remain consistent.
Consistency is the key to the breakthrough.

15. Prayer, fasting, and obedience are critical.

The reason most Christians don’t see the results they are expecting is because one or more of these steps have not been implemented. I encourage you to go down the line and identify which of these areas you need to put to work. When our faith meets corresponding action, manifestation is inevitable. Don’t just sit back and wait for something to happen. Pursue the promises of God so you can obtain what’s rightfully yours!

© Dr. Creflo A. Dollar. All rights reserved.
I know this work. He is excellent at this sort of teaching, I am having a season in which #13 (absolute obedience ) is an issue prayerfully I will be back on track SOON.