Puritan Pride Vits


New Member
Hey girls. I placed an order with Puritan Pride for the aminio 1500 and some other vits. I just wanted to share that after doing so, I was up late the other night and a puritan's pride commercial came on advertising 70% off normal prices. The site is www.puritantv.com. After checking it out, I found that although they have cheap prices, they don't offer a huge variety of vits, so I just placed myself on the email list. The flip side is that their main website offers the 2 and 3 for the price of one, and although that's great, i don't always want that much of somethng i'm "trying out". so, just thought i'd share....
Thanks, Ebony. Sometimes I'm not interested in getting 3 of one thing either. Especially when I'm trying it out.
Thanks for the website.