Puritan Pride Biotin

What exactly does the "bristling sensation"/follicular movement feel like? Does it feel like an itch or a sting or what? Today was my 11th day of taking 5000 mcg of Puritan Pride Biotin. My scalp has started itching today and I can't stand it, but if this is "the feeling", I guess I'll deal with it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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What exactly does the "bristling sensation"/follicular movement feel like? Does it feel like an itch or a sting or what? Today was my 11th day of taking 5000 mcg of Puritan Pride Biotin. My scalp has started itching today and I can't stand it, but if this is "the feeling", I guess I'll deal with it.

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The best way I can describe the "bristling" is: hairs just sprouting all over my head. I feel them sprouting upward hence the "bristling" effect if that makes any sense. Yall must think I'm crazy by now but that's okay. Listen, whether you "itch", "bristle", whistle, or whatever you notice about your hair, as long as it is growing, that's all that counts /images/graemlins/up.gif And I'm like you CurlyCrly, I have no complaints /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Amethyst said "Listen, whether you "itch", "bristle", whistle, or whatever you notice about your hair, as long as it is growing, that's all that counts"

You are so funny /images/graemlins/grin.gif LOL Amen to that!!!

How are you splitting your 5mg doses throughout the day. My fingers are itching ready to type out that credit card number.
Hi Ladies!

Just to chime in, I take 5 mg of PPB a day as well. I don't space mine, but maybe I will start today. I have been taking it for about 4 weeks, and I am not lying when I say my hair has grown an inch since my last touch up which was 5 weeks ago (trying to decide whether or not to transition to natural). Normally I get a touchup at around 10 weeks. But an inch already!! I can't believe it. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
**chokes on beef stir fry** dammit where is Almond Love. I need to order this stuff soon and I need to know if she wants some ordered as well.

adf23 CONGRATULATIONS on that inch. /images/graemlins/clap.gif Did you get the itchies with it too? Also did you take your whole doseage in the morning or evening?

I've been taking mine all at once. My hair is so thick (dense) that I can't tell if there are any new hairs sprouting up, except in the hairline area, since it's right out front. I guess I'd better stop scratching because I don't want to damage the little buggers!

Edited to add: At what point did you all start feeling something going on? I didn't get itching until day 11.
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**chokes on beef stir fry** dammit where is Almond Love. I need to order this stuff soon and I need to know if she wants some ordered as well.

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Londondiva, you got LMAO. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Girl you are too funny.
I take all mine at once also. Since I'm not wearing my hair out at the moment, I can't tell how much new growth I've gotten, but I definitely know I'm getting alot. Right now the only time I see my roots are when they are wet and fresh outta a shampoo. But judging from the vast amount of waves that I see in my hair, I know it's growing well. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Then of course I put it into a bun until the next wash. But check this. I have peeped out 1.5in new strands sticking up outta my roots in the front of my hair. SO evidently the biotin is bringing in new hairs as well. Girl it's off the chain. Go ahead and pull that credit card out!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I usually take mine in the morning, with my oatmeal /images/graemlins/smile.gif

My scalp always itches, when I have an at least .5 inche of new growth on my head, even if its clean, so I don't know if the biotin is a contributing factor /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif
Hi LondonDiva/images/graemlins/wave.gif

I take all 5 at one time. These pills disintegrate pretty well once liquid hits them /images/graemlins/smile.gif What are you waiting for Diva? Go on now , go get that PPB /images/graemlins/poke.gif I wanna hear your rave review too once you start taking them /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I never really got the tingling sensations that everyone talked about, but my nails are absolutely beautiful.
Hopefully there is a direct correlation between nail growth and hair growth.

I think I have been taking PPB for a month now.
I have been taking PP Biotin for a couple of weeks. My hair itchs (sp) more now but it is too early to tell if it has grown because of the pills.
Thanks LondonDiva!

I stumbled acrosssome great biotin here in Germany 5 mins from work!!!!! it comes in 40x 5mg tablets for €7.75!!!! 40x9= 360 so for 360 day supply equals €69.75 or GBP 47.43 &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/drunk.gif" alt="" /&gt; &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/drunk.gif" alt="" /&gt; &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/drunk.gif" alt="" /&gt;. This is very cheap and no shipping and waiting to worry about plus the tablet is teeny weeny and 5mg! I will try these for 6 months to see how they work. i hope this brand is excellent.

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i have been taking them for over 3 months and i am pleased with them. good growth.