Puritan Pride Biotin

I just started taking mine today. I took all five at one time. Should I take the five throughout the day, or is taking all five at one time sufficient?
I used to space mine out when I was taking PP. I took one in the morning before leaving for work. And 2 with breakfast and lunch for a total of 5. Now that I'm tryin Country Life I had to change that though. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I space mine out because they're water soluble, so I figure that your body gets rid of some of the biotin throughout the day. I take the Ultra Nourishair also, but I usually take 1 to 2 biotin tablets (1mg or 1000mcg each) at a time--for a total of 4 in a day, which I guess adds up to 4mg or 5mg's, (?????)including the GNC hair vitamins. How does everyone else take their biotin?????????
I take all mine in one go after breakfast. I just can't be bothered to space those tiny little capsules out through the day.
Hi Crysdon/images/graemlins/wave.gif

I take mine all at one time. Some people do a split routine, but taking them all at once works fine for me. I know this may be too early to ask, but how is the biotin going? Crysdon I thought I was loosing my mind or something when I began to feel a bristling sensation thruout my head after I began taking those pills /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I'm REAL CURIOUS in knowing how is it coming along for you? Are you experiencing the same thing? Thanks.

Pandora although I've enjoyed using Puritan's Pride vitamins for years the biggest gripe I have is having to take 5 separate tablets daily for biotin alone & would love to get one single 5 mg tablet. But now adays there are so many vitamins to take I have to count them all out, separate them & then take them in 2 big gulps right after breakfast before leaving the house. Londondiva I agree I, too, can't be bothered trying to remember taking all of those vitamins throughout the day......
I remember someone from the old board, I believe it was Jade who said that she places the pills under their tongue so they could dissolve better and that it is the most effective way to get the vitamin into your bloodstream since reading that post, I've been placing my biotin underneath my tongue until they dissolve then i swallow them down with water. also dissolving the pills under your tongue makes it easier on your liver /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Just from letting a pill dissolve under your tongue than on top of it can make the world of difference. Who would have thought.

I just started the PP brand yesterday so it's still too early to tell. I have gotten that "bristling sensation" with Country Life. It started about a month ago and I thought it was the ACV rinses that I started around the same time. I will give an update on the PP biotin in another month or so.
Thanks for your reply Crysdon. I know Country Life did nada, zilch for me. Can't wait for that PPB update /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ok Amethyst, I have an update on the PP biotin. It's been about 2 weeks since adding to my regime and so far, so good. I have to tell you that since taking these vitamins I HAVE felt a little extra action/movement going on in my scalp. Especially in the crown area. I don't wear my hair out much so I can't really tell when I get growth, but girl my hair is getting hard to comb through when dry. I know something is definitely going on. Whoohoo!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif So much so, that I've been contemplating getting my my relaxer next week vs. the end of the month as planned. I'm waiting on the tropical avocado conditioner to see how that will help with the new growth. Girl the bition is good!!

Just yesterday, I started a new supplement called Vitol Great hair. It has 3000 mcg of and 600 of B-5 among other things. I'll report back on that one in about a month. Happy growing.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
. I don't wear my hair out much so I can't really tell when I get growth, but girl my hair is getting hard to comb through when dry. I know something is definitely going on. Whoohoo!! So much so, that I've been contemplating getting my my relaxer next week vs. the end of the month as planned. I'm waiting on the tropical avocado conditioner to see how that will help with the new growth. Girl the bition is good!!

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Glad to hear the good news Armyqt /images/graemlins/clap.gif I'm glad to hear that you too are experiencing "follicular movement", and that I'm not losing my mind or something /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Thanks for the update 'cause I was wondering about how everyone was doing with the PP Biotin /images/graemlins/smile.gif

hey diva been to the site now and the 8mg seems to be out of stock or summin /images/graemlins/mad.gif jus wen i was goin to order it so i too cud report on the good results that some ya'll be reportin about /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Hmmm, "follicular" movement?? The only movement I've been experiencing w/this new vitamin regime is in my stomach. Maybe my follicles will catch up later.
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Hmmm, "follicular" movement?? The only movement I've been experiencing w/this new vitamin regime is in my stomach. Maybe my follicles will catch up later.

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I read in the other reply you posted on this thread, that you used to take PPB before. We all know that what moves mountains for one person, won't even move a moe-hill for another. I know it has been working wonders for me. Sorry it hasn't been doing the same for you. I believe Iris was the wise one that said "One woman's trash is another woman's treasure". That sentiment is not only applicable in this case, but goes for other products as well. It's all about trial and error; finding out what works well and is right for you /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Well I'm also allowing for the fact that I just began THIS particular vitamin regimen within the last month. I still take 5 mg PPB, 400 mg silica, an herbal blend which includes "horsetail, 600 mg msm, fo-ti, nettles, rosemary" &amp; other stuff, 1000 mg PP pathenol, 1000 mg PP MSM, multi's, omega 3&amp;6, 800 mg vit e, and calcium. It may just take a while for all of this stuff to kick in. It may have even begun working, even though I don't feel it in my follicles. It could also be that I wouldn't even know what follicular movement felt like if it hit me upside the head! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Anyway, as I see it, patience is the key to success in any endeavor, and I'm willing to stick with everything I'm doing until I see the results I desire.

Amethyst said:

I read in the other reply you posted on this thread, that you used to take PPB before. We all know that what moves mountains for one person, won't even move a moe-hill for another. I know it has been working wonders for me. Sorry it hasn't been doing the same for you. I believe Iris was the wise one that said "One woman's trash is another woman's treasure". That sentiment is not only applicable in this case, but goes for other products as well. It's all about trial and error; finding out what works well and is right for you
I finally got to order my PPB biotin.
It's on sale now buy 1 get 2 free. Biotin 1 mg Now $6.95 for 3 Items(buy 1 get 2 free)

I bought:

#1007961 PURITAN'S PRIDE BIOTIN 1000MCG (100 Tablets), Quantity=12 (4 + 8 Free),

#2 012825 PURITAN'S PRIDE CORAL CALCIUM (60 Capsules), Quantity=3 (1 + 2 Free),

#3 011730 PURITAN'S PRIDE MSM 1500MG (60 Tablets), Quantity=3 (1 + 2 Free),

Subtotal: $216.75
Additional Savings: $144.50
New Subtotal: $72.25

Plus free shipping

Kewl. /images/graemlins/cool.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Anyway, as I see it, patience is the key to success in any endeavor, and I'm willing to stick with everything I'm doing until I see the results I desire.

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As you've said, give it some time CynamonKis /images/graemlins/smile.gif After reviewing your vitamin regimen, I'm confident that you"ll see the results of taking all those pills in no time.

Swallowing all those jokers can be a real royal pain sometimes /images/graemlins/tongue.gif but the results far outweigh any inconvenience as I see it /images/graemlins/up.gif

Rosie: Please post your results. I'm anxious to hear how you and everyone else are coming along with it.

"all those pills" is an understatement for sure! Dannnnngggggggg--I wish they would put them all in one, convenient, easy-to-swallow pill!!

Amethyst said:
I'm confident that you"ll see the results of taking all those pills in no time
I just started taking my puritan pride about 2 weeks ago, and my nails are booming!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I head is itching like crazy, also /images/graemlins/grin.gif I take 5mg at night w/ my dinner.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I just started taking my puritan pride about 2 weeks ago, and my nails are booming!!! I head is itching like crazy, also I take 5mg at night w/ my dinner.

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Now that's what I'm talking about! I'm telling you, this stuff is really off the hook! I'm glad you posted this Titansgirl, cause I'm very encouraged to hear others are benefitting from the PPB as well /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've been taking PP's Biotin for twelve days now, and my nails are growing in better than before. I'm also experiencing that bristling sensation. Puritan's Pride is a keeper.
for all the supplement gurus do anyone kno what the difference between the biotin and the mega-biotin is, also do they both work in the same way??
Hi Crysdon/images/graemlins/wave.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I've been taking PP's Biotin for twelve days now, and my nails are growing in better than before. I'm also experiencing that bristling sensation. Puritan's Pride is a keeper.

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I'm glad it is working for you too /images/graemlins/clap.gif

ngaa: I would assume that the mega-biotin has more micrograms of the vitamin per tablet/capsule than regular biotin. As far as one working better than the other, it all depends on the brand for me. I've tried the 5mg CountryLife Biotin which did nothing for me. But the 5mg Puritan Pride has got me singing its praises /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif If you're looking for a higher dose, I believe the Freedman's Biotin contains 10mg for each pill. It supposed to be very potent as well.
Hey Ms. Amethyst,

I am really loving this stuff. The last time my nails were in such good shape, I was pregnant. The bristling sensation was bothersome at first, but I'm used to it now and I think it's worth it for the hair growth.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Crysdon said:
Hey Ms. Amethyst,

I am really loving this stuff. The last time my nails were in such good shape, I was pregnant. The bristling sensation was bothersome at first, but I'm used to it now and I think it's worth it for the hair growth.

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I am sooooo excited. I just got my PPB today and I'm bursting at the seams with happiness. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif I will let you all know how it works for me in a couple of weeks.

I take 3 with breakfast and 2 before bedtime. Jade says it's best to space them out to be more effective.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Crysdon said:

I take 3 with breakfast and 2 before bedtime. Jade says it's best to space them out to be more effective.

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Thanks for the tip!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hey Ms. Amethyst,

I am really loving this stuff. The last time my nails were in such good shape, I was pregnant. The bristling sensation was bothersome at first, but I'm used to it now and I think it's worth it for the hair growth.

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/images/graemlins/laugh.gif I'm laughing at the comment about the "bristling" sensation being bothersome. Crysdon I feel like a tree or plant sometimes when this starts happening, but I'm not complaining at all. My nails are coming in very nicely also as a result of this supplement /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm elated at all this good news/images/graemlins/clap.gif Yall are really putting the finishing touches to an already beautiful day /images/graemlins/smile.gif