PROVEN oil blend that stimulates hair growth!!

Re: Indian Oils

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well thanks for the warning. I think I'll just start with the essential oils that I listed in here before and maybe if I really get curious I'll add some of the other Indian and Chinese ones that I came across into the mix.
Re: Indian Oils

NEEM oil, NEEM oil

girl, you are right.

I have some, and at first it smelled like salty peanut brittle wich isn't terrible. Then when it melted it smelled like another food, some sort of burnt food.

It's not as bad as Glover's but still very strong
I believe it. I know had a bald spot, and I mean bald, NO HAIR that developed. I started using a mixture containing some of those oils nightly, and now that spot is completly filled in with hair.

The mix I used was from Riquette's book, but had a lot of the same oils in it.

This is one of those times I wish I had taken a "before" shot.
Blkmane I have all my ingredients now so I'm going to make it all up and post and noticeable difference in about 30 days. I'm going to use it after my hair wash today.
I bet you have some wonderful hair going on; thick healthy and full of life! You are so insightful about your natural concoctions and such, also a hobby of mine /images/graemlins/grin.gif!

Do you have pics to post? How long is your hair?

By the way, I remember you from (I think)!
I believe you were the one who gave me instructions for Shikai(sp) shampoo) /images/graemlins/grin.gif!

If so, thanks again! I still use this in between my conditioning washes!
Re: Indian Oils

I use amla and neem powders mixed with the shikai(sp) for my shampoo tea. It works wonderfully and keeps my natural hair soft and easy to comb through!
How do you all use the mixture off shikaki, amla, and neem? Are they all powders? What is the ratio of the mixture? Do you use it as a shampoo or rinse? Sorry so many questions but one of my New Year's resolutions is to start making my own hair stuff and body oils, well, as much as possible.

How do you all use the mixture of shikaki, amla, and neem? Are they all powders? What is the ratio of the mixture? Do you use it as a shampoo or rinse? Sorry so many questions but one of my New Year's resolutions is to start making my own hair stuff and body oils, well, as much as possible.

do you know where in ny to get amla or those other indian oils mentioned? i remember a long while ago someone mentioned like 23rd street by the courts i believe. God bless you all.
where do you live? i know here in the bronx and queens( i believe Jamaica ave) there are a lot of east Indian markets that sell the oils and powders.

The lower east side has TONS of Indian stores/markets. The place where I bought my Amla powder (and they had all the other powders and Amla oil, too) was on 28th Street between Lexington & Park, I think. You'll find other Indian stores on and around Lexington Avenue in that area as well.

No I haven't. Haven't bought the stuff yet. Didn't have time before the holidays...I will let you know when I start.
thanks i was trying to get these oils when i first heard about them in the spring but i wasnt in the city so i couldnt get them as readily and i dont like the whole credit card internet thing. now i can at least try them out. thanks again.

madison: i'm in manhattan but the more places i know the better. its always good to stock up. /images/graemlins/wink.gif God bless you all.
Bumping because there is good information on Neem oil, and Amla powder, both of which I happen to have so I want to read the directions again.

I FINALLY bought all the required oils and will mix up the blend as soon as I do some further research on what EXACT cedarwood oil was used in the experiment.

I bought Virginian Cedarwood Oil, but there is another type called Atlas Cedarwood..I need to find out which one was used in the experiment.

BTW, when I was purchasing the oils, I mentioned to the store nutritionist what I was going to do with them. She told me she was VERY FAMILIAR with this blend as she had made some for two friends who were balding. She said "that stuff really works." /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I was estatic!! I will post again in 30 days, btw, my bf will be using it too on a bald spot so I will post his results as well.

[I don't have any bald spots. Only using the blend to stimulate faster hair growth.]

Londondiva, it's time for your 30 day report!
Okay, just did a little 'net research and found out that the oils used in the study were:

<ul type="square"> [*]cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) [*] lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) [*]rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) [*]thyme (Thymus vulgaris) [/list]
(Latin names of EXACT herbs are in parentheses as there are many different types of each herb)

I'm a litle upset as I now have to return my thyme, lavender AND Cedarwood oils as they are the wrong type.

Here we go again...!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I'm a litle upset as I now have to return my thyme, lavender AND Cedarwood oils as they are the wrong type.

[/ QUOTE ]

Check out the Nature's Wonderland brand. I ordered mine from and they were the correct types. Reasonably priced, too! They have "buy ___, get ___ free" sales periodically.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
sassygirl125 said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I'm a litle upset as I now have to return my thyme, lavender AND Cedarwood oils as they are the wrong type.

[/ QUOTE ]

Check out the Nature's Wonderland brand. I ordered mine from and they were the correct types. Reasonably priced, too! They have "buy ___, get ___ free" sales periodically.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks for that link. all of my oils with the exception of the rosemary are Now food brands
Hello BlkMane,
Will you order your new oils from Cedar Vale? I looked at their web site last night, and I believe I did see the right kinds of oils that you were looking for.
For all of you that plan on using this blend, I have a question. How are you going to massage it into your scalp? are you gonna put it in our hair like grease and then massage it in? and how long should the warm towel be on the head?

I have being doing it for two weeks now. You apply it to the scalp like you would hair grease, then massage for 2-5min then you put the war towel on for 5min or so...till the towel gets cold. I love it alot it makes my hair appear fuller, I have not seen hair growth so far (only 2 weeks) but it makes me sleep like a baby (essential oils)
Has anyone been using this oil blend regularly (cedarwood, lavendar, rosemary, thyme, grapeseed, jojoba)? What results? I am thinking about trying this as I am about to run out of the doo-gro mixture i've been using...
Any updates on this mixture? I started it today and besides the cedarwood smell it's all right. I thought the lavendar would make it smell better but... What I'm hoping for is growth stimulation. Since Jan started my hair growth has picked up from 1/4" to 1/2" (it usually does this from Jan to July then slows to 1/4" from July to Jan again), I'm hoping to increase this growth to 3/4" (or 1" would be even better).
Faith I just brought all of the ingredients -- I'll let you know if I try it. Please do keep us updated on your progress with this regimen. Thanks.