Protien, Cones, and other Product Ingredient Phobias


New Member
Hey Ladies

I was reading some old threads on Elast QP Mango Butter and a lot of people were concerned about the protien ingredient (it's one of the last ingredients on the jar). Also I know people search out cons diligently in thier products, and many stopped using NTM Silk Touch Leave In because of the Sodium Hydroxide (If you missed my thread on that one I contacted neautrogena and the pH of the product is 3.5 to 4.5 which is acidic not basic as you would expect).

So ...some thoughts on ingredient phobias? What do you look out for and why?

That's a very interesting thread !!!

When I started transitionning, I became completely cone, petroleum, mineral oil and parabens phobic.

There weren't many products left for me to try...:ohwell: But I wanted that to work soooooo much. I managed to completely eliminate those ingredients for more than 6 months.

Guess what? My hair was a HOT MESS !!! Breakage, shedding, split ends :( everyting bad !!!

So I guess there are two ways to understand this: either all natural/organic regimen is not for me, OR I did not use natural products correctly...

Now, I'm just trying to figure out what my hair NEEDS. Then I choose products either natural or "chemical", I try and see the results. I choose whatever works best for my hair :)
I am one of those few who had to stop using the NTM Silk, but I have no problems with the Mango Butter. I use it every day, not just on the ends but I use a small amount throughout my hair.

Side note* I promised not to buy any more products but my order for Lacio Lacio just came in and I shall put it to the test after my next shampoo to see if my hair responds to it with positive results.
I don't use anything with drying alcohols. I'm not sure if I have a diligent aversion to it, but I recognize those types of sprays and setting lotions just exacerbate my breakage. Last time the stylist tried to spritz me, I ducked, it was like a reflex. She probably thought I was :dizzy: .
Amylee said:
That's a very interesting thread !!!

When I started transitionning, I became completely cone, petroleum, mineral oil and parabens phobic.

There weren't many products left for me to try...:ohwell: But I wanted that to work soooooo much. I managed to completely eliminate those ingredients for more than 6 months.

Guess what? My hair was a HOT MESS !!! Breakage, shedding, split ends :( everyting bad !!!

So I guess there are two ways to understand this: either all natural/organic regimen is not for me, OR I did not use natural products correctly...

Now, I'm just trying to figure out what my hair NEEDS. Then I choose products either natural or "chemical", I try and see the results. I choose whatever works best for my hair :)

YES YES YES!!! i'm the same way!! every time i try to eliminate cones and go with the moisturizing method my hair rebels something awful!!:mad: its doing the same thing you described! i did it b4 and my hair broke off and then tried again after joining this site not realizing thats the problem and my hair is breaking again. therefore, i'm going back to what i know. when i used cones and such, my hair was beautiful!! by the way, i'm transitioning but mostly completely natural. :p
I never understood the focusing on and avoiding an ingredient thing. If a product works or doesn't work for your hair, it's because of the entire formulation of the product, not just one or two ingredients.
honeybadgirl said:
YES YES YES!!! i'm the same way!! every time i try to eliminate cones and go with the moisturizing method my hair rebels something awful!!:mad: its doing the same thing you described! i did it b4 and my hair broke off and then tried again after joining this site not realizing thats the problem and my hair is breaking again. therefore, i'm going back to what i know. when i used cones and such, my hair was beautiful!! by the way, i'm transitioning but mostly completely natural. :p

Girl, I feel you !!!

My hair has never been as bad as it was when I went into that ingredients phobia.
I wasn't able to glide my hands through my ends without finding little pieces of air everywhere. I wanted to cry :(

My only problem with "chemical" products is that cones, petro, mineral oils are not biodegradable (is that the correct word?). And I worry a lot about environmental issues. So I kinda feel bad knowing I willingly use polluting ingredients :perplexed
Excellent Thread!:p

My answer is gonna sound complicated but I hope you follow me.

I don't really AVOID anything per say except for harmful alcohols such as SD Alcohol. Those serve NO purpose in benefiting the hair in any shape or form just help dry it out. I hate this alchie and I will run if I see it.

But what I do do is I make sure I don't use most things in abundance AND I also check the ingredient order on a product. I like cones, but using them everyday isn't healthy for my hair and cause wicked buildup. I know this. And yes I will use a moisturizer with a cone or two in the list, but it has to be low in the list (I make an exception for Dove Mist, althought I hardly use it anymore).

Also when looking for conditioners it has to be moisturizing ingredients BEFORE the cones. I can't stand to see products that just hide the damage with about 50/11 cones in there but with a smudge of a good thing such as coconut milk at the end. I don't DC for my hair to look pretty-I do it so my hair can improve and stay strong. I don't mind the cones in there, but it shouldn't make up the top ingredients of a product. I wanna see some moisturizing alchies, some protein, and some oils in the mix too.

Mineral oil. It is cool for me. People hate MO because it doesn't penetrate-NO oils do, so why should this one be any different.:look: It isn't how much you use, it's how you use it. It is obvious that I will nto use a grease to moisturize my hair. So needless to say I use petroleum too.

Protein, my hair is cool with protein. I actually prefer it in a conditioner or a daily moisturizer (towards the mid-end). If a deep conditioner doesn't have protein I will most likely not buy it. A deep condition isn't a deep conditioner if it doesn't have protein in it. IMHO a good DC for my hair covers ALL elements-strength, moisture, slip, and shine.

All in all IMHO you gotta be smart about buying things.
Amylee said:
Girl, I feel you !!!

My hair has never been as bad as it was when I went into that ingredients phobia.
I wasn't able to glide my hands through my ends without finding little pieces of air everywhere. I wanted to cry :(

My only problem with "chemical" products is that cones, petro, mineral oils are not biodegradable (is that the correct word?). And I worry a lot about environmental issues. So I kinda feel bad knowing I willingly use polluting ingredients :perplexed

OMG!!! that is me...totally!!! when i do the gliding finger thing, its horrible!!! i can not do the natural, saturate my hair with moisturizers, oils whatever, without hairs attached to my greasy hands:grin: now that i stopped, when i put my aveda creme on it and my chi silk infusions, theres nothing, nothing nothing!!!!! like i mentioned on another thread, i just got a trim a few weeks ago and after i did the moisturized thing for about 2wks, i look like i need another trim!! my ends are so ratty. i cant take it!!!
I am post relaxer protein/ reconstructor phobic.

I know it's supposed to be good for your hair and it works for everybody else. but it doesn't work for me!

Everytime I do this step no matter lye or no -lye I revert very badly.

I have to wait @ 2 weeks before using heavy protein after relaxing and it works for me much better this way. My hair stays straight and it gains it's health. It's like the protein overshocks the hair and it never looks relaxed after being relaxed.
I tried Aubreys, almond/coconut oil on there own, or as a sealer, they did nothing for me. Then i went back tomy chemicals,and i realized that there terrible. They work for me at first, then i get build up, then i clarfiy and im starting to realize that ASL/SLS and cones do not go well with me AT ALL! So im going to try Oyin and Asha's and see how i like that. Ive been on this hair care thing for like 4/5yrs and ive tried nearly everything in regards to synthetic materials and i do beleive they are the reason why my hair acts up. However there are some exceptions to the rule such as motions CPR! - I am NEVER letting go of that ish! I beleive you just have to mix and match...

Sorry i can't realy articulate right now, ugh waffle

Crissi, x
seraphinelle said:
What's a cone?

I'm still in that frame of mind of rods and cones :lachen:

*runs to check ingredients*

Cones refer silicones. They are just referred to as cones, because they end in -cone.
I try to avoid Mineral Oil/Petroleum in my products because they tend to make my hair feel like straw and they don't provide any nutritional value. My hair has been feeling just fine without them.

I also try to avoid products that have beeswax too high on the ingredient list. If a product has beeswax as the 1st or 2nd (or even 3rd) ingredient, then it won't really work for me because it'll make my hair feel like straw also.

I mainly use products with a high content of cones when I'm going to straighten my hair, but I wouldn't use a product with a high amount of cones as a moisturizer.
I used to be crazy afraid of protiens, but ApHogee Intensive Keratin has become one of my favorite products since joining the board.

LocksOfLuV said:
Protein, my hair is cool with protein. I actually prefer it in a conditioner or a daily moisturizer (towards the mid-end). If a deep conditioner doesn't have protein I will most likely not buy it. A deep condition isn't a deep conditioner if it doesn't have protein in it. IMHO a good DC for my hair covers ALL elements-strength, moisture, slip, and shine.
Well said.

I'm the exact same way. Most of my conditioners and daily moisturizers must have protein in them with the exception of one conditioner(for use after protein treatment).

I used to avoid mineral oil but I'm relaxing on that a little bit where deep conditioners are concerned since my beloved Silicon Mix has mineral oil in it but it is one of the best deep conditioners I've ever used. I don't like daily moisturizers that have mineral oil in them because they are too heavy and they just weigh down my hair. I don't feel like they do anything to my hair at all. I also avoid petroleum since it does absolutely nothing for my hair.
The main ingredient that I watch out for is parabens. Unfortunately, almost all of my favorite products have them in it and I'm not going to stop using what I already have until I've finished them. I want my moneys worth, but when buying new products, I TRY to make sure there are no parabens - or atleast not so many.
chayil0427 said:
Hey Ladies

I was reading some old threads on Elast QP Mango Butter and a lot of people were concerned about the protien ingredient (it's one of the last ingredients on the jar). Also I know people search out cons diligently in thier products, and many stopped using NTM Silk Touch Leave In because of the Sodium Hydroxide (If you missed my thread on that one I contacted neautrogena and the pH of the product is 3.5 to 4.5 which is acidic not basic as you would expect).

So ...some thoughts on ingredient phobias? What do you look out for and why?


Girl, I just use what works for me. I personally don't spend much time trying to avoid this and that if this and that are working for my hair. I've found the group of products that are doing great on my hair and don't care if they have cones or whatever. Just care if they start making my hair fall out.
I don't like any product that has mineral oil in the first couple ingred. on the list. Mineral Oil makes my hair stiff :( ... My main moisturizer has to have water first as that of ORS moist. hair lotion(water based)..although it has petrolatum in it, this ingred. is way down on the list so it doesn't bother my hair strands at all!!

Cones don't bother me one bit.. if I have a cone overload, then I will just use a clarifying shampoo.

Protein is probably the best thing for my keeps it from breaking.. however I don't care for the protein in a moisturizer... too much of it makes my hair hard..and I don't want my hair hard all the time. I prefer protein in my deep conditioners and treatments such as nexxus emergencee and aphogee... after using those hard core proteins I definitely have to moisturize to soften!
I personally do not have problems with protein in my leave-ins. I use Mane and Tail original formula as one of my best leave-ins to slick my hair back into a pony or bun. If I am experiencing a lot of broken hairs in my hands the Mane and Tail usually stops it.

I don't like to use cones because I feel like they just coat my hair . They give my hair a false feeling of moisture. I dont like mineral oil or petrolatum in my hair either for the same reasons. I feel they coat my hair rather than moisturize it.
I look out for silicones (except the ones that end or start with PEG). Experience has taught me breakage will follow. :ohwell:
Olive oil: makes my scalp crazy and hair sad and tangly

SLS & ALS: unless I'm clarifying these detergents are much to harsh for my hair. I always think of an article that said something to the effect that "no conditioner can undo the damage that shampoo does to your hair."
amina kamal said:
I personally do not have problems with protein in my leave-ins. I use Mane and Tail original formula as one of my best leave-ins to slick my hair back into a pony or bun. If I am experiencing a lot of broken hairs in my hands the Mane and Tail usually stops it.

I don't like to use cones because I feel like they just coat my hair . They give my hair a false feeling of moisture. I dont like mineral oil or petrolatum in my hair either for the same reasons. I feel they coat my hair rather than moisturize it.

Yes, Mineral Oil is drying. That is why I don't use ORS products.
I avoid mineral oil when I can. There's a few things I can't avoid it in ...keraphix and my relaxer *rolls eyes*
As an everyday application its a no no.

I avoid SLS like the plague! I have bad reactions toward it, and have to make sure I watch not only shampoo but even some toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Straight Olive oil must makes my hair serioulsy crunchy.

I use sparingly on the oil front. Other than that its case by case.

I'm sure there's other things I can't use but I haven't found them yet:lol:

amina kamal said:
I personally do not have problems with protein in my leave-ins. I use Mane and Tail original formula as one of my best leave-ins to slick my hair back into a pony or bun. If I am experiencing a lot of broken hairs in my hands the Mane and Tail usually stops it.

I don't like to use cones because I feel like they just coat my hair . They give my hair a false feeling of moisture. I dont like mineral oil or petrolatum in my hair either for the same reasons. I feel they coat my hair rather than moisturize it.

Ditto. I mean, I am cool with cones and I will use them but I gots to have some other moisturizing ingredients before the cones.

I stopped using cones a while back and I thought it was that my hair didn't like coneless products when in fact the cones was just hiding the damage and for the first time I was seeing how my hair really was.:(

After that I decided to use cones BUT under the condition that there were other moisturizing ingredients before them.
My natural hair is fine and finicky so I have a few "phobias" :lol:
I say no to: drying alcohols, lauryl/laureth sulfates (myreth isn't too bad), straight olive oil (I don't know what it is about olive oil by itself but...:eek::eek:)

If my hair is unstraightened, I say no to: cones, mineral oil, petrolatum, anything coating and heavy when it comes to products that are left in --> icky knots. My one exception right now is Burt's Bees avocado butter. It is heavy on its own (main use is a pre-shampoo treatment), but using a little on wet ends is keeping them protected from the cold wind and weather in Chicago. The avocado butter doesn't actually have any cones or mineral oil in it, but it does have glycerin and some heavier natural oils that I normally would be wary of leaving in my natural hair.

If my hair is straightened, or if I'm prepping it for straightening: all is well (in moderation)

I ain't scurred of protein :lol:
I avoid cones, mineral oil, and petroleum all for one reason - they coat my hair, and they prevent moisture from getting to my hair, and my natural hair NEEDS moisture on a daily basis - so anything on my hair that prevents moisture from getting TO my hair is a very very VERY bad thing. In addition, since I don't use shampoo at all, and only clarify once a month - it's just plain not WORTH it to coat my hair like that - I'll stick to henna & citric acid to smooth down my cuticles.

Ocasionally, I'll get real curious about a product, and it'll have one of those ingredients in it, and I'll try it - and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME - I've hated the results. My hair will smell off, it will feel nasty, and I have to expend more effort to get my hair back to it's normal state.

Being phobic about ingredients without being certain & aware of their effect on YOUR hair is silly, in my ever so humble opinion. Being ingredientphobic about stuff that you KNOW your hair doesn't like is just smart.