Protein: Which products qualify?


Active Member
Can someone on the board please define "protein" for me as in protein treatment? Which products qualify as protein treatments and why is it unhealthy to use protein on your hair daily?

I currently use Nexxus Humectruss (and GENERIC's version) as well as Salerm B5 protein poo and conditioner on my hair each morning to maintain a wash and go. Is this too much protein?

Thanks in advance.
Most protein products for hair explicitly say that they contain protein, as you already know, because you are using some protein-based products. I think you need to be concerned with whether it is a maintenance product or a reconstructor. Reconstructors have a higher concentration of protein, which can harden the hair and make it brittle when used. This is why it is important to moisturize after using them to combat the dryness. These reconstructors should not be used too often, only if breakage is severe. There are products for maintenance that contain protein and are intended for more regular use. There is usually some clue on the label that tells you if it is a reconstructor or heavy protein treatment, or if it is a maintenance product for hair strengthening. I don't use protein every day, even for the lighter proteins. Just be careful. You can have too much protein. Maybe you should alternate with some moisturizing products just to be safe. HTH.
That is a HUGE help.
I'll check my bottles tonight. I'm going with flat ironed look for something different so I won't have to apply anything for a few days.