Protein Treatment After Relaxer?

Hi there! I'm relatively new here on the forum and I love all the good advice. I'm wrapping up my 12 week stretch next week and getting a touch up. My salon actually does Aphogee "hard" treatments and I was wondering if you would advise me getting that right after my Mizani Butter Blends touch up or do you think the two minute aphogee is better after a touch up or alternatively should I be focusing on moisture right after the touch up?

I'd love to hear your thoughts! :yawn:
You can do the hardcore one week before or the 2 min right after rinsing out the relaxer but before the neutralizer.

you can use the 2 minute aphogee but not the hard one because your hair will revert. It will tell you on the bottle, you shouldnt use it after a chemical service. usually people use a protien conditioner after they touch up.
thanks locabouthair for the warning! so aphogee 2min or another protein conditioner is good? Most people are doing protein not moisture? Also if there is anyone who touches up with Mizani ButterBlends, i would love to hear their advice!
I never used the Butter Blends, but isn't there a conditioner that comes with the system? It's used before neutralizing, so I'd assume that would take the place of the aphogee (if your salon uses the entire BB system). I hope someone else could chime in to make sure.

Anyway, I use the Aphogee 2 minute before neutralizing. After I neutralize, I DC with a moisturizing DC as usual.
I never used the Butter Blends, but isn't there a conditioner that comes with the system? It's used before neutralizing, so I'd assume that would take the place of the aphogee (if your salon uses the entire BB system). I hope someone else could chime in to make sure.

Anyway, I use the Aphogee 2 minute before neutralizing. After I neutralize, I DC with a moisturizing DC as usual.

Yeah this is what you can do.but I think you couls use other protein conditioners like motions CPR, or something thats a mild protein, not somethign hard like aphogee or emergencee, cuz your hair wont look like a relaxer touched it:nono:
Yeah this is what you can do.but I think you couls use other protein conditioners like motions CPR, or something thats a mild protein, not somethign hard like aphogee or emergencee, cuz your hair wont look like a relaxer touched it:nono:
Ooh, what about Aubrey GPB instead? I love this stuff and if I could use that, I probably won't replace my Aphogee 2 min.
A protein treatment a week before you retouch and one two weeks after is good. Works for me! I use Jheri Redding natural protein which is a strong protein and whenever I use it people will comment on my hair whether before retouch or after...
Good question... Hey honey a, I have the jheri redding protein and dont know how to use it, how are you applying it???

I agree with the protein 2 weeks after... I got a touch up yesterday and will be doing the hard core aphogee in 2 weeks...Good luck!!
So, in order to not start a new thread I'll revive this one....

It seems that people are saying
1) use protein on your last wash before a touch-up
2) use protein on your first wash after a touch up
3) if you use protein the same day, it should be before the neutralizer?...
4) You should use a moisturizing conditioner after the protein conditioner
5) Other times after washing most people use a moisturizing conditioner that maybe has protein in it.

Some of you refer to "treatments" and "reconstructors"---When I think of a treatment, I think of APhogee, but I have no idea how a reconstructor differs from a conditioner.

Also, when are the times that using "protein" will cause the hair to not process properly?

use the hardcore before your relaxer. After you relax but before you neutralize leave the 2 minute on for about 2 minutes. Do NOT go under the dryer. Then rinse and neutralize as usual.
Why before neutralizer?

Because your cuticles are open due to the higher pH of the relaxer, so the protein is able to get in there and fill in any weak spots. Once you neutralize, you bring the hair's pH down and that closes your cuticle.

I always do a conditioner before the neutralizer, but I like ORS Replenishing.

you can use the 2 minute aphogee but not the hard one because your hair will revert. It will tell you on the bottle, you shouldnt use it after a chemical service. usually people use a protien conditioner after they touch up.

I totally agree. I just asked my teacher the same question last week. You would want to do the hard treatment at least a week after the touch up because the hair definitely will revert. She even told me a deep condition isn't recommended after a relaxer touch up b/c the hair will revert as well. The Aphogee 2 Minute should work because it doesn't require you to get under the dryer.
One more question. If I do a hardcore protein before the relaxer, should I also do a hardcore protein a week after, or is that too much protein? Would it be better to do a "softcore" protein 2 weeks after the relaxer if I do a hardcore the week before? (I know, hair porn lol):blush:
I use no-lye relaxers. I always do a hardcore protein treatment after I neutralize. If I don't, my hair feels weird and weak. I've never had a problem. I use aphogee protein treatment(the one that gets hard and crunchy after sitting under the dryer).

Now, this is what works for me. It may not be the LHCF standard, but it works for ME. After I rinse the aphogee out, I use a deep moisturizing conditioner and then all is well!
bumping this because I am curious to know what people do now. I just finished up my relaxer and instead of doing a protein treatment before my neutralizer I did it after, and pretty much because I felt as though I permed my hair too straight, so far I havent seen any reverting and I'm kind of nervous about hair breakage. I always put my timer once I start applying the relaxer, this time I forgot to, so I was unable to keep track of time and I think I had it in for 12 or more minutes... Maybe i'm over reacting.
I use no-lye relaxers. I always do a hardcore protein treatment after I neutralize. If I don't, my hair feels weird and weak. I've never had a problem. I use aphogee protein treatment(the one that gets hard and crunchy after sitting under the dryer).

Now, this is what works for me. It may not be the LHCF standard, but it works for ME. After I rinse the aphogee out, I use a deep moisturizing conditioner and then all is well!


i do proteins when ever I please, before and/or after, WHENEVER.
I just texlaxed today myself, and I know that I cannot put the protein in after a relaxer because it hardens my hair too much. I've had damage before from protein overload. I like to do my protein treatment on my next dc day from the day I relaxed. Sometimes, you can do too much. I would recommend that you just condition your hair, and then do a protein treatment later. You can never be too safe.
thanks ladies,
so far so good, I am just about done with my replenishing pak from ORS, if anyone is curious it's the one that comes with the ORS Olive oil relaxer ( I used the no-lye normal box for fine to medium hair), I really like the shine I am getting, when I straighten I'll see how well my ends are looking, ugh I hate that fresh relaxer look, I want body and bounce, guess I'm gonna have to wait 1 week or more for that. because I plan on neutralizing again and doing another protein treatment, I hope that's not too much.
thanks ladies,
so far so good, I am just about done with my replenishing pak from ORS, if anyone is curious it's the one that comes with the ORS Olive oil relaxer ( I used the no-lye normal box for fine to medium hair), I really like the shine I am getting, when I straighten I'll see how well my ends are looking, ugh I hate that fresh relaxer look, I want body and bounce, guess I'm gonna have to wait 1 week or more for that. because I plan on neutralizing again and doing another protein treatment, I hope that's not too much.

after my touch up last week i did the aphogee two step. and then DC'ed with ORS, my hair came out perfect.

you should be just fine.
thanks locabouthair for the warning! so aphogee 2min or another protein conditioner is good? Most people are doing protein not moisture? Also if there is anyone who touches up with Mizani ButterBlends, i would love to hear their advice!

I use MBB (Lye). A week prior, I clarify my hair and then I apply Nexxus Emergencee on freshly co-washed hair under the dryer no plastic cap until hard. Then I DC'ed under steamer with a moisturizing DC'er.

The first week(s) after, I will co-wash with Nutrine Garlic as a precaution to ward off any potential shedding and use a light/med Reconstructor.

I will DC with a Protein DC'er, Alter Ego Garlic DC'er etc....followed up by either a Moisturizing Final Rinse-Out or a Moisturizing DC'er. i.e. 30 minutes Protein/30 minutes Moisture.

You should always follow up your Protein Treatment with a Moisturizing Treatment to keep things balanced.:grin:

A little late on this one but wanted to update none the less. I had a mini freak out about using the aphogee 2 step treatment after washing out my perm before using the neutralizer, I was so sure my hair would fall out, lmao, well, so far so good. I really love that aphogee treatment and I am almost ignoring my amla treatment which I used to do religiously every week, now I do it maybe once every 3 weeks, and that's partially because of laziness. But so far so good!!
Anyone else want to comment on not deep conditioning after using a relaxer?

I've never heard of that one before and I'm curious about it.

Any info ladies?
Anyone else want to comment on not deep conditioning after using a relaxer?

I've never heard of that one before and I'm curious about it.

Any info ladies?

I've never heard of such, nor have I had any problem with DC'ing after a relaxer.

Also, this time I did the Aphogee 2-Step 1 week before my relaxer and 1 week after (since I was doing a semi-perm color I wanted to do a protein treatment first). I've had absolutely no problems thus far, despite having done 2 hardcore protein treatments 2 weeks apart. But then again, my hair is really fine and craves protein.