Protein Shakes


New Member
Hello everyone /images/graemlins/wave.gif !!! I am a newbie and I would like to know if protein shakes help with hair growth?
Let me be the first to welcome you. /images/graemlins/wave.gif I drink protein for overall health, to assist me with my weight training and especially for hair growth. Visit GNC for a selection of protein shakes. I go back and forth between Atkins shakes (they're good) and whey protein. Best of luck and enjoy the board. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Beautiful user name.
I just started back to drinking protei shakes in hopes it would help speed up my growth.
Welcome, I am a newbie also! /images/graemlins/wave.gifI am presently drinking the GNC Whey Protein. In addition to hair growth, I am also drinking protein shakes to assist with toning some parts of my body. I just started drinking them about two months ago.
MrsLee I drink them twice a day. I think it depends on your diet though. I drink them in the morning and afternoon as part of my weight loss program. There are so many benefits to protein that I don't see any harm in having two a day but I think one a day is just fine. BTW you have very beautiful hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks! I just finished browsing in your album! Your hair grows fast and your bun is to die for!! Keep up the good work!:)
Hi Lorraine and WhipEffectz1, thanks for the warm welcome. That's a good question. How often should you drink them?
I drink 60 grams a day. I prefer to drink mine all at once, which means that since mine is 20grams per serving, I just put three scoops and have my sixty grams. I use to drink it two times a day but I have no time for that and I always fall short. So once a day is good enough for me except when I exercise I drink protein before and after my workout.
Be careful if you're taking large amounts of protein and are not exercising as it may lead to weight gain.
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It really does which means if you do drink a lot of it, you're gonna have to "work it out" like Kanye says. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Welcome lveurslf /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Good topic. I was wondering about this myself!

whip, thanks for a brilliant idea: I can drink a shake before my workout and not die by dinnertime (I'm hypoglycemic). Great info!!!
So you should only take it if you workout? Does the taste take getting used to? I imagine it to taste like dust and water /images/graemlins/rofl.gif.
Umm, if you want to increase hair growth, I would think that you would consume a lower amount than what I am taking. To me, 20- 25 grams should be enough but as for myself, I am trying to get some muscle tone in my stomach and legs. Protein shakes also help me to forgo eating before and after a workout. Someone might do it different but I exercise to get the protein working for all the right reasons and not not just to drinka protein shake and sit and watch tv. I hope this helps!
Ok anyone got any recipes for there protien shakes like what do you add in them fruit,type milk,juice.... anything else
WhipEffectz1 said:
I drink 60 grams a day. I prefer to drink mine all at once, which means that since mine is 20grams per serving, I just put three scoops and have my sixty grams. I use to drink it two times a day but I have no time for that and I always fall short. So once a day is good enough for me except when I exercise I drink protein before and after my workout.

I was told by a fitness trainer that our bodies can only absorb about 35 g of protein at a time. This isn't true? That's good to know b/c I would prefer to take it all at once instead of in parts.
Well, mine told me that a total of 90 for women and 120 g for men, something like that. Besides, I need protein for my workout. I've never heard that 60 g was too much even when I visit other boards and talk to people who bodybuild<---and they use like 120grams a day!!!!. So from what the people at my gym has told me and gathering research on the internet and other people who take protein, "my" conclusion is that it can't be too bad because I am still at 130lbs with no extra weight gain, just muscle gain, and no sise effects. Everyone is different you know. This routine works best for me and I have only been at it for about two months. I am not disciplined enough to drink it two separate time unless whenever I workout which happens to be 3-4 times a week. Any other time it might be 20-40grams. Hope this helps
Good luck on your protien intake...I find it the hardest to do of all the other things I do for healthy hair. I think the Whey protien is great though. It can mix with milk, juice, anything and still taste great.
i've been wondering if it helps with hair health too. I know men drink them for increased muscle mass, but can it help your hair also?
Here's a Shake recipe if you like peanut butter. Because of the Peanut Butter, I only drink it twice a week...althought it contains the good fat...I still have to keep it under control.

2 scoops of vanilla protein shake
1 tablespoon of peanut butter(The one with no sugar added)
1/2 banana ( I eat the rest)
12 ounces of milk (I use 1% milk...but whatever milk u use is good)
Blend on high until smooth.

It is sooooooo goood. Trust me when I first saw the ingredients...I was thinking ugggh....but it is good.
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kandyland said:
Here's a Shake recipe if you like peanut butter. Because of the Peanut Butter, I only drink it twice a week...althought it contains the good fat...I still have to keep it under control.

2 scoops of vanilla protein shake
1 tablespoon of peanut butter(The one with no sugar added)
1/2 banana ( I eat the rest)
12 ounces of milk (I use 1% milk...but whatever milk u use is good)
Blend on high until smooth.

It is sooooooo goood. Trust me when I first saw the ingredients...I was thinking ugggh....but it is good.

I tried this recipe several years ago and it was really good!
lveurslf said:
Thank you for this link, lveurslf (great name, btw)! I also wrote down the dr.'s tip for adding green foods like spirulina to the mix. She advised using blue berries and black berries to disguise the green color. It seems like a good way to get in the benefits of veggies and protein in one shot.

kandyland said:
Here's a Shake recipe if you like peanut butter. Because of the Peanut Butter, I only drink it twice a week...althought it contains the good fat...I still have to keep it under control.

2 scoops of vanilla protein shake
1 tablespoon of peanut butter(The one with no sugar added)
1/2 banana ( I eat the rest)
12 ounces of milk (I use 1% milk...but whatever milk u use is good)
Blend on high until smooth.

It is sooooooo goood. Trust me when I first saw the ingredients...I was thinking ugggh....but it is good.
Thanks for recipe, kandyland! I love peanut butter...but haven't had much lately b/c I'm not trying to gain more than a healthy baby weight. The recipe looks delicious! This will be a yummy treat once a week.:) :lick:

And the bonus from each of the recipes is that it's also good for the hair!

Thanks ladies and happy hair growing.