Protein Shakes & Hair


Active Member
Has anyone had good results from drinking protein shakes? I've done a little research and some say its a good way to start the day and others say we already get enough protein in the typical American diet.

What are your thoughts? TIA
I had a long stint of drinking Boost High Protein shakes in 2005, it was around 6 months straight, I had human braids in my hair for 5 months and when I got them done my hair was neck length, when I took them out my hair was about 2 inches past my shoulder and thick! I think the protein shakes and my habit of washing my braids and scalp in the shower everyday to the growth. It was pretty drastic, I remember leaving to get the braids taken out and my hair touched up and when I came home my man at that time was practically drooling at the transformation.
I already have a high protein diet, but I did do protein shakes also. I felt they gave me a boost of energy. Its funny, how i didn't associate what goes IN my body with my hair. duh me. I never paid attention to hair growth and protein. I need to start.:yep:
I drink protein shakes daily. At least one. It has alot of the amino acids in it that are good for hair and its a healthy source of protein (low fat, low carb). I also don't have a really balanced diet so it helps me maintain my weight.

I'm not sure if this counts or not, but I just incorporated drinking the Ensure shake with high protein into my healthy living regimen. I usually don't have time for breakfast, so instead of not eating anything or getting junk on the road, I opt for drinking this shake as a meal replacement. I never even thought about the effect it'll have on my hair. I've been doing this for a couple weeks now. The vanilla is really good.

It's this one.
Has anyone had good results from drinking protein shakes? I've done a little research and some say its a good way to start the day and others say we already get enough protein in the typical American diet.

What are your thoughts? TIA
I use a soyprotein powder to do my shakes.....I use it twice a day as a meal replacement. I do it together with my workout but I never paid attention to what it can do for hair.


this is what I use
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I use a soyprotein powder to do my shakes.....I use it twice a day as a meal replacement. I do it together with my workout but I never paid attention to what it can do for hair.


this is what I use

Thanks for sharing. What do you mix it with?
I like mixing my protein shakes with banana's or some mixture of berries to give the shake extra flavor. (the berries....especially straw, leave bits of seeds but its still good)

I just read in a thread about banana's, honey, yogurt and milk. I've done this but never thought about adding honey.

I also do mango shakes....fresh mango, vanilla yogurt and mango juice (kerns or whatever)..mmmm
My ex bf told me that protein shakes worked well in growing his hair. His hair was a 3b almost waist length. But I do not know if it was soley the protein shakes, because he was very, very healthy. He worked out everyday, ate balance meals, and left his hair alone. He could cut his hair one month and it would be shoulder length with a couple.
Thanks for sharing. What do you mix it with?
I add mix fruits to it

I get the dole bag of mix fruits (mango, strawberry, honeydew, peaches and pineapple.

sometimes I use orange juice as the base....if I want it creamy I use silk.

that jar of soy protein was just over $13 at sams club
One of my favorites has always been Spirutein Cookies and Cream formula. Problem was it's super chunky and it doesn't mix that well but it tastes great! :lick: