Protein Queens: Challenge

I believe I need to join this challenge. My hair is missing something and I think it’s protein.
A few questions for you ladies.
1. What is this protein filler I kept seeing in the few original posts? Is it something I should be looking at getting?
2. Do you do your protein treatment as a pre poo or wash and then protein treatment? For the longest time I used light proteins as pre poo. My hair was healthy and it seemed to work but right now my hair needs something more and I am wondering if using protein as pre poo isn’t a good idea. I am wondering if the treatment still penetrates the strands since the hair isn’t clean and has product build up. Thoughts?
3. Do you deep condition after each protein treatment?
4. Do you do light protein regularly and then heavy protein every once in a while?

TIA ladies.
I believe I need to join this challenge. My hair is missing something and I think it’s protein.
A few questions for you ladies.

1. What is this protein filler I kept seeing in the few original posts? Is it something I should be looking at getting?

Neutral Protein Filler is a liquid product you can purchase from stores like Sally's. You can use it by itself (it is kinda sticky) or you can mix into a protein free conditioner to turn into a heavier protein conditioner.

It is a decent product to have on hand as you can turn any conditioner into a protein treatment. But if you aren't into mixing or making your own hair products, it's not a must have.

2. Do you do your protein treatment as a pre poo or wash and then protein treatment? For the longest time I used light proteins as pre poo. My hair was healthy and it seemed to work but right now my hair needs something more and I am wondering if using protein as pre poo isn’t a good idea. I am wondering if the treatment still penetrates the strands since the hair isn’t clean and has product build up. Thoughts?

I would suggest approaching protein usage cautiously.

When I first started I used a heavier protein treatment as a deep conditioner followed by a moisture conditioner in the same session until I learned how my hair reacts to protein. I gradually moved to using protein at every other wash session while using moisture DCs the following week.

I've seen the Clean vs not clean argument and honestly, I haven't had issues with using products as pre-poo on "Dirty" hair. In my case, I stopped worrying about this after I remembered that when I went for salon treatments, stylists applied relaxers and color on "Dirty" hair and the services turned out fine, so the YouTube gurus saying it doesn't penetrate the hair doesn't hold water IMHO.

But you should do what you think is right while designing your hair regimen for YOUR hair.

3. Do you deep condition after each protein treatment?

See my comment above, BUT, I would also take the time to say, don't try to use too many protein based products in one session. So if you decide to use a protein DC, I wouldn't suggest using a protein leave in and/or protein based shampoo.

4. Do you do light protein regularly and then heavy protein every once in a while?

Yes, I have a variety of different weight protein conditioners available for use. My hair LOVES protein so I regularly work it into my routine.

Hope this helps.
Thank you so much. This does help.
I need to be more on top of my hair care.

A few questions for you ladies.

1. What is this protein filler I kept seeing in the few original posts? Is it something I should be looking at getting?

Neutral Protein Filler is a liquid product you can purchase from stores like Sally's. You can use it by itself (it is kinda sticky) or you can mix into a protein free conditioner to turn into a heavier protein conditioner.

It is a decent product to have on hand as you can turn any conditioner into a protein treatment. But if you aren't into mixing or making your own hair products, it's not a must have.

2. Do you do your protein treatment as a pre poo or wash and then protein treatment? For the longest time I used light proteins as pre poo. My hair was healthy and it seemed to work but right now my hair needs something more and I am wondering if using protein as pre poo isn’t a good idea. I am wondering if the treatment still penetrates the strands since the hair isn’t clean and has product build up. Thoughts?

I would suggest approaching protein usage cautiously.

When I first started I used a heavier protein treatment as a deep conditioner followed by a moisture conditioner in the same session until I learned how my hair reacts to protein. I gradually moved to using protein at every other wash session while using moisture DCs the following week.

I've seen the Clean vs not clean argument and honestly, I haven't had issues with using products as pre-poo on "Dirty" hair. In my case, I stopped worrying about this after I remembered that when I went for salon treatments, stylists applied relaxers and color on "Dirty" hair and the services turned out fine, so the YouTube gurus saying it doesn't penetrate the hair doesn't hold water IMHO.

But you should do what you think is right while designing your hair regimen for YOUR hair.

3. Do you deep condition after each protein treatment?

See my comment above, BUT, I would also take the time to say, don't try to use too many protein based products in one session. So if you decide to use a protein DC, I wouldn't suggest using a protein leave in and/or protein based shampoo.

4. Do you do light protein regularly and then heavy protein every once in a while?

Yes, I have a variety of different weight protein conditioners available for use. My hair LOVES protein so I regularly work it into my routine.

Hope this helps.
After getting over my lazy spell after church I decided to hit the shower to start my hair. Here's what I decided on:

-Shampooing with Afro Love Mint Eucalyptus Rosemary Shampoo
-Color - Dominican Republic Big One henna
-Shampoo again with Natur Growth Bambu Shampoo
-Protein Treat with Natur Growth Nectar Repair

-Moisturizing DC with NG Rose Clay DC
-Leave in with IN Aloe and Hibiscus Leave-in
-M/S with CFCG Moisturizer and BM Grease or diy SB blend
My regimen this weekend is:

Pre-poo - Chicoro's moisture pre-poo of AVG and EVCO - I need the big guns this weekend and this works well on my hair.
Shampoo - Natur Growth Bambu shampo
Protein DC
- Natur Growth Bambu DC
Moisturizing DC
- Afro Love Hair Souffle mixed with Bekura YAM Nectar
Leave-in - IN Aloe and Hibiscus
M/S - CFCG Curl Moisturizer and BM Grease or diy Shea Butter
Style - Bunning since my hair still roots still look pretty dark from my henna color last weekend.
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Just made some Fenugreek oil to brew for a week on my window sill. Fenugreek has a quite a bit of protein in it, by the way.

I also made some fenugreek rinse with AVJ and put it in the fridge to steep overnight before adding some peppermint and rosemary essential oils to it. I will start using this one tomorrow on my scalp and hair.
Sprayed and massaged my Fenugreek Tea Rinse on scalp and hair. The peppermint, Rosemary and Tea Tree oil in it have my scalp all wonderfully tingly. I am storing it in the fridge especially because of the AVG in it. It looks like enough for at least 2 weeks.

Here's is the recipe I used with a tiny change of adding about 2 ounces of my Hops, Earl Grey, and Horsetail Shavegrass herbal tea rinse I had in the fridge:

Sprayed and massaged my Fenugreek Tea Rinse on scalp and hair. The peppermint, Rosemary and Tea Tree oil in it have my scalp all wonderfully tingly. I am storing it in the fridge especially because of the AVG in it. It looks like enough for at least 2 weeks.

Here's is the recipe I used with a tiny change of adding about 2 ounces of my Hops, Earl Grey, and Horsetail Shavegrass herbal tea rinse I had in the fridge:

Repeat today
This week I will be:

-Prepooing with Chicoro's Moisture Drench Prepoo - AVJ, EVCO and EVOO
-Shampoo with Afro Love Mint Eucalyptus Rosemary Shampoo

-Protein Deep Conditioning with Natur Growth Bambu Nourishing Treatment
-Moisture Deep Condition with Afro Love Raw Honey and Shea Butter Hair Treatment
-Leave-in with IN Aloe and Hibiscus

-M/S with CFCG Curl Moisturizer and Shea Butter/Blue Magic Grease
-Styling - Bunning with Wetline Xtreme Gel, MO Curling Custard.
Thought I'd get off my butt and check my stash for what I will be using this weekend and here it is:

-Prepoo with JMonique's Dead Sea Hair Mud Wash
-Shampoo with Follicle Care Bambu Shampoo
-DC with Follicle Care Bambu Strengthening Conditioner (Protein)
-DC with Afro Love Shea and Honey DC (Moisturizing)
-Leave-in with IN Aloe and Hibiscus Leave-in
-Moisturize with Lustrasilk Curl Max Moisturizer
-Style in a bun to wear for a week.