Protein Powerhouse Pasta--The Remix


New Member
PrincessDiva graciously shared a delicious recipe to help us get to our recommended 100g of protein per day for healthy hair growth. I'm posting a more health-conscious version with MORE protein, less fat and less cholesterol.


1 15 oz. can Salmon (drained, flaked) - 85 grams Protein
1 can Tuna (drained, flaked) - 32.5 grams Protein
10 Jumbo Shrimp (thawed, chopped) - 10 grams Protein
8 oz. Barrilla Plus Multigrain Elbow Pasta - 40 grams Protein
4 tbsp. Hummus (or to desired consistency) - 6 grams Protein (or more)
6 Large Eggs (whites only) (boiled, chopped) - 21.6 grams Protein
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. black pepper
Fresh chives and fresh dill if you so desire


In a large bowl mix: Drained, cooked pasta; drained, flaked salmon; drained, flaked tuna; chopped shrimp and boiled, chopped egg whites
In another small bowl mix: 4 tbsp. hummus, chives, dill (if you wish), oregano and black pepper.
Gently fold hummus mixture with seafood mixture. Blend well. Refrigerate (overnight is best)

If you look at the label on real mayonnaise, you'll notice there's saturated fat and cholesterol but no protein. Hummus, on the other hand, is an useful substitute for recipes that call for something with a creamier consistency. Hummus has no saturated fat, no cholesterol and 3g of protein per serving.

This is a good meal to eat a few times a month as PrincessDiva mentioned but be careful with seafood and mercury levels. These are particularly high in tuna.

Another easy way to fit protein into your diet is to eat a handful of almonds once or twice a day. This can also curb your appetite. Plain yogurt (Fit & Active brand, for example) makes a great low-fat snack with 8 grams of protein per cup.

Thanks to PrincessDiva for sharing the original recipe.
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For those who are concerned about mercury, I just want to add that eating or cooking with fresh cilantro will remove all possible mercury from the body.
Isis said:
For those who are concerned about mercury, I just want to add that eating or cooking with fresh cilantro will remove all possible mercury from the body.

Ah. I learn something new everyday
Isis said:
For those who are concerned about mercury, I just want to add that eating or cooking with fresh cilantro will remove all possible mercury from the body.

Ooh, does this mean I can eat more seafood? Thanks, Isis! Great tip. I'll still be sure not to go overboard:D
MonaRae said:
Keluric can you post your hummus recipe?


4 garlic cloves, minced and then mashed
2 15-oz cans of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained and rinsed
2/3 cup of tahini (roasted, not raw)
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt

I combine the mashed garlic, garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, 1/2 cup water, and olive oil in a food processor. Process until smooth. Add salt, starting at a half a teaspoon, to taste.

This is a really basic recipe and yields about 3 cups.


If I don't feel like making fresh hummus, I buy it. There's a garlic lovers' variety in the store that tastes great in the seafood mix.
keluric said:
PrincessDiva graciously shared a delicious recipe to help us get to our recommended 100g of protein per day for healthy hair growth. I'm posting a more health-conscious version with MORE protein, less fat and less cholesterol.


1 15 oz. can Salmon (drained, flaked) - 85 grams Protein
1 can Tuna (drained, flaked) - 32.5 grams Protein
10 Jumbo Shrimp (thawed, chopped) - 10 grams Protein
8 oz. Barrilla Plus Multigrain Elbow Pasta - 40 grams Protein
4 tbsp. Hummus (or to desired consistency) - 6 grams Protein (or more)
6 Large Eggs (whites only) (boiled, chopped) - 21.6 grams Protein
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. black pepper
Fresh chives and fresh dill if you so desire


In a large bowl mix: Drained, cooked pasta; drained, flaked salmon; drained, flaked tuna; chopped shrimp and boiled, chopped egg whites
In another small bowl mix: 4 tbsp. hummus, chives, dill (if you wish), oregano and black pepper.
Gently fold hummus mixture with seafood mixture. Blend well. Refrigerate (overnight is best)

If you look at the label on real mayonnaise, you'll notice there's saturated fat and cholesterol but no protein. Hummus, on the other hand, is an useful substitute for recipes that call for something with a creamier consistency. Hummus has no saturated fat, no cholesterol and 3g of protein per serving.

This is a good meal to eat a few times a month as PrincessDiva mentioned but be careful with seafood and mercury levels. These are particularly high in tuna.

Another easy way to fit protein into your diet is to eat a handful of almonds once or twice a day. This can also curb your appetite. Plain yogurt (Fit & Active brand, for example) makes a great low-fat snack with 8 grams of protein per cup.

Thanks to PrincessDiva for sharing the original recipe.

Keluric your hair is awwwwwwwwwsome!!!!! that recipe sounds like a plan i m gonna try it. i never had hummus before though :( can i do without it and what can i substitute girl? hum 100g protein hehe i m game:D sounds yummy too!
Ekomba, I'm always in your album, your hair is soooo beautiful, definitely an inspiration. The original recipe called for mayonnaise but hummus is a nice substitution. I think you can probably go without either but they really help everything stick together. The hummus doesn't really have a strong taste so you can season with herbs or buy flavored hummus.. I've seen roasted red pepper and garlic in the store.
keluric said:
Ekomba, I'm always in your album, your hair is soooo beautiful, definitely an inspiration. The original recipe called for mayonnaise but hummus is a nice substitution. I think you can probably go without either but they really help everything stick together. The hummus doesn't really have a strong taste so you can season with herbs or buy flavored hummus.. I've seen roasted red pepper and garlic in the store.

Thank you Keluric!!!!! i m try both mayonnaise and i m try hummus:confused: i never had it but there s always a first time and thanks Armyqt so i can just go to my supermarket and next to which aisle do you find it? is it a paste? lol i m go to the supermarket tomorrow and buy all the ingredients and make that for my lunches oh with roasted red pepper and garlic? that sounnnnnds nice slurp u making me hungry lol! thanks for the tips;) :D :p