Protein Overload


New Member
So I went to the salon yesterday and my stylist told me that I have protein overload going on. I asked her how she knew that and she said because my hair was VERY stiff while wet. She said that I need to add more moisture into my regimen but is there a quick fix to add moisture like Aphogee 2 minute for protein?

Also what products would you recommend for me to use for daily use?

Thx and HHJ
Do you have a steamer or an overhead dryer? Using AO HSR under my steamer is a quick fix for my hair. Some people prefer to do an overnight conditioning, and their is back to normal. However, more often, you need to do repeated moisturizing treatments to get the balance back.

OAN: I'm glad your stylist could tell that your hair needed some TLC and had the right terminology. :lol:
Moisture treatments are usually quick fixes. The first treatment usually always bring my moisture/protein balance back.
NappyNelle, for some reason, I am not yet a fan of Aubrey YET! I don't like how my hair feels. Would you or pre_medicalrulz be able to recommend any other products? I would love to do a moisture treatment but don't know what to purchase. Is it usually overnight?
Not a fan of Aubrey say it ain't so:cry: .... :giggle:ReignLocks maybe this is the time to fall in love with Aubrey then...More seriously, what products do you have in your stash?
this is the story of my life! i had a really bad experience with protein overload. i went to sleep with Aphogee 2 step in my hair, plus everything i owned(product) had protein in it. it seemed like nothing was working. some of the things that did help was mixing a tablespoon of salt with cup of Tresemme conditioner and let it sit for 15-20 mins. that helped to soften and break down the protein. after that i rinsed and detangled. another thing that could help is to put some castile soap in your conditioner to help open the cuticle too.

i couldn't go longer than 6 weeks for a touchup. the relaxer broke some of the protein down as well. but now i can't do use anything that has the word "treatment" on it, especially any protein treatment. the best thing that is working for me now is Suave Almond and Shea Butter shampoo and conditioner. every salon/brand name poo and conditioner i have didn't work. Aubrey has protein in it as well, just like Kenra, Joico, etc.... even things that have coconut oil in them will act as a protein.

since it is summer time now, you can use things with glycerin in them to help draw moisture in.

i just starting using Wave Nouveau Moisturizing Mist and Jojoba oil to seal. my hair is in love with it! it stays moisturized(soft and hydrated, not greasy oily) i also use Creme Of Nature Argan Oil Shampoo and the leave-in spray. i use Keracare Leave-in after i rinse the conditioner out and use CON Argan Leave-in. as another moisturizer, i like Hawaiian Silky 14n1 spray. i diluted it with distilled water. it is a little thicker, but since you are texlaxed, you make like it.

the Moisturizing Mist can be used daily and it is light enough to be used 2x daily if you need to.

oh i use the Suave Shampoo first then the CON to add softness. i apple the Suave conditioner and sit under the dryer for 15-30 mins. i roller set too. i don't mess with the blow dryer.
@Nix08...LMBO I know that is like death by protein overload for not liking Aubrey. The GP8 is not bad but I am not loving the HSR. My co-worker is using this mister for his allergies and I am eyeballing his machine seriously. :ninja: I wonder if that will work for my hair for added moisture?
I probably need to do a product overhaul because I purchased most of these when my hair was burned out. Products that I have consist of:

Joico Kpak cond/shampoo
AsIAm entire line
Paul Mitchell Be Strong
Cowboy Magic
Ojon Damage Reverse
ORS replenishing pak, shampoo and cond
Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
Aphogee 2 Step
Le'Kair Cholesterol (orange one)
Plethera of oils
Kinky Kurly product line *I don't use these
CD's products (not sure which ones) *I don't use these
It's a 10
shortdub78, I sleep in my cond as well. I wonder if that could be the cause as well...SMH Lord knows I don't need a setback!!! Also kudos to a benefit to adding hair status to your avi!!! So YES it does help to have it there. Glad that you noticed. 3 cheers for FoxxyLocs!!!
shortdub78, I sleep in my cond as well. I wonder if that could be the cause as well...SMH Lord knows I don't need a setback!!! Also kudos to a benefit to adding hair status to your avi!!! So YES it does help to have it there. Glad that you noticed. 3 cheers for FoxxyLocs!!!

no you don't want a major setback like that! i wanted to cry and cut all of my hair off. as soon as i would rinse conditioners out, my hair would turn on me! it would get hard, straw like and tangle like crazy. i would lose hair trying to detangle since it would just snap off. the middle section and my right side were really back. now that i use the Suave Almond, i don't have those issues anymore. oh and if you are really into salon quality, you can check out Aveda Moisture Remedy. that is what the Suave Almond and Shea Butter is compared to.
@Nix08...LMBO I know that is like death by protein overload for not liking Aubrey. The GP8 is not bad but I am not loving the HSR. My co-worker is using this mister for his allergies and I am eyeballing his machine seriously. :ninja: I wonder if that will work for my hair for added moisture?
I probably need to do a product overhaul because I purchased most of these when my hair was burned out. Products that I have consist of:

Joico Kpak cond/shampoo
AsIAm entire line
Paul Mitchell Be Strong
Cowboy Magic
Ojon Damage Reverse
ORS replenishing pak, shampoo and cond
Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
Aphogee 2 Step
Le'Kair Cholesterol (orange one)
Plethera of oils
Kinky Kurly product line *I don't use these
CD's products (not sure which ones) *I don't use these
It's a 10

ReignLocks These all have protein! Ok... perhaps you can mix some ORS, with HSR and castor oil... Hm... I'm not familiar with the ASIAN products. Are any of the ones you have conditioners?
@shortdub78, I sleep in my cond as well. I wonder if that could be the cause as well...SMH Lord knows I don't need a setback!!! Also kudos to a benefit to adding hair status to your avi!!! So YES it does help to have it there. Glad that you noticed. 3 cheers for @FoxxyLocs!!!

How do you add info in that little box. I have not been able to find a way to edit it??
Sleeping in protein is not a good idea...IMO..unless its a moisturizing protein like SAA or you're looking for a protein boost (not as a rule). I would steam or put a cap over top of HSR like NappyNelle suggested or do HSR overnight. Do you cowash...maybe even a couple co wash sessions with HSR would help.
Doing the GHE treatment overnight really helped bring my hair back from protein overload. I got rid of the Aphorogee and only use conditioning protien tretments from then on.

Believe it or not, the only conditioner that works for me when I have a protein overload is Nexxus Phyto Organics Humectin Extreme Moisture Conditioner. But I do believe you can use any extremely moisturizing conditioner. I know some other girls do as well. I don't leave mine in overnight because my hair does not like conditioner to remain on my hair for more than 2 hours because after awhile my hair becomes really mushy. I have a nice balance at an hour and a half maximum. Good luck! :)

Frequent cowashing and baggying helps tremendously. I clarify to strip my hair down and DC with my best moisture DC of choice - Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner.
@ReignLocks These all have protein! Ok... perhaps you can mix some ORS, with HSR and castor oil... Hm... I'm not familiar with the ASIAN products. Are any of the ones you have conditioners?

The conditioners that I have are the ORS, Hair One(WEN knock off)Cowboy Magic, Joico, AsIAm and Paul Mitchell.

no you don't want a major setback like that! i wanted to cry and cut all of my hair off. as soon as i would rinse conditioners out, my hair would turn on me! it would get hard, straw like and tangle like crazy. i would lose hair trying to detangle since it would just snap off. the middle section and my right side were really back. now that i use the Suave Almond, i don't have those issues anymore. oh and if you are really into salon quality, you can check out Aveda Moisture Remedy. that is what the Suave Almond and Shea Butter is compared to.

I did not know that those were equal to the salon version. The products that I buy are so expensive. I am glad to know that there is an alternative. I also saw a thread that stated that HE LTR is no longer in circulation. Is that accurate and are the cheaper versions just as good as the salon quality products?

How do you add info in that little box. I have not been able to find a way to edit it??

User CP>Edit your details>Custom user title>Save changes
I GHE once and did NOT like it! My hair just felt wet and weird. Then once it dried it was coarse. Maybe I should revisit the idea but just add some oils or something. GHE and baggying are the same thing correct?


Nexxus Phyto Organics Humectin Extreme Moisture Conditioner

Try saying that three times fast....I will look into this because I actually like Phyto products but only had sample ones.


Frequent cowashing and baggying helps tremendously. I clarify to strip my hair down and DC with my best moisture DC of choice - Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner.

Would clarifying help take out some of the protein or just adding moisture? I've heard a ton about Kenra but haven't tried it. I'm feeling a product overhaul in the making.
ReignLocks said:
I GHE once and did NOT like it! My hair just felt wet and weird. Then once it dried it was coarse. Maybe I should revisit the idea but just add some oils or something. GHE and baggying are the same thing correct?

Try saying that three times fast....I will look into this because I actually like Phyto products but only had sample ones.

I used to get protein overload all the time when I first started on LHCF. Two sure fire cures are Nexxus Humectress and Matrix Biolage ULTRA Hydrating Balm. Either one should cure you in 1-2 uses. But look, don't use heat with them. Don't steam or sit under the dryer with them. For me that always made it much worse rather than better.
Thanks so much @LaidBak. Nexxuss Humectress was mentioned by @pre_medicalrulz. Can you "cure" protein overload by using a leave-in conditioner ONLY?

I suppose you could. But for me the most damage occurred when my hair was wet (and rock hard). So spraying it with a leave in would only cause me more trouble. I applied one of those two conditioners to dry hair and I was good to go.

Two people have already suggested to you Nexxus Humectress. LOL I think you should just go with it. LOL IJS
I was actually hoping that you've already resolved your protein overload because leaving your hair in that state could mean a major set back.
pre_medicalrulz said:

Two people have already suggested to you Nexxus Humectress. LOL I think you should just go with it. LOL IJS
I was actually hoping that you've already resolved your protein overload because leaving your hair in that state could mean a major set back.

I did AND I used Nexxus Humectress as well as ORS as a DC. My hair did not feel dry or still in its wet state but a little stiff once blow dried. I probably should have air dried. I'll try that next go round.
I did AND I used Nexxus Humectress as well as ORS as a DC. My hair did not feel dry or still in its wet state but a little stiff once blow dried. I probably should have air dried. I'll try that next go round.

ORS has protein in it. Its not what you want to use when you are trying to combat protein overload. In fact, back in the day, its what caused my protein overload on a couple of occasions.

Ultimately, its your head; but if you just use Matrix or Humectress (nothing mixed in, no extra steps, no additional products, no heat) on dry hair, for about 15 minutes, you'd be fine.
LaidBak, this seems so complicated....Ugh. Next time I will leave out the ORS and use only the Humectress. Thanks so much! I'll get it right the next time...prayerfully.