Protein Haters but Henna Lovers


New Member
I was wondering how many of you have hair that absolutely hates protein, but still does well with Henna. I am debating on whether or not I should try henna because my hair hates protein and becomes so tangled and dry if I use ANY product that has protein in it. I so want to try Henna if it will benefit my hair...just need to get some feedback from those of you that have tried it without ill effect.

Well girls, I will be trying Henna tomorrow. What I have learned from the other members of this board is that if you add a moisturizing conditioner, along with coconut milk, and yogurt, it should help combat the dryness in the end. I will post pictures after my hair is pressed on Tuesday.

I'll let you know how it goes!

Wish me luck!
I cant believe more ppl didnt answer this...

Well I for one can testify that my hair HATES and rebels against protein. If I do hardcore protein my hair usually rebels by breaking even more. If I use a moisturizer that has protein it just gets more dry and brittle and breaks/sheds more. But my hair loves loves loves henna! I plan to do henna once a month (Im afraid of too much of a good thing...)...but I may try every 2 or 3 weeks. It makes it strong yet soft, shiny, thick...just nice! And I didnt even experience the dryness most ppl complain of...I just made sure to cowash it out and deep condition afterwards.

I cant believe more ppl didnt answer this...

Well I for one can testify that my hair HATES and rebels against protein. If I do hardcore protein my hair usually rebels by breaking even more. If I use a moisturizer that has protein it just gets more dry and brittle and breaks/sheds more. But my hair loves loves loves henna! I plan to do henna once a month (Im afraid of too much of a good thing...)...but I may try every 2 or 3 weeks. It makes it strong yet soft, shiny, thick...just nice! And I didnt even experience the dryness most ppl complain of...I just made sure to cowash it out and deep condition afterwards.



What kind/type/brand fo you use?
Where do you get it from?

Thanks Leslie,

Is this for natural or relaxed hair?

Im texlaxed so Im assuming it would be safe for either since it didnt interact with the chemicals in my hair. If anything it improved the condition of my hair.