Protein 1 to 2x per week anyone?


New Member
I was reading in a mag a few months back and it was saying that if you have a relaxer to use a protein treatment once a week and twice a week if you have severe breakage. I started doing it once a week and have had no breakage, even in the crown area (my weak spot). Has anyone else tried this and what were your long-term results?
I use light protein treatments once a week, sometimes twice. Hair is thriving and i am smiling
this has prevented a lot of breakage since my underprocessing.

Note: it works for my hair! wooo hoo!
I use Motion CPR as one of my CO washes at least twice a week and I have notice not much breakage and my hair is so soft
MY hair seem to be loving protein especially surge my hair always gets some type of protein weekly.
Ive never used a protein treatment in my life
but I never had problems with breakage and my hair still grew long. Before finding this forum in April 2004, I never even heard of protein treatments!
But Im going to start doing it once a week once I get some money to buy one (Im thinking about getting Aubrey Organics GPB
My hair LOVES protein.. I recently got caught up in the moisturizing conditioner hype and my hair broke off. So Im back to proteining ever week, and my hair is LOVING it
I just started doing them about 3 weeks ago and I my hair also loves it! It has made my hair stronger, healthier and better able for light to reflect off.
Hi Neen,

I've used protein weekly for the past year-and-a-half with positive results. I think it's because my hair is/was color-treated and relaxed, so the double-process made my hair more receptive to it. I also think the amount of protein hair can take varies from individual to indivual, products (e.g., Motions CPR, Aubrey Organics GPB, Elucence Emergency Moisture Repair Treatment, etc.) notwithstanding.

ps ~ aren't you mommy to a little red-haired son? how is his hair coming along?
Nyambura said:

I've used protein weekly for the past year-and-a-half with positive results. I think it's because my hair is color-treated and relaxed, so the double-process made my hair more receptive to it.

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Me too... It's been a little over a year now that I've been using protein weekly, and my hair is thriving!!
Nyambura said:
ps ~ aren't you mommy to a little red-haired son? how is his hair coming along?

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He and his hair are doing good. I ended up cutting it short again though...he likes the clean cut look
So now I am using the BB grease on there which is doing just fine. I hate to say it, but I put the grease on my hair sometimes and I really like it. it makes it soft and shiny. (I hope the healthy hair police don't find out about that
I think I will try the protein once a week also...... and I will try the co washes too.......
hope it helps this hair of mine......
Neen said:
He and his hair are doing good. I ended up cutting it short again though...he likes the clean cut look
So now I am using the BB grease on there which is doing just fine. I hate to say it, but I put the grease on my hair sometimes and I really like it. it makes it soft and shiny. (I hope the healthy hair police don't find out about that

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I dont think anything is wrong with using grease. I dont know why some think it is such a problem using. I think some just dont know how to use it...they might put too much on their hair or scalp making it look greasy. I feel that as long as you use the grease sparingly, its Ay OKay
I don't think it's a matter of amount. I think it depends on the person's hair. If it works on you Neen, I say do what works....the healthy hair police only know what works for their OWN hair...

karly said:
Ladies, which protein conditioners are you using weekly or twice a week??

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I usually use Nexxus Keraphix, Aubreys GPB, Miss Key Diez y Uno, LaMaur Bone Marrow, or Giovanni Nutrafix (that's also in favorite to least favorite order...
) I'm also hoping to try Motions Silk Protein very soon!!