Protective styles for shorter hair?


New Member
Any ideas on protective styles for shorter hair? I'm not sure if i have enough hair to put into a ponytail. Once upon a time I would have slicked the heck out of it with gel but that was before you guys taught me that black goop was the enemy.
So now I'm pressed for ideas on how to protect my ends. Braids are the enemy of my edges so I feel sorta stuck.

Any help? The pic uptop is my current length.
I just cut my hair, and protective styling on short hair is hard for me. I'm starting to miss my length. I used to be able to just throw my hair in large twists.

So, I hope to get this question answered to. PSs on short hair are so time consuming.
Technically, short hair is a protective style because the ends of your hair are not rubbing on your clothing.

Bingo. You can start worrying once it rubs on your clothing but by then you can put it in a ponytail or cornrow it, or use another form of protection. Right now your goal should be retaining through wash, dc and moisture/seal. Also the right balance between moisture and protein (if you need it).
You have neck length hair too!!! I knew not errbody on here was swanging, and there had to be others like me somewhere:grin:! I agree that our hair is waaaay more protected than ladies with longer hair just because it doesn't rub our clothes and what not. I just needed to find some way to protect my hair from me! Because I'm relaxed and my hair is so short I feel like it's difficult to keep it looking nice without having to use heat daily. IMO it's an awkard length for relaxed hair. At least when it's natural you can rock a nice fro or some twists. Plus I'm not really a big fan of false hair. It looks pretty but it itches like crap. A few solutions I have come up with are: Rollsets, pin ups, and definitely pin curls. I believe that pin curls look so pretty and are really sexy on women with hair this short, plus it kind of hides my roots as I'm stretching my relaxer. Pin curls can be appropiate for any occasion, in any setting. HTH.

Also, let's not sleep on the good ol' fashioned doobie and dare I say....butterfly clips.
I agree that technically the length of your hair is a protective style. Minimal heat, DCing and proper moisture balance should be most of your regimen for now. But if you want to hide your hair consider wigs, half wigs, braids, etc.
I put my hair in big pin curls at night and just wear it curly... didn't know I had a protective style too :)
I didnt even realize the pin curls were a protective style. I tend to shy away from them because they make me look 12yrs old.

Thanks for all the advice ladies.
I didnt even realize the pin curls were a protective style. I tend to shy away from them because they make me look 12yrs old.

Thanks for all the advice ladies.
Gurl, you better work those pin curls. Get the rouge(that's what mama calls it) lips going, some pumps, and be working 'em like some 50's pin up
Unless you actually look 12 naturally regardless of your hairstyle, then you'll just look like a 12 year old prostitute and that ain't cool:nono:
Gurl, you better work those pin curls. Get the rouge(that's what mama calls it) lips going, some pumps, and be working 'em you'll just look like a 12 year old prostitute and that ain't cool:nono:

:lachen::lachen: I actually do look way to young to be turning 35 this year. But my hair has to become a priority this year, cause I'm tiring of being the short haired one in the room.
Tyra and Puddin, do you have any pictures of your hair pin curled. I tried the look a few days ago and i just looked a hot messss!!!!:hot:
Right for short hair ladies before they reach shoulder length I would suggest just using satin rollers for styling and not alot of heat.

Now for ladies who have neck length hair...I saw a girl in the market who had her hair curled tightly then pinned up I guess with bobby pins. I was thinking now why didn't I think of that. Shoot I could have been wearing that hairstyle all winter. I going to try that style this week using hair pins. Hopefully it will stay up. Bobby pins may break my fragile hair.

I've been growing out of a short hair style and what has helped me is I will slick the front part back, and then roll the ends with straws or jeri curl rollers and then bobby pin the sides so it looks like a have a poof pony tail. when your hair gets longer use bigger rollers. Hope that helps. ;-)
Tyra and Puddin, do you have any pictures of your hair pin curled. I tried the look a few days ago and i just looked a hot messss!!!!:hot:
I don't. I am so sorry:sad: But I will definitely be on the hunt for some pics online because unfortunately my camera has quit on me, for no reason at all. It just stopped. I will be getting one really soon and will be happy to take pics and show you at least how I do mine. I will get pics to you asap. I promise.:yep: In the mean time I'll be on the look out for something similar and send you the link.
I tried the pin-curls tonight and what I'm looking at now is a really cute afro?? Not quite the look I was going for :perplexed. Maybe I rolled them too tight. I dunno... Guess I'll go back on Youtube for more help.
Um...I purchased this wig. Can this be a considered protective? As much as I love my twa, I like variety. I'm def' trying the pin curls when my hair grows out a bit more.


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I tried the pin-curls tonight and what I'm looking at now is a really cute afro?? Not quite the look I was going for :perplexed. Maybe I rolled them too tight. I dunno... Guess I'll go back on Youtube for more help.
Did you do it on wet hair? Sounds like it. Maybe they just need to fall a little looser over time? I wish I could see them. I don't do mine on wet hair. It's usually like I'd been wearing a wrap for a few days and then one night I just decide to pin curl with the silver double prong clips. It's always on dry hair. No mouse, no wrap lotion. It comes out really soft pretty, sleek and shiny. I comb it a little to kind of get that wave affect sometimes. I really have to get a camera. Maybe Youtube it one day? One day I did it on wet hair and the best way I can describe it is to say that my hair looked like one of those little ol' lady wigs like Vicki Lawrence used to wear on Mama's Family. :lachen: It was horrible. I did it at night and was thinking like " Yeah, Imma take this out in the morning and it's gonna be HOTT!" Girl please, all day people at work was like "Is that a wig?" They ask me that when I do it on dry hair too but in a way like "It's so cute it must be a wig." But when they asked me this time it was always with the screw face like "Is that a wig?" It was embarrasing to say the least.
Technically, short hair is a protective style because the ends of your hair are not rubbing on your clothing.

Bingo. You can start worrying once it rubs on your clothing but by then you can put it in a ponytail or cornrow it, or use another form of protection. Right now your goal should be retaining through wash, dc and moisture/seal. Also the right balance between moisture and protein (if you need it).

I'm confused. How is short hair considered a protective style. From my understanding protective styles hide your ends/the ends are not exposed. I understand that the hair is not rubbing on clothing but the ends are still exposed. Buns and wigs are protective styles. Rollersets, Bantu knots, wash-n-gos are low manipulation styles.

For short hair i think that wigs and sew-ins are great protective styles.
Um...I purchased this wig. Can this be a considered protective? As much as I love my twa, I like variety. I'm def' trying the pin curls when my hair grows out a bit more.
Definitely! That is so cute. Looks like a keeper to me.:yep:
You look like you can rock that. I've been wearing my hair short for so many years that now if I were to put on a wig I'd probaly just feel like a lil girl playing dress-up. That or a drag queen. You make me wanna visit Kim Lee and them and get sized for some new season
I'm confused. How is short hair considered a protective style. From my understanding protective styles hide your ends/the ends are not exposed. I understand that the hair is not rubbing on clothing but the ends are still exposed. Buns and wigs are protective styles. Rollersets, Bantu knots, wash-n-gos are low manipulation styles.

For short hair i think that wigs and sew-ins are great protective styles.
IDK. I don't take "protective" to mean "not exposed". I feel like: a.If my ends are moisturized and sealed and b. my ends are not touching my clothes then they are protected in a sense right? Perhaps I should be classifying this as something else. But what?:perplexed I wouldn't necessarily call it low manipulation.
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IDK. I don't take "protective" to mean "not exposed". I feel like: a.If my ends are moisturized and sealed and b. my ends are not touching my clothes then they are protected in a sense right? Perhaps I should be classifying this as something else. But what?:perplexed I wouldn't necessarily call it low manipulation.

I get what you are saying. I was really asking more than anything. If your ends are moisturized and sealed then that is more important than the terminology.
I get what you are saying. I was really asking more than anything. If your ends are moisturized and sealed then that is more important than the terminology.

Thanks for understanding. Girl don't make my head hurt. got me over here trying to come up with some term that makes just a little more sense.:spinning:
lol. I was serious about that thing too. Over here with Webster in hand and everything. But I do still have to retract part of my comment (purely for the sake of not sounding ignorant): I do consider pin curls low manipulation.
Definitely! That is so cute. Looks like a keeper to me.:yep:
You look like you can rock that. I've been wearing my hair short for so many years that now if I were to put on a wig I'd probaly just feel like a lil girl playing dress-up. That or a drag queen. You make me wanna visit Kim Lee and them and get sized for some new season

:lachen: Thank you!