Protective Styles For Short Hair


New Member
I'm looking for a protective style to wear for my short hair. The longest part is about 4-5 inches on top, 3-1 1/2 inches from sides to back. I have this ponytail that I've made but don't know if it's a good idea to keep pulling my hair back or up. It has a stretchy band that I use to put around my hair to attach it. I thought about the drawstring ponytail but I don't want to walk around with this long piece of hair from over night. Please Help!!!
I did do the Motions Oil yesterday and I'm very happy with it so far. I'm just not happy about how my ends were trimmed this time. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
How about one of those clip on chignons? You could always turn the ponytail you made into a chignon.
I'd also be interested in what anyone can suggest in terms of protective styling for short hair. I think I'm in the same boat as Ishevonne. I have tried wearing the drawstring ponytail a few times and have been pretty pleased, but I could use a few other options. I'm trying to grow out a short bob with tons of layers /images/graemlins/confused.gif

Pic of my current length
Thanx LondonDiva! I feel like I've been working overtime trying to keep it healthy. It looks like some of my efforts are paying off /images/graemlins/smile.gif Now I'm ready to start growing out this cut!! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
I'd like to grow it as long as I can. It's never been pass my shoulders and that was when I had a Curl. LOL /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Erin, I'm like everyone else. Your hair looks great. London said mine looks healthy but it is no where close to yours.
Thanx for the compliment Ishevonne /images/graemlins/smile.gif I've been experimenting here and there with trying to improve the overall look and feel of my hair. I have been using Clear Jazzing to help with the shine, but all the talk about the Sebastian line has me curious /images/graemlins/smile.gif I've also started using a lot of the Carol's Daughter products.

How do you normally wear your hair when it's not in a protective style? Do you roller set? I could use a few lessons in that department! I also get tired of switching roller sizes to accomodate my layers. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
I've just been pulling my hair back or up in a ponytail. I haven't put any heat on my hair in about 2 months. Well, Sat. the stylist did blow it a little before she trimmed the ends. Let me say half trimmed the ends. LOL
I don't pull my hair tight so I was just wondering if anyone had any other styles I could try myself. When I'm at home I wear it down to give it a break from the ponytail. I'll post a pic later of my ponytail.
Hi Ishevonne,

Your hair is so even! When my hair was that lenght the easiest way for me to wear it was up in the french twist.
Ishevonne and Erin, you both have beautiful and healthy looking hair. Keep up the good work! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ishevonne & Erin, you both have great haircuts to start you hair journey off. I can't wait to see your hair in 6-12 months time. Good luck with your goals.
speakin of short hair styles. where can i find a good site on some short hairstyles? till my hair grows i'd like to be able to no what else i can do w/my hair while its short. The hair books i buy in stores, beauty supply stores show all the bw in hem w/long hair and its all weave which basically means dont do ya hair just do some weave . :^P