Protective Style I stumbled upon....


New Member
I've been wearing my hair flat ironed for the last few weeks and have been doing some random stuff to it, lol.

So the other day I switched it up from my normal half up/half down look after my purse and car keys that were clipped onto my purse strap got into a fight with my hair.

This is one thing I HAVE NOT MISSED about my hair back when it was WL. Getting it caught in stuff.

Now that it's getting longer again (I'm close to BSL, yay!)'s getting caught in more stuff.

Anywhoo... I kept the upper ponytail and also made a ponytail at the bottom. Then I moisturized my ends realllllllly good (read: slathered ORS Olive Oil Lotion all over the ends). Then I took the bottom pony and kind of rolled it loosely upwards. Then I took the top pony and spread it over the bottom pony and tucked the ends under on that, too. Then while holding this in place with one hand, I just took a simple 99cent store clip and placed it at the base of the bottom pony.

Does that make sense?

Anywhoo...this is how it came out:


^^^ Pardon the cheap motel background. Flight got delayed a million times on the way back from Cali and that room was only $77 :lachen:
BTW... the contrast on the picture is screwed up... I had to increase the contrast so you could actually see my hair, since it's so dark and the clip is also black.
Thanks, ladies!

Yeah I'm gonna wear this for a while. Switching up clips, maybe putting the bottom pony over the top and putting the clip at the top, etc.

I can't part hair to save my life...I just used my fingers. I'll have to be more conscious to make sure my scalp ain't showing with the jagged part showing