Prominent Pastor Sporting A Diamond Stud Earring


With Love & Silk
A very well-known figure in America's Christian community is now sporting a diamond stud earring. Yes, it's a male and I'm 99% sure that you've heard of him.

Your opinions please?
As long as it's real,then hope it's either properly insured or he has a back-up earring. l aways lose those minute things..I almost gave up wearing earrings.

guess my point is...a diamond stud? as opposed to say ..pearl or plastic? nice choice imho
wearing it on the ear (sporting as in flaunting is an opinion only)
anyways wearing it ..where it usually belongs..on the lobe? and he's a guy?

and loves the Lord and spreads the word

I don't much care..actually don't care at all

except the loving God part and sharing the good news
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Well the point wasn't really the type of earring so much as it was that he has an earring--lol!

I have a strong distaste for men with earrings, let alone men of God, let alone our under- shepherds, let alone this one in particular. :nono: He was one of the last people I'd expect to see "conforming to the world." It just doesn't sit well with me. After salvation, sanctification should eventually follow. Maybe I shouldn't assume that anyone is sanctified (set apart), but as long as he's been in ministry, I did assume it, and I am utterly surprised.

And this isn't really relevant, but this guy is close to 60 if he isn't already there, which also makes me go :ohwell: to the whole earring thing.
Well the point wasn't really the type of earring so much as it was that he has an earring--lol!

I have a strong distaste for men with earrings, let alone men of God, let alone our under- shepherds, let alone this one in particular. :nono: He was one of the last people I'd expect to see "conforming to the world." It just doesn't sit well with me. After salvation, sanctification should eventually follow. Maybe I shouldn't assume that anyone is sanctified (set apart), but as long as he's been in ministry, I did assume it, and I am utterly surprised.

And this isn't really relevant, but this guy is close to 60 if he isn't already there, which also makes me go :ohwell: to the whole earring thing.

I agree with you on this one, Supergirl. It bothers me that there are some male ministers, and even Christian recording artists, who sport earrings like it is no big deal them. It would make you think that they are trying to reach the world by looking like the world...
I really don't think it's a big deal. Seriously compared to other things he could have done, an earring is no biggie to me.

For example in my native culture, men wear necklaces (gold chains) and writlets (?). It's just fashion.

What if he sported cornrows or locks? Or he sports a high top fade (a la kid and play)?

No offense OP, as long as it does not detract from the word of God, I don't mind.
I really don't think it's a big deal. Seriously compared to other things he could have done, an earring is no biggie to me.

For example in my native culture, men wear necklaces (gold chains) and writlets (?). It's just fashion.

What if he sported cornrows or locks? Or he sports a high top fade (a la kid and play)?

No offense OP, as long as it does not detract from the word of God, I don't mind.

Oh, I'm not offended. I mean, I did open this up for discussion and opinions. But I am definitely of the "in the world, not of the world" mindset.
Oh, I'm not offended. I mean, I did open this up for discussion and opinions. But I am definitely of the "in the world, not of the world" mindset.

I think that's were it can get subjective.

Here's some examples:
  • My parents (who are staunch Christians) believe that Chrisitians should not wear locks because it's "of the world"
  • I also know some people that beliver that Christians shouldn't wear jewerly because it's off the world
  • Back home in Nigeria, there were some Christians who believed that women had to cover their hair at all times
  • Also there are some Christians who believe that women should not wear pants or shorts (my father use to be one of those but he quickly got over it when we became teenagers, lol)
So where do we draw the line? That's why I always say that God looks at our heart and knows our true intent...
I think that's were it can get subjective.

Here's some examples:
  • My parents (who are staunch Christians) believe that Chrisitians should not wear locks because it's "of the world"
  • I also know some people that beliver that Christians shouldn't wear jewerly because it's off the world
  • Back home in Nigeria, there were some Christians who believed that women had to cover their hair at all times
  • Also there are some Christians who believe that women should not wear pants or shorts (my father use to be one of those but he quickly got over it when we became teenagers, lol)
So where do we draw the line? That's why I always say that God looks at our heart and knows our true intent...

That is true and I am not implying that a man with an earring has an ugly heart. I am speaking more to the idea that what we as Christians do outwardly is sending a message and some kind of witness to the people of the world, whether we want it to or not. It also sends a message to others in Christ, especially babes in the Lord. The outward appearance is part of our witness for whom we say we represent.
That is true and I am not implying that a man with an earring has an ugly heart. I am speaking more to the idea that what we as Christians do outwardly is sending a message and some kind of witness to the people of the world, whether we want it to or not. It also sends a message to others in Christ, especially babes in the Lord. The outward appearance is part of our witness for whom we say we represent.

We do, but my point is that there is no litmus test that shows if we're acting Christ-like or not, when it comes to appearance. Also I think God didn't put specific standards in the bible for this reason, because our cultural fashion changes over time and we humans are quick to be distracted on what we should focus on. But obviously dressing like a hoochie is not acceptable :lachen:

I guess I'm weary of topics like these because in the Church I grew up in, they were so strict on personal appearances and were quick to judge people on what they thought a Christian should look like.
We do, but my point is that there is no litmus test that shows if we're acting Christ-like or not, when it comes to appearance. Also I think God didn't put specific standards in the bible for this reason, because our cultural fashion changes over time and we humans are quick to be distracted on what we should focus on. But obviously dressing like a hoochie is not acceptable :lachen:

I guess I'm weary of topics like these because in the Church I grew up in, they were so strict on personal appearances and were quick to judge people on what they thought a Christian should look like.

I understand. I have dear friends that have similar stories/backgrounds. I also agree that there aren't specifics in the Bible, but lets look at your hoochie example. Hoochie is associated with whoring, promiscuity more or less, right? So if someone were to see a Christian female dressed like a hoochie then more than likely she will be associated with hoochieness. It's like someone who may not be a police officer wearing a police uniform. People will assume he's a police officer and does the things an officer does simply because he is wearing a police uniform. He will be expected to help people, arrest people, etc. A woman wearing a "hoochie uniform" will be deemed as such, whether she really is or not. People will expect hoochieness from her.

There are some "uniforms" that the world puts on that are associated with certain ideals, behaviors, lifestyles, etc. If a Christian puts on those uniforms, they are then associated with those same ideals, behaviors, and lifestyles. If I'm not a believer and I see a Christian in one of those uniforms, that is more or less telling me that those Christians aren't all that people think they are. They're not set apart at all. They're no different than the rest of us. What's the big deal? I can keep living my lifestyle like I am. I don't have to become a Christian, because them and their lifestyles are no different from mine.
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I guess I'm weary of topics like these because in the Church I grew up in, they were so strict on personal appearances and were quick to judge people on what they thought a Christian should look like.

Co-signing on that's not a sin..
and what defines a sanctified ear:grin: ?

an ear that listens to the word of God and in this case
as the Subject is spreading and preaching the word of God..

Co-signing on that's not a sin..
and what defines a sanctified ear:grin: ?

an ear that listens to the word of God and in this case
as the Subject is spreading and preaching the word of God..


I'm not talking about the ear. I'm talking about how we as believers look to those that aren't. Sanctification means being set apart from the world.
I totally agree with your comments.

As long as it's real,then hope it's either properly insured or he has a back-up earring. l aways lose those minute things..I almost gave up wearing earrings.

guess my point is...a diamond stud? as opposed to say ..pearl or plastic? nice choice imho
wearing it on the ear (sporting as in flaunting is an opinion only)
anyways wearing it ..where it usually belongs..on the lobe? and he's a guy?

and loves the Lord and spreads the word

I don't much care..actually don't care at all

except the loving God part and sharing the good news
Id have a problem with it if it were my pastor....

my pastor teaches & I also believe that tattoos and earrings are mutilations not pleasing to God ... earrings on a man of God would just take the cake for me
My pastor makes it known that he PERSONALLY isnt fond of braids & dreds & such but that his personal feelings on those hairstyles have nothing to do with bible doctrine
( Can I get a PM on who it is)
au contraire

expressing dislike, non-agreement and displeasure doesnt equate = judging :grin:

I agree to disagree...

(exits gracefully from thread :yep:)
Id have a problem with it if it were my pastor....

my pastor teaches & I also believe that tattoos and earrings are mutilations not pleasing to God ... earrings on a man of God would just take the cake for me
My pastor makes it known that he PERSONALLY isnt fond of braids & dreds & such but that his personal feelings on those hairstyles have nothing to do with bible doctrine
( Can I get a PM on who it is)

I think I know who it is.... and if it is who I think it is, an earring is the LEAST of what we should be concerned about....:look:

ETA: I came upon new information that changes my initial speculation....

I quoted PF because it aligns with what my pastor instructs the men as well. There are a number of brothers at my church who have the hole but no earring.... meaning that once they gave themselves over to the Lord, they put away those worldly things, including wearing an earring.

As far as the point of being judgemental, I REALLY hope that before the Lord cracks the sky, that we all come to an understanding about what being judgmental really means and when and how being judgemental is and is not erroneous. It is my understanding that, refering to the scripture that says "iron sharpens iron", we "sharpen" each other by being accountable to each other and when we see our fellow brother or sister going astray, that we SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.... I say this sincerely, not sarcastically...because MY LORD, I hope I have enough sense to hear the truth, especially when it is spoken in love....

On the natural tip, I don't like the brothers (be it men of the cloth, my brother, my father, my uncle, my pastor, my boyfriend, my husband, my sons, etc.) in earrings.... I mean, one earring is bad enough...but now many have taken it too far and now have two or more.... It's not cute.

And I really wanted a tattoo, but when I read the Word of God about tattoos, I had to back off that desire. Point blank.
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I think I know who it is.... and if it is who I think it is, an earring is the LEAST of what we should be concerned about....:look:

I quoted PF because it aligns with what my pastor instructs the men as well. There are a number of brothers at my church who have the hole but no earring.... meaning that once they gave themselves over to the Lord, they put away those worldly things, including wearing an earring.

As far as the point of being judgemental, I REALLY hope that before the Lord cracks the sky, that we all come to an understanding about what being judgmental really means and when and how being judgemental is and is not erroneous. It is my understanding that, refering to the scripture that says "iron sharpens iron", we "sharpen" each other by being accountable to each other and when we see our fellow brother or sister going astray, that we SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.... I say this sincerely, not sarcastically...because MY LORD, I hope I have enough sense to hear the truth, especially when it is spoken in love....

On the natural tip, I don't like the brothers (be it men of the cloth, my brother, my father, my uncle, my pastor, my boyfriend, my husband, my sons, etc.) in earrings.... I mean, one earring is bad enough...but now many have taken it too far and now have two or more.... It's not cute.

And I really wanted a tattoo, but when I read the Word of God about tattoos, I had to back off that desire. Point blank.

same at my church; we actually have a kind of trophy case things that people have given up as they have drawn near to Christ--things like condoms, bottles of alcohol, cigarettes, homosexual related items, and yes even earrings.

ETA: Oh shoot, I didn't realize that was you. :)
Wondering if He is using the same tactic that the secular music industry uses - just before they drop a new CD they attempt to become controversial. Perhaps he is doing this (along with the other story) just before his book comes out. just a thought.
Wondering if He is using the same tactic that the secular music industry uses - just before they drop a new CD they attempt to become controversial. Perhaps he is doing this (along with the other story) just before his book comes out. just a thought.

*snicker* Ya think that's what he could be up to?
I totally agree with you on that earring part Supergirl, thats why I dont even look to the false tv prophets for "christlikeness". They are shamelessly falsely deceiving the people with there selfish conduct.