Progress pics...I don't know what to think.


New Member
Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

I decided to do an aphogee treatment to prepare for my touch up next week. After I finished washing and conditioning I blow dried my hair and straightened it with a flat iron. I have 14 weeks worth of new growth and my hair was ear length after I got out of the shower.

I don't know if there is too much difference from September to now. Maybe it is growing very slowly or I have lost all perspective. I know that overall that I made a good amount of progress from December 2003 to now. So maybe when I get to April 2005 (my 1 year hair anniversary) I will be pleased with my hair growth.

I don't think I will get to bra strap by April but from looking at my Dec 2003-2004 progress I really believe that I will be at bra strap before the end of 2005 as long as I don't do anything crazy or run into a SHS. /images/graemlins/wave.gif

My Fotki Pass: rose
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

GIRL!!!!!!! What on earth are you saying, you have had ALOT of GROWTH since Sept. I would say that your hair is growing FAST /images/graemlins/smile.gif, LOOKIN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Your growth really looks good! Keep doing what your doing and you should you will see a even bigger difference by the summer! I myself hope to have 4 more inches by summer 2005 and I will have it as long as I keep up with wrapping my hair at night and salerm 21. /images/graemlins/weird.gif
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Your hair looks great. I do notice the difference between sept and dec. But overall, from April until now, you have made excellent progress. /images/graemlins/clap.gif

Keep up the great work.
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think. have made a lot of progress girl. Dang...that Hair Anorexia disease is a beeeyoch...
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Girl your hair looks great! I definetly see progress, I dont know how you dont!

I agree w/ Mona, that hair anorexia disease IS a punta.
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Um, you're kidding right? I can definitely tell that your hair as grown since September.
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

MonaLisa said: have made a lot of progress girl. Dang...that Hair Anorexia disease is a beeeyoch...

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL /images/graemlins/rofl.gif ITA and we all get a little greedy. Falon you have made amazing progress.
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

You're hair is much longer! Great progress! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Thank you all.

I know it's growing but to me my hair is still short. I knew I had a long way to go when I started but I feel like I have been doing this forever and my hair still has so far to go before I can consider it to be an exceptional head of hair.

Right now it's still ordinary as far as length goes. Not that I am not happy with my progress I am. The health has definitely improved so I know I will get there eventually.
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Very, very nice. You are a very pretty lady Falon. And your hair has grown quite nicely /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

You have made a lot of progress Falon. /images/graemlins/smile.gif What is your regimine?
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Falon said:
I know it's growing but to me my hair is still short.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel the same way. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

It looks to me like you have made a tremendous amount of progress! /images/graemlins/clap.gif Keep up the good hair growth!!
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

Yep...a mean case of hair anorexia strikes again /images/graemlins/laugh.gif! Your hair has certainly grown since September, Falon--you are making wonderful progress /images/graemlins/clap.gif!!
Re: Progress pics...I don\'t know what to think.

You're making great progress your hair looks good!