Progress Follow-up w/pics!


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies!!

As some of you may know, I encountered a "scalping" of sorts last june at my beloved hair salon :lol:

I was upset because I had just gotten off of a 6 months all-naturaaal no-heat challenge and I was eager to see my length.

Anyway, I just wanted to keep you ladies up to date with my progress, supplements and lessons learned.

Here are the updates at last! The picture to the left is my hair pre-cut and still natural. The middle picture is my hair after the haircut at the end of june (the 21st). The picture to the right is a 3 week old flat-iron as of the 17th of october.

Progress: I think I'm right beneath where I left off in june
Supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, SILICA, multivitamin, vitamin D3
Lessons Learned:
-My hair does best with Cassia
-Although I retain more length with straight hair, my hair grows in much thicker and shinier when left natural
-Silica works wonders
-vitamin D3 may be increasing my growth rate
-My hair grows in an aggressive V-shape, but maintains health best with a more blunt cut
-I think that haircut was a blessing in disguise :spinning: it seems like my hair grows more securely with a good 'ole cut.


genesislocks How often are you using your Cassia and what's in your mix. Cassia used to be a staple of mine until I developed hair laziness.

Lol I know the feeling! I just recently took a break from cassia treatments as well.

I use: fresh cassia, chamomile tea, Aussie moist, a squirt of lemon, and kapur kachri.

I find that it does a better job in my hair if I only leave it in for 30-40 minutes instead of over an hour.

Hope this helps! :)