Progress but.... (pics)


Team Fluid
When I came to this board my hair was in TERRIBLE condition. I was so dependent on glue in weaves that I didn't even attempt to care for my hair. All of my hair was badly damaged but my edges(or lack of) gave me a wake up.

I cut my hair to just below ear length and started "over". As hard as it was I gave up the glue and began "operation renew".

A little progess

Then I relaxed after a looooong stretch. The back of my hair was coming right along


But the front...
not so much :nono:

So I cut all the scraggly mess into a Ba. (counldn't even be considered a bang with that ita bita hair:look:)

I got pregnant and my took off (front and back) yaay! Unfortunatly I was too busy being pregnant to take any hair pix. Although I don't have ant pictures, take my word. It was Gorgeous!

Fast forwad to now. Post partum shedding has been an evil beeitch to me for the last 2 month (DS is 4 mos) and is just now starting to curb.

This is it's current state
still healthy but it thinner
Looks ok when parted down the middle. (hides the problem)

But again...

the front is so scraggly.

I feel that I may have permanently damaged the front folicles(that's the area that recieved the most damage from the glue). Has anyone nursed back weave damaged hair?Will I forever Have to wear a bang? Suggestions PLEASE!!! Anyone...:sad:
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your son is so cute! beautiful lil boy :)
and your hair progress is amazing, your hair looks lovely
Your hair is gorgeous! I have a short front too, but I just tell myself that when my hair is waist length, my font will be atleast shoulder length, so it alright. :lol:
NICE progress! (And I can totally relate to the postpartum shedding)
It looked like in the second pic that your edges were filling back in, so maybe just give it some more time and keep doing what you're doing.
I think you have made great progress. Try natural oil massages, vitamins, drinking more water, working out. As long as you stimulate your scalp and keeping a healthy balance on the inside I am sure your hair will CONTINUE to grow back. Just think it took along time to create the "issue" I am sure its just going to take a little longer for that area to catch up. Stimulate daily.
Looks like you've made a great deal of progress already. Your hair looks great to me :yep:. Just keep babying it and I'm sure you'll keep making progress.
:grin:Thats amazing progress!! WOWWW!! Congrats. Being pregnant is so awesome on the hair!:grin: Until after the baby comes out :ohwell:. Keep up the good work. Just be really gentle with your hair during this time. Your son is toooooooo cute!
Great progress! I, too, am trying to nurse two tufts of short hair in the front (from micro-braid abuse LOL) by ultra-low manipulation. The progress is slow-going I'm afraid. Hopefully the follicles aren't permenantly damaged.
Your hair made such a terrific turnaround!!!!! I am so proud of you. DS is too cute for words too. I honestly think if you just keep up with the TLC, your bangs will come around. I think your front looks really good compared to before. Whatever you are doing is working- so keep it up!
@renewmetoo, Try stimulating that area with massages, at least 2 times per day, three if possible! Try them with a mix of your favorite oil with "Peppermint Essential Oil" mixed in, it's very stimulating and invigorating! You may have to give your Follicles a jump start with a lil' help!

Wish you the best! :rolleyes:
I can imagine how frustrating it must be. I can relate a little because the hair in my bang area grows in feeling damaged and I don't know if it's from heat damage to the follicle as a child or what
So I cut all the scraggly mess into a Ba. (counldn't even be considered a bang with that ita bita hair:look:)

You made me choke on my tea with this.:lachen:

Since I’ve had no experience with wigs/weaves, I cannot offer any practical advice. Still, I urge you to continue with your routine because it works, as evidenced by the noticeable progress in your pics.

I’m a firm believer of having a good center part, which will hide a multitude of sins while leaving enough room for my bifocals to peek through (I center-parted my way through some psoriatic bald spots).
Great progress! The front of my hair grows much slower than the rest too. I agree with the other posters to just keep babying that area, and you will keep on growing!!
Your progress is fantastic and you and baby are beautiful. :grin: You are obviously doing something right or you wouldn't have achieved your lovely mane. Try daily massage with stimulating essential oils, ginger, mint etc... it'll get your circulation going and also make sure you have all the nutrients you need to kick start the regeneration of the hair coming from your diet, or take a good supplement.

Best of luck!
I too had glue damage from weaves prior to my caring for my hair. It was in the front to crown of my hair and was horribly thin.I was also salon relaxed bone straight which made it look see through old man George Jefferson thin. I went to the dermatologist and he told me to get some Aphogee products which did nothing but make my hair hard :perplexed. So I just thought I had traction alopecia and kept my hair curly. Then I joined hair boards and learned about stretching and texlaxing, and I used castor oil often and it grew out beautifully. After about 8 months, I cut it all short to remove the thin bone straight hair, into above the eyebrow bangs and now you can't really even tell that I had an issue. It is still a tad bit thinner than the rest of my hair, but it is still 95% better than it was before. :drunk:
Weave glue IS the debil!:evil:
OP, your progress is GREAT! It is always such an inspiration to see people who've grown hair from short and/or damage to a full head of healthy hair! :yep: As for your edges, there are a number of things you could try:
- JBCO or regular castor oil + peppermint or rosemary oil
- growth aids. I prefer sulfur ones, I use Bee Mine, but I hear great things about Boundless Tresses also.
- nightly massages, especially with essential oils

You can do it! :yay::clapping::clap: Look at all the progress you've made so far!!! And I agree, your son is just too adorable!!!
The ladies have given some great advice...I just want to add my :twocents: and say that you really have come a long way! HHG!