Progess Pics Needed: Earlength to Shoulderlength & Beyond

chellee said:
I am in need of some serious inspiration. Please share your pics here.
not sure if i could be an inspiration to you, but you can check out my album, in my siggy, no password needed. hope this helps. ;)
I do not have any pics of my short style in my album, but I did have an earlength cut a few years back, I have to search for some pics. If I can find some I will put them in my album.
How’s this (picture below)?? It’s not exactly ear length but I went from a little below ear length to shoulder length in about 4 months. I have to keep looking at my pictures for inspiration to continue on my journey towards having long, healthy, hair. Sometimes it feels as though my hair is NEVER growing! :perplexed I just have to remind myself to hang in there!

lovelymissyoli said:
How’s this (picture below)?? It’s not exactly ear length but I went from a little below ear length to shoulder length in about 4 months. I have to keep looking at my pictures for inspiration to continue on my journey towards having long, healthy, hair. Sometimes it feels as though my hair is NEVER growing! :perplexed I just have to remind myself to hang in there!

Lovelymissyoli, this is great progress! I am starting from your November picture so this is the perfect comparison shot to keep me going, Thanks!

Thanks to all others also: Dontspeakdefeat, Cincybrownsugar, Hairlover. You ladies are all inspiring. Keep them coming . . .
Wow... and everyone seems to like that one....
I will be trying Bigen Expressive this time.... I've heard it can be drying ... but now we all know a little more about dry hair .... I'm hoping it will not be a problem....

Anyway your hair looks very nice now:)... congrats...
My signature has my link in it. My pictures show the length I achieved in about a year; nape of neck to just below shoulders. Take a look!
DECEMBER 2003 - rollerset on chin/neck-length hair


JUNE 2004 - relaxer touch-up on shoulder-length hair (brown hair color)


DECEMBER 2004 - 12 weeks post relaxer, passed shoulder-length hair (blue-black color)


MAY 2005 -BIG CHOP!!! :grin:

If the pictures do not show up, my password to the links is Jesus ;)
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I'm natural, but hopefully this pic is inspiring... (( it has inspired me to keep taking my vits :yay: ))

10.23.04 conditioner on hair ((3 wks after my semi-big chop))​

05.07.05 conditioner on hair (( almost 7 mths later ))