Products for 2 Strand Twist


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies & Gentlemen

I am looking into two-strand twists as a protective style and I what to know what products are good to make the twists last. I have watched a few videos on Miss Jessie products; but a lot of women don't care for it because of the ingredients.

So if any of you ladies or gentlemen have any products that you say work please help a sista out :grin:.

Are you relaxed or natural? Will you do it on wet or dry hair? Whats your hair type.

I'm 4a/4b natural. My hair is hard to hold so I like Taliah Waajid's lock it up. And I have been using water/glycerine + KCCC lately which holds really well.

But based on your hair type and whether you are relaxed or natural, those may not be the best for you.

Many just use shea butter or a butter mix. Some nothing at all.
I find that pomades make my twists last for a while. My favorite pomade for the moment is Hairveda's Almond Glaze.
I don't think products have anything to do with twists lasting. I think twisting technique is what makes twists last: twirling the strands first before you wrap them around each other.

These twists below are 4 weeks old and have been through 8 washes and no product whatsoever was used in their creation or applied after their creation. They are just washed, conditioned, ACV rinsed then baggied every night.

Doing twists this way makes my hair not mat or knot up but it unravels easily when I want to take them down.
faithVA My hair type is around a 4 b/4c and I plan to do then on wet hair, because they say that works the best. I am not relaxed so I have a better chance at getting them to hold.

Taliah Waajid's lock it up and I have been using water/glycerine + KCCC lately which holds really well. I heard that shea butter works good too, a lot of people on youtube use some form of shea butter. I'm going to look into these products.

JustDoIt: Everything is expensive now a days. But thanks for telling me about the product, I'm going to look into it, because if it works then it's worth it.
Nonie: I love your twists in that picture. You said you keep them in for 4 weeks WOW!!!

So you twirl before you twist the 2 strands together? How do you wrap your hair at night?
I don't think products have anything to do with twists lasting. I think twisting technique is what makes twists last: twirling the strands first before you wrap them around each other.

These twists below are 4 weeks old and have been through 8 washes and no product whatsoever was used in their creation or applied after their creation. They are just washed, conditioned, ACV rinsed then baggied every night.

Doing twists this way makes my hair not mat or knot up but it unravels easily when I want to take them down.

Nice twists! What do you mean, twirl, then twist the two together? When you wash, do you cover your hair with anything, a net, stocking cap?
@Nonie: I love your twists in that picture. You said you keep them in for 4 weeks WOW!!!

So you twirl before you twist the 2 strands together? How do you wrap your hair at night?

ms.tatiana Yes, I do. I twirl the strands anticlockwise separately then I wrap them around each other clockwise:


At night I usually just put on a plastic cap w/o really caring how the twists are. In the AM, they are moist and easy to style. Otherwise, I might style them the day before and then tie Saran wrap as my baggy to maintain the style so that in the AM I just take it off and I'm good to go. I find twists easiest to style when damp/moist so will either wet them by doing a CW if they are dry or spritz them with an ACV solution then style. If I plan on wearing them down, I will just CW and let them drip dry. I find the weight of the water makes them hang down straight and dry in that style.

This is an example of my having styled my twists the night before and then baggied for the night:
Saran Wrap Rocks! :grin:

In the AM, I just added this clip and was good to go:

Nice twists! What do you mean, twirl, then twist the two together? When you wash, do you cover your hair with anything, a net, stocking cap?

@kellistarr, I do a slow demo here:

Then this vid shows you that in reality the method isn't as time consuming as one might think once you master it:

No, when I wash, I don't cover my hair with anything. I let the shower head drench my twists. Apply shampoo to my fingers and feel through the twists to my scalp applying more shampoo as needed till no area on my scalp is left w/o shampoo. Then I massage my scalp to clean. Usually shampoo will run down the twists so I squeeze them to get shampoo in and thus release dirt. I might wet them some more for easy twist cleaning. Then I let the shower head rinse my head as I squeeze the twist to get dirt and suds out. If the suds don't look white and clean, I might repeat the shampoo. Then I apply conditioner skipping about an inch close to my scalp. I take a few twists at a time, and apply conditioner relaxer style, then squeeze to get it inside the twists. I then plait them together to get them out of the way, but leave them hanging down so conditioner drips towards ends where it's most needed and not toward my scalp where it has no bidness. And I repeat that till all twists are coated. I then wear a cap and finish my shower. Or just wait a few minutes while I brush my teeth or have coffee, then rinse, squeezing the twists till no more froth is seen. If I have time, I will mix ACV in water in a basin with some EOs and dunk my head and massage my scalp while head is submerged. If I don't have time, I might just pour the solution from a gallon container over my head or use my spritz over towel dried hair so as to leave the acidity as the last thing on my hair. I then style or let the twists drip dry.

Some twists will unravel as you can see in the photo below taken right after a wash:

...and I just redo it. Most twists do not unravel though, as seen in the photo below of freshly washed twists:
I don't think products have anything to do with twists lasting. I think twisting technique is what makes twists last: twirling the strands first before you wrap them around each other.

I have tried it this way. I actually read through a number of your threads to make sure I understood what you are saying. I've tried several ways. And twisting them first in one direction and then twisting them around each other in the other direction (not your exact wording) does make them better for me but it does not make them last longer for me.

So based on my experience with my hair I do need additional product to give me hold. And I have found that my hair will matt at the roots whether I do twists or braids or cornrows or extensions after two weeks.

I do respect though that there are people who can twist with no product, or shea butter. But after reading a lot of posts and trying different things I haven't found that those things work for me.
faithVA, I'ma look for you around town. Please do not start swinging if some crazy Snape-obsessed woman jumps you and starts twisting your hair to show you how it works...coz if you have 4B hair, then it should stay, especially after you wet them. You probably aren't doing them firmly enough. Or you aren't wetting the ends to allow them to curl back into spirals which you can then press together.

See these legs?

...pressed together and then rolled, they form this wonderful embrace that stays that way till I personally take them apart. It becomes more durable the more I wash, like a spring contracting even more:

But the ends of my twists are not like that when I first do the twists. They look frayed and would unravel easily if I left them like that. Which is why I will wet my hair once I'm done in order to get neat ends and better looking twists as shown below:

@faithVA, I'ma look for you around town. Please do not start swinging if some crazy Snape-obsessed woman jumps you and starts twisting your hair to show you how it works

Girl you haven't said nothing. Come look for me.

I think I am a 4a/4b natural. And my ends stay fine. They never unravel at the ends. My roots unravel as soon as my scalp gets warm or starts sweating (when I sleep?). So I've tried pinching it from the roots, pulling the two twists tight at the roots, etc. etc. They do fine for 2 days. And then my roots straighten out as if I have pressed them :perplexed and they unravel. And around the 7th day, the shed hairs travel up the twists and nicely wrap themselves so lovingly around my roots.

I'm not braiding my roots -forget that. I will end up cutting all my hair out to get that mess out of my head.

But if I see you first don't act all funny like you don't know me :lol:

If I ever get unlazy with the picture taking, maybe I will take some pictures. :look:
Girl you haven't said nothing. Come look for me.

I think I am a 4a/4b natural. And my ends stay fine. They never unravel at the ends. My roots unravel as soon as my scalp gets warm or starts sweating (when I sleep?). So I've tried pinching it from the roots, pulling the two twists tight at the roots, etc. etc. They do fine for 2 days. And then my roots straighten out as if I have pressed them :perplexed and they unravel. And around the 7th day, the shed hairs travel up the twists and nicely wrap themselves so lovingly around my roots.

I'm not braiding my roots -forget that. I will end up cutting all my hair out to get that mess out of my head.

But if I see you first don't act all funny like you don't know me :lol:

If I ever get unlazy with the picture taking, maybe I will take some pictures. :look:

My twists do get puffy too at the roots (didn't you notice in that huge pic), but it's not an ugly puffy. I actually like it coz I hate seeing scalp. Plus I do think keeping parts in for so long can make them permanent--I saw it start to happen with my braids which is why I stopped parting with a comb but just grab and twist (or braid when I wore braids) so that the parts can be well hidden when I comb hair out. So the puffiness/fuzziness at the base is actually something I look forward to. It does make my HIH disease more evident, but I like how they look puffy. :look:

LOL @ ackin' funny like I don't know you. You who? :p
I'm wearing a weave right now and I plan to keep it in for another 3 weeks, but as soon as I the products and style of twisting you ladies have shared I will post pictures.
