Product Review: UAN and L'ANZA


New Member
Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

I am 7 1/2 weeks post relaxer and I washed today w/ Aubrey Swimmers (to clarify) and once with CON (to get the detangling process started). Then, I used UAN Crema Moisturizing Treatment (Thanx Tracy!!!). It was suprisingly thick and a darling aqua-ble color (yes - - these lttle things add to the hair-washing experience...). It didn't feel particularly slippery or moisturizing while I applied it. I left it on w/ a plastic cap in the steamy shower for about 7 minutes. When I rinsed - - WOW!! My hair felt moist and buttery. Then I applied L'ANZA Strait-Line Curl Relaxing Conditioner, hoping that this would tame the new growth. Once again---no slip at all while applying, and I spent longer than usual detangling w/ this in my hair. I left it on w/ a plastic cap, no heat, for 20 minutes. When I rinsed, my hair was soft and detangled.

Both nice products - - I think I like the UAN more although I will have to try these again when my touch-up is newer. My hair is in rollers now...I'll update you all after I'm out from under the dryer...
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Glad to know they both worked well for you lunalight! I have yet to try these products, but I have heard good things about them. Did you use a leave-in to roller set?
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Yes Mia. I used Kids organics Shea Butter Detangling Moisturizer and Loreal Smooth Intense Serum. Im still under the dryer....
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Just an update...I think the L'Anza may have actually tamed my new growth because it felt less puffy today when I wore my rollerset hair-do. Since it was cool w/low humidity today in NYC, it held up really well - - bouncy and full.
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Thanks for the update lunalight!

I guess the L'anza conditioner does what it claims then. I'll give it a try after I use some of my other products.
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Then, I used UAN Crema Moisturizing Treatment (Thanx Tracy!!!). It was suprisingly thick and a darling aqua-ble color (yes - - these lttle things add to the hair-washing experience...). It didn't feel particularly slippery or moisturizing while I applied it. I left it on w/ a plastic cap in the steamy shower for about 7 minutes. When I rinsed - - WOW!! My hair felt moist and buttery.

[/ QUOTE ]

That UAN is good stuff Luna.
I really like it alot. If you want to get some and have trouble finding it (which you might) there's a salon on 40th and Lex that carries it. I can't remember the name - but it's on the avenue proper.

Select Dom. Salons will have it too.
I love the stuff.
Re: Product Review: UAN and L\'ANZA

Yeah Tracy...UAN is the bomb. I actually saw it at a salon on 3rd ave and 78th or so. Near one of my favorite haunts (The Atlantic Grill) so I know where to get it. Thanx again!!