Product Review(s) Hollywood Beauty...(lil long)


New Member
Olive Cholesterol is great! It's so moisturizing and smells delish! I use it for co-washing and also deep treatments. It's about 20oz and costs about $3, well worth it!

I also tried some other products too, I've said in the past that I could never really use serums. The only one that worked was NTM shining serum and it still gave me fly away hair + it was expensive. Well I've found a great alternative, it's by Fantasia IC, it's the Olive conditioning serum. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stuff! Never have a hair serum given my SHINE SHINE SHINE and also detangles my hair like a dream! I LOVE THIS STUFF and for $7 for 6oz it's worth it! The NTM is $7 for 1.6oz, do the math...I never taught I would ever love a hair serum because I've tried them all and the only thing they did was make my hair dry and greasy.

THe final product that I tried and loved was Jazzing hair rinse. I wanted to experiment with some colors with out the damage. I used this product, I got the EBONY color, I followed the instructions and my results are really nice...nice and shiny black hair color, just the way I like it. AFter I rinsed it out I noticed that my hair was soft too. THis is one of the better hair rinses that I've tried.:)