Product Junky? I've got your cure.


New Member
So I was watching Oprah yesterday and was moved. Here I am spending absurd amounts of money on hair products like it's nothing and there are people in need. I could help a woman in the Congo (which also helps her children) if I just quit one trip to the BSS.

I've always wanted to do something for the greater good but usually find something else to do (usually pertaining to my hair or some pair of shoes).

I had my "AHA" moment after learning about an organization called "Women for Women." For $27 a month I can sponsor a woman in another country. Once I did it I felt so amazing. It has really made me see the big picture and I can't really justify spending the money that I do on hair products every week knowing that I only have one head and could help someone who really needs it.

This is not a challenge. If only one person does this then I will be elated. I feel that LHCF is filled with wonderful women who are blessed to spend outrageous amounts of money on their hair. I'm not saying no haircare products...I'm saying ask yourself if you can justify that $30.00 "miracle" when there are women out there that can't even think about their hair because they are dealing with poverty and abuse. Let's do more then be pretty. Let's change the world.

What say you LCHF?
This is such a great idea, especially the way you put it: I'm very guilty of "trying this and that" and simply throwing it away. My brother sponsors a boy in Africa monthly right now.
:circle::amen: I love this idea and I am going to go to the website and sign up! Life is about what you give back and this is what I have been looking for.

Thank for this thread! :yep:
This is such a great idea, especially the way you put it: I'm very guilty of "trying this and that" and simply throwing it away. My brother sponsors a boy in Africa monthly right now.
I do that too! And will sit up and throw a whole bottle of unused product away. Only the lord knows how much I have spent in products in the last 2 months....:nono: but it's cool I am turning this bad habit around TODAY!
You guys are AMAZING! The women line up everyday hoping that they will get a sponsor. When I saw the image of that line I had to do something. Those that are fortunate enough to get sponsored carry around the letters from their sponsors with them everywhere. They treasure them and just knowing that someone cares. That shook me to my core. I am so proud of you ladies.

I almost ordered another silk scarf today and I stopped right in my tracks. I have a scarf already do I really need another?

For my birthday I was thinking of getting something like an FHI Runway with my gift money. I have a SEDU that I have only had for about 2 months and I gave my sister my FHI Platform that I bought in February. Instead...I am going to take my gift money and sponsor another woman and I am REALLY looking forward to it. buyer's remorse!
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Thanks for this thread and for the great idea.

It really helps put things back into perspective and I will definitely think twice before running off to buy everything and before throwing stuff away without using it all up in some way.
Thanks for this thread and for the great idea.

It really helps put things back into perspective and I will definitely think twice before running off to buy everything and before throwing stuff away without using it all up in some way.

:clap: Good for you!
Thanks for this post. I am not a product junky but I have definitely been looking for something to do that's productive. I donate items all the time to local shelters and other non-profits, but I am so glad to have found this post. I can't wait to send this to all of my friends! Thanks! :)