Product Junkie Anonymous (PJA): A PJ CHALLENGE


Active Member
Ok- I never really considered myself a product junkie. I always thought to myself that I was just exploring until I found the products that worked for my hair. Well, ladies, it's been close to 2 years and I'm still exploring. And I have to say b/c of all the reviews and picts you wonderful ladies share with us, I have found LOTS of products that I LOVE and work very well for my hair. Nevertheless, there always seem to be that next craze and I just gotta try it. I think to myself, “Who knows, my hair may grow, strengthen, and shine in just 1 week if I use ______________ . Further, my mentality has generalized to all cosmetic products, lip gloss, mineral make-up :ohwell:, lotion, mascara. You name it, I have it!

Well, I have been in denial. I did not come to the realization that I really am a product junkie, as I've seen many of you profess before me, until some recent situations. On one such situation, I recently discovered aquacurrent technology. I was looking for a specific lotion. Well I mistook another lotion for what I was looking for. It worked great (and I actually like it), but when I found out it wasn't the right one, I told my husband I wanted to get the RIGHT one. Well, he said why don't you finish that one first. Honestly, that thought never dawned on me.... and then I looked around I had so many almost new products, forgotten about products, etc...

Thus, the challenge is born: Who will join me?

First, I like to declare myself officially. I'm shakesha22 and I am a product junkie. :lachen:.

I think the challenge should include the following: (please feel free to make suggestions)
Start date in November?

- Take inventory of every cosmetic item (you have that you feel has been part of your product junkyism)
o Post your list once you have done this

- Determine what you will donate (must be within the two categories below). We should limit just giving everything away, which just gives you the opportunity to buy more (J)!
o If it’s NEW, you may give to a charitable purpose (shelter, church, family in need)
o If it’s used and someone in your actual home can use it (DH, DD, DS), give it to them to use exclusively

- Repurpose/re-use everything else that is left until it is GONE
o Example: old CONs can be used for DC or CW

- Determine your STAPLES that you plan to use in the future to come

- Purchase new STAPLE items only when that category of item is GONE
o Each time you purchase, post it here so we can keep each other accountable


As with any addiction, accountability is key. :grin:

Below is a suggested first format post:



Donations (specify to who):

Post whenever you make a purchase.
Discuss any cravings to purchase another WONDER product listed on the forum, as needed.

The end date can be whenever you exhaust your inventory list- Then you'll graduate!!

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