Product Effectiveness

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What do you look for in terms of product effectiveness? Do you simply go by what is listed on the bottle or do you have your own personal list of product benefits that you look for?
I go by what is listed on the bottle and hope that it does what it claims to do. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I initially judge a product's effectiveness by the quality of positive reviews then by comparing the ingredients v. marketing (claims).
I go by the ingredient list. If I've heard great things about it but the ingredients seem "off", I'll buy a small one or a sample size.

A while back a bunch of people were raving about Fantasia Deep Penetrating conditioner. The ingredient list seemed incredibly average, but I'm a junkie and I needed my fix! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I bought a little foil packet of the stuff for $1. It did absolutely nothing for my hair. I saved a few bucks and some space in my cabinet for more products. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
But what do you mean did nothing? Do you mean it didn't do what the package said it would or no noticeable effect at all?
ok, personally, i've just recovered from what i would call "ingredient phobia" i would never touch a product that had mineral oil in it or petroleum, or anythign that was deemed "bad" on thee boards. this type of thinking caused me to throw away products that actually worked onnmy hair, just because they contained a "bad" ingredient. Now, i've been searching to rediscover many of those products.
So now when i look for a product, i look at the ingredients, if they look too chemical based, i just put them back on the shelf, no matter what they promise.
I've found that conditioners with cones, actually work wellon my hair. cones are a keeper.
next i try to open the product in the store. I look at the consistency, i should've known that with fantasia deep penetrating beforehand that i woud not have liked it, but the claims from this board persuaded me!!! its consistency was off from what i usually like.
and most of all, while i look to the baord for hair methods and help.. i do NOT hold it as my hair product bible (i've done this soo many times and have been greatly disappointed). Not to say anyything bad about product recs, because i myself post frequently about them. i use it as a guide, by not my answer.
summed up, its about personal judgemnt. what works for you?? u have to get an idea beforhand. then decide from there.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
But what do you mean did nothing? Do you mean it didn't do what the package said it would or no noticeable effect at all?

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(I was still relaxing when I used this product)
A lot of other people reported soft, shiny, more pliable hair. It had no noticeable effect whatsoever on my hair. It was like I hadn't conditioned my hair at all.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
ok, personally, i've just recovered from what i would call "ingredient phobia" i would never touch a product that had mineral oil in it or petroleum, or anythign that was deemed "bad" on thee boards.

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Me too. I am loving Sofn’free n’ Pretty Olive Oil Detangler Spray and it has the dreaded mineral oil in it. It's near the bottom of the list, but it has more mineral oil in it than olive oil! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
It is the only leave-in detangler spray I've tried that doesn't make my hair feel hard when it's dry. This stuff and the Fantasia curl activator have practically given me a new head of hair.
I do like to look at ingredients of course and check recommendations on the various hair boards too, but I determine a products effectiveness by how my hair feels after using it.

I love your question because I've often wondered what people mean on boards when they say "I tried [product] and it didn't 'work' for me"

An effective conditioner for me would mean one that makes my combout very easy, makes my hair feel soft, and does NOT leave a 'build-up' feeling on my hair or scalp. Then on a non-hair level, I also TOTALLY go by smells. I don't like super perfumy scents in my hair products. Like Curl Vive for me is waaaaay to "perfume" smelling. So I'm really a person that will smell a conditioner and that also helps in decision to buy it.

For Curl Activators, what determines effectiveness is how my hair feels once the activator dries. If my hair feels super soft, then it's a keeper. I don't judge these products on smell because they all tend to smell pretty bad IMO. But they "work" and for me that just means my hair feels really, really, super soft after using.

If I am styling my hair say in twists, I like to use something that will not leave my twists crunchy, so I usually do not like gels unless they are activator gels.

But for hair health products, I really choose the product based on rec's from clubs, what the ingredients are, and the smell. I determine if I will buy it again based on how my hair feels immediatley afterwards. Now that I know my hair better, I realize the ingredients my hair likes now and I just stick with those.

I've learned that it doesn't work (for me) to be product switching all the time.
My hair reacts very well to products that contain the least amount of chemicals in it. As I found, most products will contain chemicals that "stretch" the product as well as "enhance self life". Once you are able to identify what chemicals are used for what, and what ingredients that work well with your hair, you are no longer a slave. As with me, I hate to use mineral oil on my hair, but the Motions CPR works exceptionally well on me. Yes, there's "One" bad ingredient in the product, the overall, everything else works excellent and targets what I'm looking for. I notice when using products that contain mineral oil, my hair shines naturally much longer without the help of additional products until my next wash.

I stay away from any product, I don't care how good it is containing ALCOHOL, and SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE.

If I use a product that contain a "bad" ingredient, I try to limit it to only that product containing the "bad" ingredient. Ex. (Wash with Elucence Moisturizing Shampoo, Protein Treatment with CPR, followed with Elucence Moisturizing Conditioner, followed with Arosci Leave in Conditioner)
If I may: It seems that some of you let ingredients determine whether or not you like a product. If you received a free sample of a product or something with no label on it, would you even try it? If you did and it worked well on your hair but you later found when you bought the full sized bottle that it contains cones or alcohols or sodium lauryl something or mineral oil would you continue to use it?
No, I don't use sample products if I don't know what's in it. If the product doesn't list it's ingredients, I'm wary as to why the ingredients aren't listed. What are they hiding? That's how I feel.

I think I've been lucky to identify what exactly my hair likes and what it needs. Following this guideline rather than what's popular amongst everyone else has gotten my hair in better condition much faster and growing very healthy. For example, everyone on the board raves about Wildgrowth hair oil, but I rarely use it. What I wash, condition and set my hair with on wash day "stores" soo much moisture in my hair that I probably moisturize my hair once maybe twice a week. There's been times that I didn't require any additional moisture after washing.

I say play around with different products, watch your hair, take notes of how your hair react and then pay attention to what ingredients are in the product. This should help to narrow down what you need. Just in my particular case my hair doesn't like mineral oil and etc as it weighs my hair down heavily, gives it a greasy appearance and makes it feel like wire after a few days. Because I'm still cutting off the damaged ends as my hair grows out anything that's drying is a 100% NO NO for me lol. My hair feels like brillo if I even try to attempt to use gels and etc. My hair, she's fussy /images/graemlins/smile.gif
actually honeyrockette, i'll be honest with you.... depending on the Maker (nexxus, queene helene, etc) i might give it a try. Especially if my hair responds well to other products in their line. I have to trust the line, first and foremost.
(not that ALL Qh products work on my hair or anything, i have yet to find a complete line of products that work for me)
if i did use it and it contained alcohols or anything like that, but did Extremely well on my hair, of course i would purchase it!!!! I know when my hair feels good and likes something, if it was SLS and petroleum, mixed with every "cone" and my hair was left tangle free, i didn't loose much hair in my combout and it was shiny and soft, i would continue to buy it until my hair got tired of it.
Prime example, Hask Placenta leave in. I like it, everyone else is alarmed by its high alcohol content, but i trully believe that it does something good for my hair. now i dont use it every week because i know better, but every time i use it i get good results.
But of course just to be on the safe side, i would make sure that i could sue the pants off them if anything went wrong!