Product disappointment..both Kenra and AO let me down in one night!


New Member
So I have picked up quite a few new products based on reading hundreds of glowing reviews. Last night I decided to try my Kenra Moisturizing conditioner and my AO GBP for the first time ever, and I met with DISASTER:ohwell:

I read on the GBP bottle for a deep condition to apply to dry hair, leave on for 15 min and then shampoo and condition as normal. I just took hair out of cornrows and I have about 2-2.5 inches of new growth, which is VERY had for me to manage.
Anyway, put on the GBP and a cap and sorta massaged it around through the cap. Maybe this was a bad idea because when I tried to wash it out hair was a little hard and tangly.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I had read so much about slip with this product, but I got barely any. So i went on to wash with ORS Aloe Shampoo, another new purchase which left my hair hard and tangled even more.:nono::nono: I was seriously panicking and then I washed again with my trusty Elasta Creme Conditioning shampoo and everything eased up a little...thank GOD for that shampoo, it really is the best since old school CON!:spinning:

So hair felt normal after my wash ans I wanted to use the Kenra to DC under my steamer. I decided to add salt (read some threads on this making DC better) and sat under steamer for about 15-20 min. Got out, rinsed and again...simi slip..but nothing amazing. I was so SAD!:nono::nono: My hair was tangled again. So I reached out for my trusty Trader Joe Nourish spa (yeah I got a lot of products in my shower) and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....slip, softness, everything was OK. And this was only after applying, smoothing through and rinsing.

So anyway, I wanna know what when wrong!!??? :nono: Was the salt a bad idea? Did I use too much product? (I used A LOT of conditioner, and sometimes, less really is more). I'm interested to hear others experiences with these products. I don't wanna give up on these products. I know when you have tons of new growth that can skew your product experience a bit. And when I was putting the Kenra on it seemed like it was going to be sooo moisturizing. I think I'll try again after I relax, cause I wanna give these so highly recommended products a "fair chance".
Did you comb out your shed hair prior to wetting your hair? I dunno, but hen I had my hair in braids and didn't comb out the shed hair, i was met with disaster.

I don't have much advice, but what works for one might not work for all. Sorry this happened to you.
Well I combed it a bit with a wide tooth before putting the AO GBP on my dry hair, all the rest of the combing I tried to do in the shower (with my shower comb) while my hair was wet. hmmmmm
So I have picked up quite a few new products based on reading hundreds of glowing reviews. Last night I decided to try my Kenra Moisturizing conditioner and my AO GBP for the first time ever, and I met with DISASTER:ohwell:

I read on the GBP bottle for a deep condition to apply to dry hair, leave on for 15 min and then shampoo and condition as normal. I just took hair out of cornrows and I have about 2-2.5 inches of new growth, which is VERY had for me to manage.
Anyway, put on the GBP and a cap and sorta massaged it around through the cap. Maybe this was a bad idea because when I tried to wash it out hair was a little hard and tangly.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I had read so much about slip with this product, but I got barely any. So i went on to wash with ORS Aloe Shampoo, another new purchase which left my hair hard and tangled even more.:nono::nono: I was seriously panicking and then I washed again with my trusty Elasta Creme Conditioning shampoo and everything eased up a little...thank GOD for that shampoo, it really is the best since old school CON!:spinning:

So hair felt normal after my wash ans I wanted to use the Kenra to DC under my steamer. I decided to add salt (read some threads on this making DC better) and sat under steamer for about 15-20 min. Got out, rinsed and again...simi slip..but nothing amazing. I was so SAD!:nono::nono: My hair was tangled again. So I reached out for my trusty Trader Joe Nourish spa (yeah I got a lot of products in my shower) and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....slip, softness, everything was OK. And this was only after applying, smoothing through and rinsing.

So anyway, I wanna know what when wrong!!??? :nono: Was the salt a bad idea? Did I use too much product? (I used A LOT of conditioner, and sometimes, less really is more). I'm interested to hear others experiences with these products. I don't wanna give up on these products. I know when you have tons of new growth that can skew your product experience a bit. And when I was putting the Kenra on it seemed like it was going to be sooo moisturizing. I think I'll try again after I relax, cause I wanna give these so highly recommended products a "fair chance".

First off, I am sorry you are fustrated. :bighug:

For starters, when trying a new product for the first time, its important not to do too much. You did the GBP fo 15 minutes on dry hair per the deep conditioning instructions but how were you sure you even needed all of that. When trying a new product, for the first time, try using it the most simple way first to see how your hair reacts.

Then you shampooed with another new product, the ORS aloe, which is a deep cleansing shampoo. You didn't need all of that.

Then you washed again with another shampoo but at this point, you already cleaned your hair.

Also, you said you just took your hair out of long were they in? You probably should have shampooed your hair to remove any possible buildup from the braids.

Then you used Kenra and added salt but until you try a product the regular way, you might not want to start adding new things too it, especially if you are not satisified with how your hair was feeling after the shampoo session. I really thing you are trying too many things at once which makes it hard to know exactly where your problem is. It could be a product but I have a feeling that in this case, it is more of an application issue.
I don't know anything about any of the products you used, I'm a newbie :grin:, but I did notice some adjectives you used about products you currently own. You called Elasta Creme Shampoo "trusty" and your Traders Joe Spa the same thing. Using the term trusty leads me to believe that you have had success with these items. IMO if you find something that works great for you then you shouldn't change it until it no longer works. You'll probably save a lot of money and frustration in the long run. That's what I intend to do once I find something that works for me...stick with it!
I am sorry that this happened to your hair.

The Aubrey Organics line does NOT agree with my hair either :nono:.
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Gym gave some excellent ideas.

Me personally, I don't like the GPB used in that pre-poo on dry hair manner, and it messes up whatever I do afterwards too. So consider that.

Also, w/ 2.5 inches of newgrowth you really have to work to get good results w/ just about anything.

And clarifying always helps products to perform better. :)
sorry this happened to you! i know how it is when everyone raves about something and you are let down...everyone raves about shea butter but my hair hates it. do you normally DC on dry hair? perhaps it was a detangling issue like someone else suggested...and i would only use one of those at a time with your staples to see if they really work for you or what not. for instance, use the new shampoo and follow up with trader joe's...or use the elasta qp shampoo and then follow up with kenra! HTH!
Kenra MC is known for not having good slip.. I still like it but I wouldnt use it when I have that much new growth
First off, I am sorry you are fustrated. :bighug:

For starters, when trying a new product for the first time, its important not to do too much. You did the GBP fo 15 minutes on dry hair per the deep conditioning instructions but how were you sure you even needed all of that. When trying a new product, for the first time, try using it the most simple way first to see how your hair reacts.

Then you shampooed with another new product, the ORS aloe, which is a deep cleansing shampoo. You didn't need all of that.

Then you washed again with another shampoo but at this point, you already cleaned your hair.

Also, you said you just took your hair out of long were they in? You probably should have shampooed your hair to remove any possible buildup from the braids.

Then you used Kenra and added salt but until you try a product the regular way, you might not want to start adding new things too it, especially if you are not satisified with how your hair was feeling after the shampoo session. I really thing you are trying too many things at once which makes it hard to know exactly where your problem is. It could be a product but I have a feeling that in this case, it is more of an application issue.

I think you're definitely right! I got ALL these new products and went a little gung-ho trying to use them all in one night. I was in conrows for 2 weeks and I had been using megatek and oils on my scalp, so I probably should have washed first. I think I do need to just slow down, use one thing at a time, and use them alone when trying to see if they work for me. Thanx for advice :grin:

I don't know anything about any of the products you used, I'm a newbie :grin:, but I did notice some adjectives you used about products you currently own. You called Elasta Creme Shampoo "trusty" and your Traders Joe Spa the same thing. Using the term trusty leads me to believe that you have had success with these items. IMO if you find something that works great for you then you shouldn't change it until it no longer works. You'll probably save a lot of money and frustration in the long run. That's what I intend to do once I find something that works for me...stick with it!

Lmao! Your right..sigh...these products do work for me so why look elsewhere, I dunno why I did. But, seeing as they are so cheap, 3.99 for shampoo and I think around 3 or 4 dollars for the Trader Joes, I keep thinking if I spend even more money I'll find an EVEN better product! However, I'm learning quickly some of the cheapest stuff is really great..and I guess I'll be richer in the long run :yep:
I am sorry for this happened to your hair.

Me personally, I don't like the GPB used in that pre-poo on dry hair manner, and it messes up whatever I do afterwards too. So consider that.

I will consider this! May just try on wet hair sometime after I relax. And I agree, I think the new growth was a REAL problem. Think I gotta push up my relaxer date!

sorry this happened to you! i know how it is when everyone raves about something and you are let down...everyone raves about shea butter but my hair hates it. do you normally DC on dry hair? perhaps it was a detangling issue like someone else suggested...and i would only use one of those at a time with your staples to see if they really work for you or what not. for instance, use the new shampoo and follow up with trader joe's...or use the elasta qp shampoo and then follow up with kenra! HTH!

I think this is a good idea, I'm gonna slow down and try things out one at a time :yep:

Kenra MC is known for not having good slip.. I still like it but I wouldnt use it when I have that much new growth

REALLY! Wish I had known. What do you like it for? Do you add anything to it, or is it just better on your hair with less new growth?
I am sorry about your hair drama.

I can't remember who said this but when I first joined LHCF someone gave some great advice. They suggested that when trying new products to only try one new product at a time along with your regular routine. That way if something works really well you will be able to immediately pinpoint which product was responsible for it (because you have only used one new thing so that must be the product responsible for it). Also by only using one new product at a time, if it is a bad product, at least it is just one bad product on your hair and not 3 or 4 bad products that would just add to an already bad situation.

BTW...neither AO GPB nor Kenra worked for me either!
I'm sorry this happened to you, I know it's frustrating that this occurred when you thought you were doing something great for your hair.

ITA with Gym, you were using to many new products. It's best to try one product at a time to know whether it is really working for you.

Also, keep a journal of what you use on your hair and the outcome. It's so helpful to be able to go back and see what products work best for your hair.

By the way, the AO GBP, Kenra MC and the ORS Aloe Shampoo did not work for my hair. :nono:
I too am learning that less is sometimes more! With purchasing all the products people recommend and trying them out. I know just how you feel when you purchase things everyone RAVED about and you want to see for yourself just what it can do and you want to try everything at once.

Ive never used AO, but I do love the Kenra moisturizing shampoo and the conditioner is on its way in the mail lol.
i just tried AO GBP and I love it. I applied on dry hair and sat under a heated conditioning cap for 1 hr. Great results! My hair was so soft while rinsing, I didn't even need to use another conditioner. I also tried AO HSR and the Jojoba and Aloe one but they don't work as well for me. Also Kenra doesn't work as well for me.

Everyone else gave really good advice. I wear conrows for 8 weeks at a time and what has help is the thorough removal of shed hair followed by ors aloe conditioner to remove build up. After this I apply my deep conditioner. This has always worked.
REALLY! Wish I had known. What do you like it for? Do you add anything to it, or is it just better on your hair with less new growth?

Yea girl. Are you stretching the relaxer or transitioning? I like the Kenra MC on my relaxed hair. I put some in and a showercap w my (dry) towel. I usually do a workout or just leave it in while I study. Like and hour later, your hair should be soft and "elastic". But again, it doesnt provide for much slip.

Um, I really would recommend you use it when you have that much new growth- I use like, silicone mix or like humectin because you can't be detangling all that!!

I never add anything to it because it's really really heavy.. It doesnt make sense to me to.

ETA: I think you should try the Aubrey's GPB again. I like it becasue it cuts a lot of time out of the washing process. I put it on dry hair then wash and moisturize. But if you're gonna do that, try a slippier condish like HSR. i like Aubreys- it doesnt make me swoon, but it does it's job and never fails..
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Lava, since you are still finding what your hair likes, keep a journal of what you do every wash day, that way you can track what products are working and what doesn't.

Nevermind...I see Jetblackhair already got that covered :yep:
always stick to what you know has worked for you in the past. :sad:sometimes that salt method doesn't work for every conditoner, it works better in certain conditoners.
always stick to what you know has worked for you in the past. :sad:sometimes that salt method doesn't work for every conditoner, it works better in certain conditoners.

Which are the best conditioners to use with salt that you've found?
always stick to what you know has worked for you in the past. :sad:sometimes that salt method doesn't work for every conditoner, it works better in certain conditoners.

Which are the best conditioners to use with salt that you've found? And how much salt is usually used? I may have gone wrong there too.:ohwell:
gpb is protein so that could be why there was an issue. then you followed up with cream aloe witch is a clarifying shampoo, not a good idea if your hair is already tangly. the kenra mc didnt work for me either so i have nothing to say on that one.
Sorry OP you're having a tough time :(

The ladies are giving some really great suggestions including trying too much at once.

I did want to chime in that Aubrey conditioners DO NOT and WILL NOT provide slip, they weren't designed to provide slipperiness like traditional detangling conditioners do, especially for our kind of hair.

They will soften and provide moisture/protein to the hair but no slip. That's not to say that some ladies do get good slip but it's not par for the course with Aubrey's.

I've never used it to help me get a comb through my natural nappness. :nono: I detangle hair in very small sections, with fingers first followed by a wide toothed comb and never, EVER wash or condition my hair while it's totally loose, only in 4-6 sections and oh yeah, lots of patience.
I too am learning that less is sometimes more! With purchasing all the products people recommend and trying them out. I know just how you feel when you purchase things everyone RAVED about and you want to see for yourself just what it can do and you want to try everything at once.

Ive never used AO, but I do love the Kenra moisturizing shampoo and the conditioner is on its way in the mail lol.

Yup, this is me! I was just doing TOO much at one

Yea girl. Are you stretching the relaxer or transitioning? I like the Kenra MC on my relaxed hair. I put some in and a showercap w my (dry) towel. I usually do a workout or just leave it in while I study. Like and hour later, your hair should be soft and "elastic". But again, it doesnt provide for much slip.

Um, I really would recommend you use it when you have that much new growth- I use like, silicone mix or like humectin because you can't be detangling all that!!

I never add anything to it because it's really really heavy.. It doesnt make sense to me to.

ETA: I think you should try the Aubrey's GPB again. I like it becasue it cuts a lot of time out of the washing process. I put it on dry hair then wash and moisturize. But if you're gonna do that, try a slippier condish like HSR. i like Aubreys- it doesnt make me swoon, but it does it's job and never fails..

I was accidentally stretching, wish I could have permed earlier but my schedule just got hectic. Anyway, now I know stretching on purpose is not for me. :nono: I will try GPB again, but I think I want to try it just for a few minutes on wet hair first, and see if I like it that way. THanx for your advice! :grin: