Product Build Up In My Shower Drain...kinda long


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies I thought I would share a tidbit about my drain. When we take showers or anytime we turned the water on it would cause this horrific smell. Almost like rotten eggs or sewage. We have been dealing w/ this for months. I can't recall when I first noticed it, but it would come and go. Some days were worse than others. As longs as we didn't turn the water on no smell.

Anyway I have been researching and asking any and everybody what could be the problem. OH mind you my house is only 5 years old. Long story short I believe the culprit was PRODUCT BUILDUP, from Henna, and conditioners.

Last night I bought about 10 boxes of baking soda, few jugs of vinegar, Lime Away, Bleach, etc because I knew I had to go to work on this.

Once I removed the drain strainer there was so much dark GUNK. So I poured the baking soda and vinegar and it foamed really good. Then I took a big stick and while the concoction was soaking and moved it around to try to clean the walls of the drain. After I let this set for a while, I took a few pots of boiling water and poured it down the drain.

The GUNK was loosening, so I know I had to do this again. I pulled some of the hardened gunk (which is now white) out and it was hair mixed in w/ it (just from washing our hair in the shower). So I did this all night so many times. Finally all of what I can see around the walls of the pipe is debris and product free. However I still think I need to do this for awhile because when I put my stick in the drain it stops on something really hard. I know Henna molds so I know that could be the culprit.

After all this was done I took a shower and no smell of course. So thank goodness! I was bout ready to file a claim w/ my insurance, thinking I had mold in my walls or something. Heck I didn't know what to think but all I knew is the smell was making me nauseous.

Sorry so long but I had to share in case any of you has had this problem.
You might need to get one of those snakes that plumbers use to unblock drains just in case any residue is still left further down.

BTW, congrats on your weight loss. You look fabulous!
You might need to get one of those snakes that plumbers use to unblock drains just in case any residue is still left further down.

BTW, congrats on your weight loss. You look fabulous!

I tried looking for snake at Walmart, didn't see one. It may be something I have to rent or get from a real hardware store I guess. But yea I plan to try that too, thanks.

:) thats not my story but yes this woman does look fabulous.
I had a similar problem this week. It was taking longer than usual for the shower water to train so I was going to buy some of that plughole unblocker that you just pour down the drain to dissolve the gunk.

As I was cleaning the shower, I saw some hair trapped in the drain but when I tried to take it out it was stuck. So I took out that white cylinder just inside the drain and the hair I pulled out was the size of A RAT! No joke. The smell was AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL...just what you described. I think it was the hair PLUS product build up. I'm pretty sure without the hair the product wouldn't have a chance to build up like that. I literally gagged, it was disgusting! I'm off to buy a hair catcher for the shower today and hope that will help in future.

Had I not discovered the problem this week I have no doubt it'd have gotten as bad as yours.
I had a similar problem this week. It was taking longer than usual for the shower water to train so I was going to buy some of that plughole unblocker that you just pour down the drain to dissolve the gunk.

As I was cleaning the shower, I saw some hair trapped in the drain but when I tried to take it out it was stuck. So I took out that white cylinder just inside the drain and the hair I pulled out was the size of A RAT! No joke. The smell was AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL...just what you described. I think it was the hair PLUS product build up. I'm pretty sure without the hair the product wouldn't have a chance to build up like that. I literally gagged, it was disgusting! I'm off to buy a hair catcher for the shower today and hope that will help in future.

Had I not discovered the problem this week I have no doubt it'd have gotten as bad as yours.

:lachen::lachen:Ok that Thanks button got me...dangit

Anyways I love google.....loves it, it has helped us fix a many of things around our house w/ out the expensive fees. I was so proud of myself. Anytime I have a screwdriver in my hand I feel powerful:lachen:All I did was remove the two screws from the drain catcher.

Yea from now on when I do henna application or as a maintenance I am cleaning my drains w/ this.

Glad you found yours quick. :yep:
I will be working on this. DH is furious about the buildup.

Lowes and Home Depot sell the strongest de cloggers out there..... I will be picking up this weekend...

thanks for sharing....
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my hair isn't super long but I was thinking about that yesterday...I am going to invest in one of these and clean out my drain...

I have a suggestion for you. Get a "zipit" It's this long plastic wand with barbs on it. You stick it down the drain and pull it up. It grabs all the hair so you can pull it out. They cost about 2 bucks at any supply store (i got mine at home depot). They work great and you won't have to put chemicals down the drain. I was amazed at what I pulled out of my bathtub drain! It was sick! Anyway, google it and give it a try. Trust me!
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Thanks for sharing! I noticed my shower drain isn't draining as it normally should, I have not noticed any weird smells but I am not going to wait around for that. I'll sort it out asap.

I can't believe the 'thanks' button is still MIA.
I need to invest in a hair catcher for the shower.

I have been using a hair catcher for years. I refuse to get my shower drains clogged.

my hair isn't super long but I was thinking about that yesterday...I am going to invest in one of these and clean out my drain...


I have a suggestion for you. Get a "zipit" It's this long plastic want with barbs on it. You stick it down the drain and pull it up. It grabs all the hair so you can pull it out. They cost about 2 bucks at any supply store (i got mine at home depot). They work great and you won't have to put chemicals down the drain. I was amazed at what I pulled out of my bathtub drain! It was sick! Anyway, google it and give it a try. Trust me!

I purchased the best hair catcher from Bed Bath & Beyond called the Hairstopper. It works better than any I've tried.

I have to try this Zipit! Off to Home Depot today or tomorrow.
Ladies, be careful of using those strong drain cleaners from Home Depot. I used them for years and never had a problem until....... recently I used it one too many times and it ate a hole through my tub drain and it leaked through my ceiling :perplexed' It's my stupid fault though because I was using the strongest thing possible, Muriatic acid :nono:

I had to get that drain pipe replaced. I told my plumber what I used to clear the drain and he said the next time just use plain old Dawn dish detergent and then plunger it. Yes, Dawn dish detergent!!

I am cringing thinking of all this coconut oil I've been using lately and how oil is bad for drains, especially if you don't run hot water down with it. You notice how the oil gets solid in your jar if it's cool so imagine if it's in your drain!!

I'll be keeping Dawn near the tub from now on!! :yep:
Home Depot sells a drain/sewer product - I can't remember the name but it comes in a white gallon jug and cost about $22- this stuff WORKS!
Ladies, be careful of using those strong drain cleaners from Home Depot. I used them for years and never had a problem until....... recently I used it one too many times and it ate a hole through my tub drain and it leaked through my ceiling :perplexed' It's my stupid fault though because I was using the strongest thing possible, Muriatic acid :nono:

I had to get that drain pipe replaced. I told my plumber what I used to clear the drain and he said the next time just use plain old Dawn dish detergent and then plunger it. Yes, Dawn dish detergent!!

I am cringing thinking of all this coconut oil I've been using lately and how oil is bad for drains, especially if you don't run hot water down with it. You notice how the oil gets solid in your jar if it's cool so imagine if it's in your drain!!

I'll be keeping Dawn near the tub from now on!! :yep:

Yea I am leery about chemicals. The fumes give me a headache. Now that you mention the oil, it could have attributed as well. I think once a month I will do the natural baking soda and vinegar remedy. I felt like I was a chemist when I seen the foam:lachen:
Yea I am leery about chemicals. The fumes give me a headache. Now that you mention the oil, it could have attributed as well. I think once a month I will do the natural baking soda and vinegar remedy. I felt like I was a chemist when I seen the foam:lachen:
This is definitely much better than chemicals. It's what I've been doing forever.

I have a suggestion for you. Get a "zipit" It's this long plastic wand with barbs on it. You stick it down the drain and pull it up. It grabs all the hair so you can pull it out. They cost about 2 bucks at any supply store (i got mine at home depot). They work great and you won't have to put chemicals down the drain. I was amazed at what I pulled out of my bathtub drain! It was sick! Anyway, google it and give it a try. Trust me!

Yes; these really work! I buy them at Walmart.
I periodically pour bleach down the drain. I let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then let I pour scalding hot water down the drain. After that, I turn the hot water on and let it run for half an hour. This keeps the drain clear. Bleach will dissolve EVERYTHING in the drain, but it won't hurt your pipes. Since I started doing this, I never have problems with clogs or odors.

I got this tip from my mom years ago. She's a very smart woman!
Girl, I think the ladies who wash their hair in the shower have all experienced this!!! Last year, my tub drain was so clogged with that dark murky gunk that you talked about for months before I finally figured out it was the henna that was not flushing down the drain, but getting stuck in the drain when I rinsed it out. It was a full day's work with a plunger, drain cleaner and a bent clothes hanger for pulling out the debris!!! I don't know why I would even think that henna would flow right into and out of the drain!:ohwell: I now rinse off my henna in the basement laundry tub, then finish upstairs in the shower. This has helped some. I like what you did, and will definitely try the Dawn detergent and the plunger next time!! Thanks for the tip!! I sure don't wanna give up my henna because of clogged drains!!!:nono: Love that stuff!!!!!!!!!