Question Problems With Intrusive Keyword Ads On The Forum Help?


Well-Known Member
Hi Admins,
I'm having trouble reading and posting because this new ad banner that follows me as I scroll keeps popping up. I have ad blocker on and opted out of most ads, but it still pops up. It's a big blue obnoxious banner that covers the width of the screen and follows as I scroll, I'm trying to find a way to opt out or turn it off but it keeps coming back, it wasn't here 2 days ago it's new for me. I can exit it out but it comes back when a new screen loads, it's very big and annoying.
Help? Thanks.
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Thanks for this thread. This ad is so annoying! I've hit it 5 times today by accident!

I don't mind the smaller ads to the side or at very top or bottom of the page but they don't move, this one literally interferes with my viewing and writing on posts. Ugh!

This is awful and annoying. I understand I understand the benefit of ad revenue for the admins, however, is there anyway to make this convenient and less distracting for your paid subscribers?
I'm getting the same annoying adds. Agreeing with all posters above. Will anything be done? Anyone listening?