Privacy: Girl Talk on the Phone (without SO/DH Listening)


Well-Known Member
Do you ladies who are in long-term relationships have your own or another phone in the bedroom, where you can speak privately if you want. Or, do you have to speak openly in front of your SO/DH.

I am so accustomed to being able to go into a bedroom with a phone to speak. Where I am overseas sometimes and even at my host parents’ house in Sweden, there is just a central phone in most people’s house. My first thought was, “What do these women do when they really want to talk.”

How do you have your private “Girl Talk” conversations?
We have cordless phones.

I usually retreat to the bedroom, or an empty room, depending on who I'm talking to.

If husband (or child) comes in I calmly say, do you mind, and they exit.
He usually gets away from me when I am on the phone because he says I "cackle like a hyena". For the girl talk I usually do that when he is not home or simply go upstairs.
I have a cellphone. If I want privacy, I go to another room. I can't remember the last time I felt the need to, though. *shrug*
It helps if you speak multiple languages that your DH does not.... and it helps if your GFs speak the same ones.

This can backfire though. Many years ago, when I was with a different man, I was speaking to a friend on the phone in French, and even though I wasn't saying anything special, my man looked like he was ready to fight. :sad:
I go to the bedroom or the den. Don't people have like 4-5 phones in there house anyway?

No :nono:.

But when I was little growing up, we had maybe 2 -3 phones in the house: kitchen, parents bedroom and basement/den.

We have cordless phones.

I usually retreat to the bedroom, or an empty room, depending on who I'm talking to.

If husband (or child) comes in I calmly say, do you mind, and they exit.[/COLOR]

Hej hej :wave: That works. I don't like nosey people over me when I am talking, if it's "girl talk." Sometimes I just wait until I am alone too.
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I wait until he leaves... but that's only if the person on the phone requests it.
I tend to be a speaker phone user, and I'm very clear.
Even if I'm not, Dh has little wiggling ears.
My SO automatically gives me privacy when I talk on the phone with one of my girls. He understands the need for me to connect with my friends privately, just like when he is around his friends and I excuse myself.