Pressure to get my ends clipped


New Member
Well my cousin keeps pressuring me to get my ends clipped by a professional and I tell her that I do a pretty good trim myself and I don't want some scissor happy stylist to cut my hair all off. My question is do u ladies get this too? I am very generous when I trim my hair, so I don't see the need in a stylist...
Well, My eyesight isn't the best. Typically I drop by the local haircuttery for a trim. It's cheap and quick (depending on what day/time you go).
I also like a professional trim every 3-4 months... I dust the ends myself in between if (and only IF
) I feel they need it...

I have a stylist who I can trust to only take 1/4" off. I wouldn't dare go to just anyone...
You should do what ever make you the most comfortable. I'm a little leary of people that try to "pressure" me to do things. Could your cousin be a little jealous or something?
Btw, your hair photos looked great in your photo album!

Don't do it unless YOU want to. Otherwise, no matter how good a job the stylist does, you will be unhappy. Hey, it's your hair. Don't ever be pressured into changing something you are working so hard for.
Well my cousin keeps pressuring me to get my ends clipped by a professional and I tell her that I do a pretty good trim myself and I don't want some scissor happy stylist to cut my hair all off. My question is do u ladies get this too? I am very generous when I trim my hair, so I don't see the need in a stylist...

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No, i'm never pressured by family to trim my ends, etc. Probably cuz everyone in my family values my hair knowledge... not to mention that I am their stylist

U know your hair better than anyone else... stylists may have a "technical" advantage, however, u know the day to day dealings of your hair....don't let anyone pressure u with it. It's ok for someone to offer their suggestion... but when they begin to "pressure", that's a whole different thing. U want to believe that people r genuinely just trying to help, but sometimes they could have a hidden agenda... Just be careful....
I'm surprised this is the first time I've ever looked at your pics.......sure your cuz ain't hatin? Like Peachtree said, she may have a hidden agenda-which could be to see you lose some length from a "trim". Your hair is beautiful! And girl, your ends look great from your 2/03 pic. Are those highlights I see in your hair? How long have you had them?
Noooo..Maybe I am not the person who should be advising you, because i have had the worst experiences with scissor happy stylist. My hair literally stayed the same length for years because my stylist would cut 1.5 inches every perm (every 3 months) so i would lose the hair that i grew..Soon as i started self-trimming my growth shot off. If you are doing a good job yourself (and i seen your pics..your ends look great) keep on doing it yourself.
I say don't do it. If you are doing a good job yourself, then keep doing your own good job. I just don't think it's worth the risk. The person could do a good job, but if they don't then what? All of your hard work and effort down the drain and that will be heart breaking.

NOPE! I agree with some of the others. Cousin could be a little envious. Do you sense that at all?
Yes, I do sense a hidden agenda because she said stuff like they will have to cut it up to my neck because I have been doing them myself for so long. I also noticed that lately she says she dosen't want her hair to grow anymore because it is long enough(its about 2 or 3 inches from brastrap) now mind you she has been trying to grow long hair since 91 and now that my hair is creeping down a little she dosen't like long hair. I don't get it because when I had shoulder length hair she would say it looked healthy and I did a good job on my trim...
Sounds like typical jealousy to me. Don't listen to her.

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I agree. Please don't listen to her.
So Allandra, even though my hair is not what I consider long. People will act this way???? I would think once I got midback this would occur.
Girl, when people see that your hair is growing, there are those who get jealous, and this girl obviously knows where to get to you, so she chose to pick on you about your trimming. I have a friend who is like that. She sees that my hair is growing (and she is constantly telling me that it is), but once she finds an opportunity to pick, she'll say something that she knows will hurt my feelings, because she knows I am sensitive when it comes to my hair. This girl obviously knows your weak spot.

Only you know your hair. And what's sad about this story, is that unfortunately, there are hairdressers out there who are the exact same way!
My hair is 2-3 inches longer than the back, I feel pressured to even it out, but I don't want to regret it later.

I want the back to get 3 more inches before I do.

I gotta agree. I have TONS of "friends" and "family" that have "helpful" advice for me. They made relentless fun of me when I was fat, now that I'm losing weight they swear I look gaunt. One of my cousin's told me I look "drab" with long hair - that I am much more "youthful" and "exciting" looking with short hair. She's been trying to grow hers unsuccessfully for years now and has always been pissed that I could cut mine and it would grow back relatively quickly. I have "friends" who think I'm too ambitious, who say that I'm to short, that I don't look good in my favorite jeans, who think my new apartment is too small...

People will always try to tear you down. Do what works for YOU. Your hair is beautiful and you should continue to do that which works for YOU.

Never alter your life in any way - even the smallest ones - for people who have negative agendas...
Well my mom says all our fingers are not even and she does not see what the big deal is with "even" hair especially with hair that looks as great as yours!!!
Man oh man! Haters are all throughout your life and then some! Why can't people simply leave well enough alone?

And to King. I agree with the other ladies. HATER! Your cousin is mad for the same reasons my cousins think I wear a weave. It's simply uncomPREHENSIble that someone other than themselves in the family can have long hair.

Don't give in. Keep doing what you're doing as long as it works for YOU!
Everyone is right Kking7777, According to you photos, your hair look very beautiful and healthy, your ends are healthy and neat, you really don't need a professional cliping. Grow your hair long, achieve your goal.
So Allandra, even though my hair is not what I consider long. People will act this way???? I would think once I got midback this would occur.

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Oh yes they will! Sometimes the fact that you're making visible progress is too much for some people to handle.
Sometimes hair growth among black women is a powerful thing and it can really bring out the envious side of people!

KKing, whatever you are doing is working. I was expecting to see see-through ends in your album.
Your ends look fine so keep trimming them yourself.
Girl your hair is are doing a great job! I would keep on trimming myself and pay her no mind. I need a trim myself and I've decided to do it myself. I have a friend I trust do the the back for me.