Pressure to get married to your current SO


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily pressure, but little comments here and there that are becoming more frequent....

Anyone experience this? Do you tell the people to stop?

For instance, my SO's mom will sometimes refer to me as her DIL in front of some people. Also, when we went to visit his granddad in his nursing home, his grandad kept introducing us saying "come meet my grandson and his fiance".

My dad and stepmom came to town with their family this weekend and they were asking us when's the date and asked SO if he'll have a date the next time we see them.

Even though we've talked about getting married, I guess I feel a little funny about everybody jumping the gun. I mean, he haven't even proposed yet!! :wallbash: I would rather be officially engaged before even thinking about setting any date or regarding myself as fiance and all that.
Not with this SO but with my previous one. We were together five years (biggest mistake in my life staying) He was desperate to get married (7 years older than me) but I felt it wasn't me he didn't care he'd marry anyone. I never wanted to marry him anyway but other people were saying go ahead and do it I guess because he really wanted to.