Pressing once a week


New Member
I know one of the LHCF codes is "the less heat the better" but if I were to press my hair, using only the pressing comb and no blowdrying or flatironing, would that be soo bad? I'm just getting your opinions before I make a decision about what to do with my hair. I would wash, use GPB( or affirm 5n1) then deep condition once a week, followed by a press. There would be no heat touchups during the week and I would oil my ends everynight with castor oil. Do you guys think that this would still end up as "one hot mess" after a while?
it depends on your hair. some peoples hair can take more heat than others. maybe you should try to stretch it out to 2wks
I think it depends on your hair, too. I think most of my heat-related stunted growth was more because of the daily use of the plug-in hot curlers. But I never ONLY pressed to find out how my hair would do with just that heat. By then I had just stopped using heat very frequently altogether.

I believe that Leejure said she used to get her hair pressed regularly with no other heat. Maybe if she sees this thread, she can chime in with some personal advice.
I used to press my hair once a week for years until it finally took its toll earlier this year. I didn't know it then but now I think once a week is too frequent. During the week I wouldn't apply any heat to it, but it eventually got thinner and weaker. I wouldn't recommend pressing at all, but that's just my .02.
Natural Rox: All you need to do is stretch out each press.
ic (can't really remember the rest of your LHCF name): I agree that pressing once a week is too often. Find some techniques to make your hair stay straighter. I think your concern is washing every week, and in order to do will have to press every time. I press my hair once every three weeks, and I wash my hair once every three weeks, and I don't really have a problem. Yes, my hair does get dirty, but it's not over bearingly dirty. A little oil can make it look really nice. I would recommend you press your hair every two weeks. You might not see the damage if you start to press your hair every week, but sooner or later it will catch up to you.
I don't press my hair anymore or use any other type of heat for that matter. The years of constant heat damage finally caught up with me I guess - that's why I don't recommend it.
But to each his (or her!) own!