Pressing creme w/ flat iron for newgrowth?


Active Member
Has anyone ever tried using a pressing creme w/ a flat iron or curling iron to straighten newgrowth on relaxed hair? Do u think this would be better/worse than any other product? I've never tried it. This was just a thought that popped into my head. Is this just a dumb idea?
You know what. I think I've tried it. If I remember it was the consistency of vitapoint. It cracked and popped, scared me so bad, I didn't try it again. If I were to do it again, I would wait for it to dry on my hair, I don't I would just apply and go.

Was anyone else a brave soul brave enough to try this?
Thanks skegeesmb. Your experience scares me. I guess I'll keep using what I'm using for my newgrowth--John Frieda, Carol's Daughter, and others. I still haven't found anything that makes me jump for joy when it comes to straightening my newgrowth.
I have done it a few times. I didnt use a pressing creme. I washed, conditioned, applied leave in and then Carols Daughter HHB to my new growth. I flat ironed when my hair was completely dry, so I didnt have any popping. It worked out fine.
thanks pink_flower. I have HHB. It didn't seem to do much for my newgrowth. I'll give it another try but this time I'll try it w/ my NEW ceramic flat iron and see if that makes a difference. Can u tell how happy I am about my new purchase?
I went to Odd Lots of all places and got this WAHL duet ceramic curling iron. Its a 3/4" curling iron that converts to a flat iron. Its really thin...I got it because I thought it would be a good way to get my newgrowth straighter with out having to overlap if I didnt want to. Its only 55 watts but thats more than hot enough for me and it has a heating element in both sides of the barrell/flat iron. It was 12.99. I havent used it yet,but WAHL is known for good quality clippers and stuff. It came with a cd for styling ideas too.
That sounds pretty cool Enchantmt. That would be great if u could blend your newgrowth without having to use anything other than a light heat protectant. Post a review when you to use your combo curling/flat iron.
Hi, I'm new here. I don't know as much as you guys but so far I have gotten some great tips!

My hair is currently 9.5 inches. I wear my hair pinned up a lot. I use, sulfur 8 shampoo for buildup and my recently flaky scalp, then Organic Root Stimulator shampoo.(condition with the Hair mayo every other week) Then I have a concoction I use with sulfur 8 & motions pink moisturizer. When I had my son my hair was about 11-12 inches. I immediately started shedding and breaking. I used to get my touch up every 4-5 weeks, I decided on my own to stretch out the weeks between my touch ups to give my hair a break! I'm up to about 11-12 weeks. Since Feb. I've been taking a warm comb and hitting my roots in-between touchups. I haven't seen any of the shedding or breakage I had been experiencing before. I don't clip or cut my hair at all. It is always in a satin cap. I'm wondering if I'm doing this hair thing right! I was taking prenatal vitamins, calcium supplements and folic acid. I also used to take Ultra Mega Woman(GNC) I'm thinking of starting those again. I dring mainly water. One cup of coffee a day, a juice here and there, but basically water.

I want my hair to hit the middle of my back and be healthy.

PS: I've heard brushing isn't good. Is this true?
onepraying, do u mean u use a straightening comb like the one that goes on the stove or an electric one for your roots? There are mixed reviews for this method on the forum. I've had my roots straightened w/ a marcel straightening comb by a stylist. I didn't like it. It just didn't feel healthy. It came out pretty though. But I think she burned a piece of my hair off. I don't think I'd try it on myself.
Anyway, it sounds to me like you've made positive changes in the direction with your hair. Keep listening to your hair, keep reading the lhcf forum and you'll reach your goal in no time.
lea5 said:
I got the FHI RVI. So far I love it. I've only used it once. I'll write a review in another thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

The FHI is a great iron. I'm really glad u love it.
Hi lea5,

I started out using an electric comb. One of my sisters at church went 16 weeks doing this and got GREAT results. I was skeptical at first. However, the break stopped immediately and helped me stretch to my goal.(13 weeks) However, what I'm learning here is the continual moisture. If I continue to touch my roots with the heat, it's important to keep my hair moist.

This time, I used a comb from the stove. I got good results.