Pressed hair


New Member
Hi I'm new to LHCF and I get my hair pressed and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for pressed hair. I also have noticed that my scalp tends to get a little dry and I was wondering what you all put on your scalps to alleviate the dryness.
hi welcome to LHCF! I used to press my hair a lot. I never really had a problem with dry scalp. I used to put some jojoba oil by Organic Root Stimulator on my scalp and I was good to go. I would use it about every 2 or 3 days. I would wrap my hair every night and tie down with a satin scarf. I found that taking quick showers with cool water not hot becuz i would start to sweat, and drinking water which would make me feel cooler therefore i would not sweat would make my press stay fresher. I would get my hair pressed every 2 weeks. I aso noticed that when I kept my hair in an updo my hair would stay straighter longer than if i was to wear it down everyday. And drinking more water should help with your dry scalp. HTH
Welcome to the forum :wave:

Here's a link with some general information about pressing:

I would also add that if you are trying to grow your hair long, you might want to try to not use TOO much heat in any given week. For example, if you press your hair, don't use hot curlers on it every day.

My hair stayed the same length for years. And I finally realized that although it looked healthy, the excessive heat I was applying to it was causing it to break off and not show any growth progress.
Any of the Essential Oils should help relieve dryness. Usually I use Tee Tree Oil, but really...any of them are fine.