Prepoo & DC....


Instagram: adaybyjay
I DC on dry hair, poo or c/w, then do a quick rinse out conditioner. Would prepooing with oil block (or seal out) the benfits of DC'ing if I prepoo'd with oil first before applying DC?
I dont think prepooing with oil will block out the benefits of the dc. i do something similar to that in my reggi, i do a hot oil treatment before i poo and then i shampoo and dc, (and yes i still shampoo i know alot of naturals are against it but i find it cleanses my hair perfectly for the deep condition!) but it all depends on what type of oil you use in ur prepoo i think, i use tea tree, peppermint, and olive oil in my hot oil mix and it does wonders in my hair! maybe i am wrong for doin prepooing with oil before i dc, but i find it better this way because i dont like having oily hair, and this way i rinse out the oil, but not completely, so the hot oil wont go to waste you know?
I dont think prepooing with oil will block out the benefits of the dc. i do something similar to that in my reggi, i do a hot oil treatment before i poo and then i shampoo and dc, (and yes i still shampoo i know alot of naturals are against it but i find it cleanses my hair perfectly for the deep condition!) but it all depends on what type of oil you use in ur prepoo i think, i use tea tree, peppermint, and olive oil in my hot oil mix and it does wonders in my hair! maybe i am wrong for doin prepooing with oil before i dc, but i find it better this way because i dont like having oily hair, and this way i rinse out the oil, but not completely, so the hot oil wont go to waste you know?
Typically when I've prepoo'd, it's been with evco, evoo or jbco. I've read numerous times that DCing on dry hair is best and truthfully, I like that better because I hate having to jump in/out of the shower. DCing first makes my process so much easier. Thx for the input.